1 00:02:29,692 --> 00:02:34,738 The toccoa men, that's the ones that was there at the very beginning. 2 00:02:34,947 --> 00:02:38,492 They are very close and... 3 00:02:38,701 --> 00:02:42,871 They accept people coming in, like myself as a replacement... 4 00:02:43,080 --> 00:02:45,874 But you also had to prove yourself. 5 00:02:46,083 --> 00:02:50,296 Most of them were... we know were qualified parachutists. They had to be. 6 00:02:50,546 --> 00:02:54,550 A lot of them were awfully green, and we knew that. We just... 7 00:02:54,758 --> 00:02:57,678 We hoped we could keep them alive or they could keep alive. 8 00:02:57,886 --> 00:03:00,389 A lot of them didn't. But... 9 00:03:01,307 --> 00:03:06,103 It was all right, they eventually blend right in. 10 00:03:06,312 --> 00:03:08,981 I think maybe they were trying to... 11 00:03:09,231 --> 00:03:15,279 Impress the older guys, maybe people like me or shifty or... 12 00:03:15,529 --> 00:03:18,741 I don't know why, but I got right there to where... 13 00:03:18,907 --> 00:03:23,370 I didn't wanna be friendly with replacements coming in... 14 00:03:23,537 --> 00:03:26,457 Because, god, I didn't like seeing them get killed. 15 00:03:26,623 --> 00:03:28,709 I just... it just tore me up. 16 00:03:28,876 --> 00:03:31,980 Because we were in awe of them. They were... they were wearing infantry badges... 17 00:03:32,004 --> 00:03:37,301 You know, on their uniform. They had a star on theirjump wings. They... 18 00:03:39,261 --> 00:03:42,514 They were like heroes to us, you know. That's how we looked at them. 19 00:03:42,723 --> 00:03:45,642 And they were good. Furthermore, they were good. 20 00:03:45,893 --> 00:03:49,938 We had good officers, for the most part, but we had excellent ncos. 21 00:03:50,189 --> 00:03:52,191 They looked... they looked after you. 22 00:04:15,964 --> 00:04:20,677 All right, now, lieutenant, nice and easy. We still got a shot. 23 00:04:22,346 --> 00:04:25,265 Tough break. You're having a tough night. People have tough nights. 24 00:04:25,474 --> 00:04:28,185 - Sorry, George. - It's all right. 25 00:04:28,852 --> 00:04:31,230 - Nice shot, sir. - Thank you, bull. 26 00:04:31,480 --> 00:04:34,233 - Thank you, lieutenant. - Heffron, finish me up. 27 00:04:34,441 --> 00:04:35,943 What does he need? What does he need? 28 00:04:36,110 --> 00:04:38,195 - Double seven. - There he goes. 29 00:04:39,113 --> 00:04:40,823 Hey, there it is! 30 00:04:41,365 --> 00:04:44,034 You're embarrassing the lieutenant here. Have a drink. 31 00:04:44,243 --> 00:04:46,161 Don't mind if I do, sarge. 32 00:04:46,328 --> 00:04:49,307 Better start winning money soon. I think your buddies are starting to miss you. 33 00:04:49,331 --> 00:04:51,166 Yeah, they do look kind of sad, dontthey? 34 00:04:51,708 --> 00:04:54,294 They just serious fighting men, that's all. 35 00:04:54,461 --> 00:04:56,964 Well, I think I'm gonna go introduce myself. 36 00:04:57,172 --> 00:05:00,801 Be careful what you say, now. It don't take much to set my guys off. 37 00:05:01,009 --> 00:05:03,679 Yeah, you got some wild-eyed killers right there, bull. 38 00:05:03,887 --> 00:05:05,490 You know, it's a good thing we weren't gambling. 39 00:05:05,514 --> 00:05:06,908 Oh, boy, we would've gotten killed. 40 00:05:06,932 --> 00:05:08,142 - You wanna bet? - What? 41 00:05:08,308 --> 00:05:09,869 - You wanna bet? - Yeah, a pack of smokes. 42 00:05:09,893 --> 00:05:11,996 - Come on, we'll have another game. - I don't know much about gambling. 43 00:05:12,020 --> 00:05:13,164 - Pack of smokes. - Hey, come on. 44 00:05:13,188 --> 00:05:15,941 - First one to hit the bull's-eye? - Yeah, okay, one shot. One shot. 45 00:05:16,108 --> 00:05:17,192 - Yeah, why not? - Yeah? 46 00:05:17,359 --> 00:05:18,485 - Make it two. - Two packs. 47 00:05:18,694 --> 00:05:20,004 - Two packs each. - All right, two packs. 48 00:05:20,028 --> 00:05:22,406 Here we go, here we go. One shot. Here we go, Georgie. 49 00:05:22,573 --> 00:05:26,076 Hey, fellas. What do you hear? What do you say? 50 00:05:26,326 --> 00:05:28,537 Actually, that's babe's seat. Private heffron's. 51 00:05:28,704 --> 00:05:32,124 Is that right? I don't care if it's fucking eisenhower's. 52 00:05:37,045 --> 00:05:40,966 - Who are you? - Private Miller. James Miller. 53 00:05:41,175 --> 00:05:44,803 - I'm in sergeant randleman's squad. - Us too. I'm les hashey. 54 00:05:45,053 --> 00:05:47,222 - Tony... - Garcia. I know who you are. 55 00:05:47,431 --> 00:05:50,350 Old gonorrhea don't miss nothing. 56 00:05:50,893 --> 00:05:54,104 Lieutenant, are you gonna shoot lefty all night? 57 00:05:54,313 --> 00:05:56,374 - Hey, come on. - I'm just curious because he's right-handed. 58 00:05:56,398 --> 00:06:00,277 George. What would I do without George Luz? 59 00:06:02,029 --> 00:06:04,281 - Goodness gracious! - Two packs, gentlemen. 60 00:06:04,448 --> 00:06:05,741 I know you got them. Pay up. 61 00:06:05,949 --> 00:06:10,579 - So heffron tell you about Doris yet? - No. 62 00:06:11,830 --> 00:06:14,958 Well, then I'm gonna educate you. 63 00:06:15,167 --> 00:06:18,712 We're getting ready to get on the plane for that first frog town we neverjumped into. 64 00:06:18,921 --> 00:06:21,256 All of a sudden, heffron stops dead in his tracks. 65 00:06:21,507 --> 00:06:24,387 Bing and bang and boom, everybody banging into each other and everything. 66 00:06:24,593 --> 00:06:28,514 Heffron's just staring up at the nose of the plane because on it... 67 00:06:28,722 --> 00:06:33,644 Is painted this beautiful pinup. And written underneath, "darling Doris." 68 00:06:33,852 --> 00:06:38,565 Doris just happens to be the name of the skirt who just that day... 69 00:06:38,815 --> 00:06:42,277 Sent babe one of them letters. You know the...? The... 70 00:06:42,486 --> 00:06:45,405 Web, what do you call them letters that the broads send? 71 00:06:45,614 --> 00:06:49,076 - Dear John letter. - That's it. A "dear babe" letter. 72 00:06:49,826 --> 00:06:53,705 Well, anyway, lucky for babe, patton overruns our drop zone. 73 00:06:53,914 --> 00:06:59,628 Mission canceled. In other words, babe don't have to risk getting inside old Doris again. 74 00:07:02,005 --> 00:07:04,132 Hey, bum your squad listens up real good. 75 00:07:04,341 --> 00:07:08,303 Yeah, they're being polite, like whenever bull opens his mouth. 76 00:07:09,471 --> 00:07:11,658 Johnny, what are you saying? Bull's boys are just humoring him? 77 00:07:11,682 --> 00:07:16,311 Yeah, like whenever he gives out some of his folksy wisdom from back down on the farm. 78 00:07:16,520 --> 00:07:20,649 You probably think he's a fucking hayseed. Ain't that right? 79 00:07:21,650 --> 00:07:23,694 What are you laughing at? 80 00:07:32,286 --> 00:07:37,457 You new boys, you pay attention to sergeant randleman. Got that? 81 00:07:37,666 --> 00:07:40,460 That's the smartest man in the company. 82 00:07:47,718 --> 00:07:49,303 Hey, mack. 83 00:07:50,220 --> 00:07:52,014 Where'd you get that? 84 00:07:52,222 --> 00:07:56,685 It's the presidential distinguished unit citation. For... 85 00:07:56,852 --> 00:08:01,940 - For what the regiment did in normandy. - That's right. For what the regiment did. 86 00:08:02,149 --> 00:08:04,526 - You weren't there. - Hey, hey. 87 00:08:04,693 --> 00:08:08,947 Ease up, Cobb. It's a unit citation. 88 00:08:46,109 --> 00:08:50,697 Shit, Cobb. You didn't fight in normandy, neither. 89 00:08:55,327 --> 00:08:59,706 I got hit in the plane before I got a chance to jump. 90 00:09:00,040 --> 00:09:05,504 Hey, y'all! Listen up! I got us an announcement to make. 91 00:09:06,546 --> 00:09:10,342 - This here is cannood lipton. - He's already married, smokey. 92 00:09:11,093 --> 00:09:16,181 This here is cannood lipton, the new easy company first sergeant! 93 00:09:18,225 --> 00:09:23,897 As... as befitting his position, he says he has to make an announcement. 94 00:09:25,148 --> 00:09:31,613 Well, I hate to break the mood here, boys, but we're moving out again. 95 00:09:52,884 --> 00:09:55,053 As you can see... 96 00:09:55,804 --> 00:09:58,640 This is called operation market garden. 97 00:09:58,849 --> 00:10:02,811 And in terms of airborne divisions involved, this one's even bigger than normandy. 98 00:10:03,019 --> 00:10:05,981 We're dropping deep into occupied Holland. 99 00:10:06,189 --> 00:10:11,445 The allied objective is to take this road here between eindhoven and arnhem... 100 00:10:11,653 --> 00:10:15,365 So the two British armored divisions can move up it toward arnhem. 101 00:10:15,574 --> 00:10:19,161 Our job is gonna be to liberate eindhoven... 102 00:10:19,578 --> 00:10:23,331 Stay there, wait for the tanks. 103 00:10:25,792 --> 00:10:28,003 The entire European advance has been put on hold... 104 00:10:28,170 --> 00:10:31,339 To allocate resources for this operation. 105 00:10:31,548 --> 00:10:34,342 It's Montgomery's personal plan, we'll be under British command. 106 00:10:34,509 --> 00:10:35,510 Yippee. 107 00:10:35,677 --> 00:10:40,557 The good news is, if this works, these tanks will be over the rhine and into Germany. 108 00:10:40,766 --> 00:10:44,519 That could end the war, get us home by Christmas. 109 00:10:44,895 --> 00:10:47,773 It'll be a daytime jump. Intelligence doesn't expect much opposition. 110 00:10:48,023 --> 00:10:52,235 They think the krauts in Holland are mostly kids and old men. 111 00:10:52,444 --> 00:10:54,279 And we should take them by surprise. 112 00:10:54,529 --> 00:10:59,409 In any case, say goodbye to england. I don't think they're gonna call this one off. 113 00:11:22,015 --> 00:11:25,477 - What are you doing? - Look at Cobb, man. 114 00:11:26,812 --> 00:11:31,942 Watch and learn, kids. You wanna live, jump ready to fight. 115 00:11:32,108 --> 00:11:35,028 Someone help me with this belly strap, will you? 116 00:11:44,496 --> 00:11:46,248 Move it! 117 00:12:36,089 --> 00:12:39,467 - No! Come on. - Yes, sir. 118 00:12:40,135 --> 00:12:43,471 They let you out of the hospital like that, boy? 119 00:12:44,222 --> 00:12:47,142 They didn't let me out. I busted out. 120 00:12:47,392 --> 00:12:49,477 I didn't wanna get reassigned to some other unit. 121 00:12:49,644 --> 00:12:51,313 Yeah? Can you make the jump? 122 00:12:51,479 --> 00:12:55,567 Oh, sure I can, lip. I just can't sit. 123 00:12:56,151 --> 00:12:58,069 - Welcome back, popeye. - Thanks, bull. 124 00:12:58,278 --> 00:13:03,158 - Popeye went awol just in time to jump. - What's he doing here? 125 00:13:03,408 --> 00:13:07,662 Who, sobel? Well, he's the newly appointed regimental s-4. 126 00:13:07,871 --> 00:13:11,416 - Supply officer? - Yeah, you got it. 127 00:13:11,625 --> 00:13:14,628 Yeah, he picked me up in aldbourne, trying to find you guys. 128 00:13:14,878 --> 00:13:18,757 - He know you went awol? - He knows. 129 00:13:19,174 --> 00:13:23,094 He just said I was lucky. I could sit out this jump if I wanted. 130 00:13:23,345 --> 00:13:27,307 - I said I didn't want to. So he says, "hop in." - "Hop in"? 131 00:13:27,515 --> 00:13:29,351 Yeah, I know. I couldn't believe it either. 132 00:13:29,517 --> 00:13:31,853 Anyway, maybe he's gonna court-martial me later, huh? 133 00:13:32,062 --> 00:13:34,356 Let's get you some gear. 134 00:13:37,442 --> 00:13:41,029 - This here would be a nice bivouac position. - Hey, mal... 135 00:13:41,196 --> 00:13:42,322 Over there. 136 00:13:44,366 --> 00:13:45,992 Son of a bitch. 137 00:13:52,916 --> 00:13:55,001 Malarkey. 138 00:14:00,048 --> 00:14:03,969 - Sergeant malarkey. - Sir. 139 00:14:09,265 --> 00:14:12,310 You thought you'd get away with it? 140 00:14:12,686 --> 00:14:15,021 What do you mean, sir? 141 00:14:19,693 --> 00:14:23,238 Sergeant, that motorcycle is United States army property. 142 00:14:23,405 --> 00:14:27,325 That may not mean anything to you, but it means something to me. 143 00:14:28,326 --> 00:14:29,911 Where'd you find it? 144 00:14:30,453 --> 00:14:33,248 - That's him, all right. - Who is he, sarge? 145 00:14:33,415 --> 00:14:35,917 - He was our first C.O. - what happened? 146 00:14:36,126 --> 00:14:37,794 He got promoted. 147 00:14:38,044 --> 00:14:40,463 Just tap my leg, sergeant. 148 00:14:40,672 --> 00:14:46,011 - Lieutenant, you'll be in the doonnay. - Yeah, I know. But, look, sergeant... 149 00:14:46,261 --> 00:14:48,013 You'll be the man behind me. 150 00:14:48,179 --> 00:14:51,808 When the green light comes on, you can just tap me, all right? 151 00:14:52,017 --> 00:14:56,187 - The green light will be next to you, sir. - Just do it. That's an order. 152 00:14:56,938 --> 00:14:58,398 Come here. Come here. 153 00:14:58,606 --> 00:15:01,210 Sling it up and down. When you hit the ground, your knee will hit the butt... 154 00:15:01,234 --> 00:15:02,837 But the business end will break yourjaw. 155 00:15:02,861 --> 00:15:05,089 All right? Lose your reserve. You won't need it, we'rejumping low. 156 00:15:05,113 --> 00:15:08,616 Take your belly band and wrap it around you. You're fine. 157 00:16:29,072 --> 00:16:30,615 Come on. 158 00:16:38,623 --> 00:16:43,044 - I'm sorry, sergeant. - Don't be sorry. Grab your rifle, let's go. 159 00:17:05,316 --> 00:17:08,111 Where'd you get that from, hoobler? 160 00:17:18,746 --> 00:17:22,750 - Where'd you get these? - That farmhouse over there. 161 00:17:23,543 --> 00:17:27,088 Just sitting out in the open. I don't know... 162 00:17:27,297 --> 00:17:30,425 Maybe they were expecting us. 163 00:17:33,928 --> 00:17:35,680 Hello, boys. 164 00:17:38,933 --> 00:17:40,435 I made it. 165 00:17:41,477 --> 00:17:43,855 I wonder if they hit anything. 166 00:17:51,362 --> 00:17:54,199 Goodbye, air support. 167 00:17:56,993 --> 00:18:02,123 There's some kind of holdup ahead. We're going in through this field here. 168 00:18:03,458 --> 00:18:07,587 Move out! Able company, let's go! Let's go! Move it! Move it! 169 00:18:20,600 --> 00:18:24,020 You won't be able to shoot as straight with that thing on. 170 00:18:48,753 --> 00:18:51,547 Okay, hold your fire. 171 00:19:15,113 --> 00:19:16,864 Hey, kid! 172 00:19:17,115 --> 00:19:21,577 - Bull? Bull! Have you seen captain winters? - No, why? 173 00:19:21,786 --> 00:19:24,706 Keep your squad moving! 174 00:19:28,793 --> 00:19:32,630 - Where are all the Germans? - They could be anywhere. 175 00:19:33,673 --> 00:19:37,844 Keep moving! Keep moving! 176 00:19:39,971 --> 00:19:41,806 Pardon me. 177 00:19:45,560 --> 00:19:47,437 Come on, lady. 178 00:19:49,939 --> 00:19:53,693 - Dick, the clock's ticking. - Yeah. 179 00:19:55,153 --> 00:19:57,739 - Thank you. Thank you. - Thank you. 180 00:19:57,905 --> 00:20:01,242 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, you're very kind. 181 00:20:01,409 --> 00:20:02,910 - Thank you. - What's up, welshy? 182 00:20:03,077 --> 00:20:05,163 Snipers. 183 00:20:05,580 --> 00:20:08,291 We've gotta get to these Bridges. 184 00:20:10,376 --> 00:20:11,961 All right. 185 00:20:12,211 --> 00:20:13,713 Hashey. 186 00:20:19,260 --> 00:20:21,679 - Ready? - Okay, everybody, here we go. 187 00:20:21,846 --> 00:20:23,473 Give me a kiss. 188 00:20:24,098 --> 00:20:29,145 Sergeant talbert, let's move. We got work to do. 189 00:21:35,211 --> 00:21:39,632 - What did they do? - They slept with the Germans. 190 00:21:40,258 --> 00:21:42,969 They are lucky. The men who collaborated are being shot. 191 00:21:43,177 --> 00:21:47,014 Mr. Van kooijk here is with the Dutch resistance. 192 00:21:47,265 --> 00:21:51,310 We've been waiting and hoping for this day for almost five years. 193 00:21:51,519 --> 00:21:54,021 He says he can help us secure the Bridges here. 194 00:21:54,272 --> 00:21:57,692 Yes. Together we can push the remaining Germans out of eindhoven. 195 00:21:57,859 --> 00:21:59,694 And that's just the beginning. 196 00:21:59,861 --> 00:22:04,866 - Any idea where they might be? - Well, we're still working on that right now. 197 00:22:05,283 --> 00:22:08,327 Peers and his friends here are gathering information as we speak. 198 00:22:08,578 --> 00:22:12,457 His contacts a couple towns down said they saw the British 2nd and guards armored... 199 00:22:12,623 --> 00:22:13,958 Move through half an hour ago. 200 00:22:14,208 --> 00:22:17,587 - They're kids. - These are reliable reports. 201 00:22:17,795 --> 00:22:21,674 Anything we can do to help you, we will do. Anything. 202 00:22:23,342 --> 00:22:25,511 Right on time. 203 00:22:44,947 --> 00:22:46,240 Captain. 204 00:22:46,908 --> 00:22:49,911 I'll be happy to show you the quickest route to the Bridges. 205 00:22:56,626 --> 00:22:58,377 I'd be happy to have your help. 206 00:22:58,544 --> 00:23:02,465 Get scouts to the edge of town in case we're here for the night. 207 00:23:18,022 --> 00:23:21,400 Hey, Van klinken. Webster. 208 00:23:22,568 --> 00:23:26,405 Sleeping outside is for suckers, guys. 209 00:23:29,742 --> 00:23:33,079 Better be good. I was almost asleep. 210 00:23:44,423 --> 00:23:48,052 - Yeah. Yeah, a little bit. - What were you doing down there? 211 00:23:48,261 --> 00:23:53,849 It's an air-raid shelter. My family has been in there ever since the first plane flew over. 212 00:23:54,016 --> 00:23:57,812 We're... we're Americans. Paratroopers. 213 00:23:58,521 --> 00:24:03,818 - The Germans are gone? - Think so. You see any, you let us know. 214 00:24:03,985 --> 00:24:06,529 - Are you here to stay? - As long as we have to. 215 00:24:06,737 --> 00:24:10,741 - Yeah, they don't tell us very much. - Or feed us much. 216 00:24:11,826 --> 00:24:15,413 Please, wait here. 217 00:24:16,414 --> 00:24:20,918 - You see that? I say screw Paris. - Hey, don't talk about screwing, all right? 218 00:24:21,502 --> 00:24:25,172 They all speak English, they all love us. What a fantastic country 219 00:24:25,381 --> 00:24:26,924 hey, take a look. 220 00:24:27,174 --> 00:24:30,303 Here. Take. 221 00:24:30,511 --> 00:24:32,555 - Here, take. - Are these olives? 222 00:24:41,480 --> 00:24:42,690 Cigarette? 223 00:25:15,681 --> 00:25:18,267 He never tasted chocolate. 224 00:25:27,526 --> 00:25:30,071 It's pretty good, isn't it? 225 00:25:56,639 --> 00:26:01,769 - Oh, man, you know, I hate eggs! - Here, sarge, you can have this one! 226 00:26:07,441 --> 00:26:12,029 - Vincent van Gogh was born in nuenen. - Yeah? So what? 227 00:26:12,405 --> 00:26:16,784 They sure teach you a lot of useful stuff at Harvard. 228 00:26:28,462 --> 00:26:30,131 Mellet! 229 00:26:59,201 --> 00:27:02,079 - Hey, get a load of general patton! - What the hell's he doing? 230 00:27:02,329 --> 00:27:05,374 - Makes quite a target, don't he? - You can't be off the tank. 231 00:27:08,502 --> 00:27:10,004 Lieutenant! 232 00:27:12,840 --> 00:27:13,966 Sniper! 233 00:27:14,175 --> 00:27:15,634 Sarge! 234 00:27:17,636 --> 00:27:23,100 Clear the tracks! Move it! Get behind the tanks! 235 00:27:23,309 --> 00:27:25,352 - Shit! - Come on! Come on! 236 00:27:27,688 --> 00:27:29,565 Come on, get in the ditch! 237 00:27:41,660 --> 00:27:44,455 Medic up front! Medic up front! 238 00:27:46,582 --> 00:27:50,461 - What should we do? - Keep down. Stay still. 239 00:27:51,462 --> 00:27:56,884 - Keep moving! Get up! Keep moving! - Go! 240 00:27:58,677 --> 00:28:01,013 Keep... go! Keep moving! 241 00:28:02,890 --> 00:28:05,392 Let's go! Move out! 242 00:28:05,559 --> 00:28:11,190 Up and move! Move! Keep moving! They shoot at stationary targets! Move! 243 00:28:21,659 --> 00:28:25,037 To the farmhouse! Deploy right! 244 00:28:34,296 --> 00:28:36,507 - Take the right side. - Right. 245 00:28:44,431 --> 00:28:46,308 Go on! 246 00:29:20,759 --> 00:29:24,263 - Shit! - Move! Goddamn it, move! 247 00:29:24,597 --> 00:29:27,391 Go! Come on! Come on! 248 00:29:41,155 --> 00:29:43,824 - What's he saying? - He said "away, away." 249 00:29:43,991 --> 00:29:48,913 Which either means that the Germans have gone or he wants us to go. I don't know. 250 00:30:18,484 --> 00:30:20,361 Ramirez! 251 00:30:36,585 --> 00:30:39,254 All right, fellas, set them up. 252 00:31:13,956 --> 00:31:14,999 Tiger. 253 00:31:20,504 --> 00:31:22,256 Shit. 254 00:31:30,806 --> 00:31:33,517 Heffron! On me! 255 00:31:36,854 --> 00:31:38,939 Stay low. 256 00:31:42,901 --> 00:31:45,571 - You got a can opener, babe? - I'm afraid I don't, sarge. 257 00:31:52,911 --> 00:31:57,541 We got a kraut tank, 100 yards on the left part of this haystack! 258 00:31:58,792 --> 00:32:00,085 I don't see him. 259 00:32:00,252 --> 00:32:03,797 Put a couple of shells through that building, you're gonna see him real good. 260 00:32:04,006 --> 00:32:08,594 I can't. My orders are no unnecessary destruction of property. 261 00:32:08,844 --> 00:32:11,055 I'm telling you, he's right there. 262 00:32:11,263 --> 00:32:13,640 Well, I believe you. But if I can't see the bugger... 263 00:32:13,807 --> 00:32:16,560 I can't bloody well shoot him, can I? 264 00:32:16,810 --> 00:32:18,896 Are you staying or going? 265 00:32:24,318 --> 00:32:26,278 He's gonna see you real soon! 266 00:32:29,990 --> 00:32:31,784 What the hell is he doing? 267 00:33:04,650 --> 00:33:05,818 Fonnard! Tank! 268 00:33:09,029 --> 00:33:11,406 - Fall back! - Go! 269 00:33:34,888 --> 00:33:36,223 Fire! 270 00:33:50,529 --> 00:33:53,866 Take cover! Take cover! 271 00:34:13,385 --> 00:34:17,431 There's a ditch on the other side. Follow me through. 272 00:35:02,392 --> 00:35:05,812 Pull back! Pull back! Let's go! Let's go! 273 00:35:09,483 --> 00:35:11,610 Come on, move! Go! 274 00:35:14,738 --> 00:35:16,114 Fire! 275 00:35:18,158 --> 00:35:20,452 Rifle grenade! 276 00:35:20,702 --> 00:35:25,082 Schmidt, mg42, 10 o'clock. Nail them! 277 00:35:25,999 --> 00:35:27,584 Fire! 278 00:35:46,103 --> 00:35:48,063 - We had to leave him. - It's okay, he... 279 00:35:48,230 --> 00:35:49,499 - He's still alive! - Who's hurt? 280 00:35:49,523 --> 00:35:52,943 Van klinken. Other side of that hedge. 281 00:35:54,569 --> 00:35:56,697 Shit! 282 00:36:02,828 --> 00:36:04,579 Okay, ready. 283 00:36:25,642 --> 00:36:29,187 Pull back! Pull back! Alley! Pull back! 284 00:36:32,858 --> 00:36:35,068 Go! Pull back! 285 00:36:37,696 --> 00:36:41,450 Fall back! Go! Go! 286 00:36:42,576 --> 00:36:44,661 - Webster, take over! - Yeah, where? 287 00:36:44,870 --> 00:36:46,997 We have to get him to the rear! 288 00:36:47,205 --> 00:36:50,375 - What are we gonna do, lieutenant? - I'm not sure! 289 00:36:50,625 --> 00:36:54,338 Sir, they're about to unflank us! We gotta get out of here! 290 00:37:05,932 --> 00:37:08,810 Cut the road! We have infantry everywhere! 291 00:37:08,977 --> 00:37:13,023 Repeat, armor has cut the road! We are covered in infantry! 292 00:37:13,231 --> 00:37:15,400 - Fall back! - We are pulling back! 293 00:37:15,609 --> 00:37:18,528 - Luz, fall back! - It's a hold-down! 294 00:37:23,450 --> 00:37:26,620 - Hash, where's randleman? - I don't know, sergeant. 295 00:37:26,828 --> 00:37:29,081 Get out of here. 296 00:37:54,314 --> 00:37:58,693 Come on. Hashey, let's go! 297 00:38:04,032 --> 00:38:06,034 Stay low! Get down! 298 00:38:14,668 --> 00:38:17,462 Go get a medic! Keep moving! 299 00:38:22,634 --> 00:38:24,219 - Hey, doc. - Lieutenant. 300 00:38:24,428 --> 00:38:28,306 It's gone right through. Side to side, both cheeks. 301 00:38:29,891 --> 00:38:32,352 - Malarkey, get him out of here! Go! - What? 302 00:38:32,519 --> 00:38:36,440 - Just... just leave me here for the Germans. - What? Are you nuts? 303 00:38:36,648 --> 00:38:38,208 - We'll carry you! - Are you kidding me? 304 00:38:38,692 --> 00:38:40,777 I weigh more than both of you two guys combined. 305 00:38:42,571 --> 00:38:43,864 Come on! 306 00:38:47,075 --> 00:38:50,036 - What the hell are you doing?! - Help us! 307 00:38:50,245 --> 00:38:55,417 Get back to the tank! Germans coming up on the other side! 308 00:39:01,465 --> 00:39:03,383 Keep moving! Keep low! 309 00:39:08,305 --> 00:39:11,266 Come on, let's go! Let's go! Come on, up you go. 310 00:39:11,475 --> 00:39:14,811 - One bullet, four holes. - Yup, it's almost a miracle. 311 00:39:15,020 --> 00:39:16,938 Lip, I don't think we know where the bull is. 312 00:39:17,189 --> 00:39:20,025 - Keep it moving, sergeant. - Yes, sir. 313 00:39:20,233 --> 00:39:23,820 Let's go, let's go! Let's go, go! Keep moving! Keep moving! 314 00:39:24,070 --> 00:39:26,031 Move them out! Let's go! 315 00:39:26,656 --> 00:39:28,283 Hurry it up! Let's go! Let's go! 316 00:39:29,201 --> 00:39:32,704 - How bad? - I don't know yet. 317 00:39:35,165 --> 00:39:38,418 I'm all right! I'm all right. Am I all right? 318 00:39:38,668 --> 00:39:43,006 - Yeah. Yeah, you feel all right? - Yeah. Quit looking at me like that. 319 00:39:45,884 --> 00:39:50,514 Captain, we got four dead, 11 injured. 320 00:39:50,764 --> 00:39:55,268 - Okay, let's move them out. - Oh, and sir, randleman's missing too. 321 00:39:55,519 --> 00:39:57,896 - Randleman? - Yes, sir. 322 00:39:58,146 --> 00:39:59,981 Okay, let's go. 323 00:40:33,265 --> 00:40:36,977 - Where's the bull? - Don't know. 324 00:43:09,003 --> 00:43:12,549 I never fired a shot the whole time. 325 00:43:17,512 --> 00:43:20,682 -Find anything out? —about what? 326 00:43:20,932 --> 00:43:22,559 Anything. 327 00:43:24,436 --> 00:43:27,147 What we're doing next? 328 00:43:27,814 --> 00:43:29,441 Nope. 329 00:43:31,860 --> 00:43:34,696 Oh, I did hear one thing. Lieutenant brewer's gonna make it. 330 00:43:34,863 --> 00:43:38,616 - What? - Lieutenant brewer's gonna make it. 331 00:43:38,867 --> 00:43:40,907 - No, there's no way. - He's headed back to england. 332 00:43:40,994 --> 00:43:42,746 They'll probably send him home. 333 00:43:42,954 --> 00:43:44,831 How is that possible? 334 00:43:45,165 --> 00:43:47,709 He did turn his head at the last second... 335 00:43:47,959 --> 00:43:50,837 When sergeant randleman called out to him. 336 00:45:14,796 --> 00:45:17,090 -Here. 337 00:45:24,430 --> 00:45:26,224 Just pu... fuck! 338 00:45:26,474 --> 00:45:28,893 Just pull it out. 339 00:46:33,583 --> 00:46:35,668 Come on. 340 00:46:38,963 --> 00:46:41,090 - Okay. - Here. 341 00:49:19,123 --> 00:49:23,419 Hoob, any news on the bull yet? 342 00:49:26,881 --> 00:49:32,720 If there ain't no body, then there ain't nobody fucking dead. Understand me? 343 00:49:32,929 --> 00:49:34,597 I'm gonna look for him. 344 00:49:34,806 --> 00:49:39,102 Not by yourself, you're not. I'll go with you. Let me get some ammo. 345 00:49:39,310 --> 00:49:41,270 That's okay... 346 00:49:42,063 --> 00:49:44,982 - I'll go. - Me too. 347 00:49:47,360 --> 00:49:49,612 All right. 348 00:49:51,364 --> 00:49:53,574 Go get him. 349 00:50:00,873 --> 00:50:04,252 All right. I mean, what the hell. 350 00:50:06,087 --> 00:50:08,798 I ain't going back up there. 351 00:50:26,941 --> 00:50:29,026 Webster, us or them? 352 00:50:33,447 --> 00:50:35,074 Not us. 353 00:50:56,554 --> 00:51:00,725 Stupid, stupid, stupid. 354 00:51:16,324 --> 00:51:18,034 Go, go. 355 00:51:37,011 --> 00:51:39,931 They're bombing eindhoven. 356 00:51:42,225 --> 00:51:43,893 Yeah? 357 00:51:48,898 --> 00:51:53,277 Come on, nix. We'll dig in for the night. 358 00:51:55,363 --> 00:51:59,325 Won't be waving so many orange flags at us tomorrow. 359 00:53:37,131 --> 00:53:39,383 Where the fuck you been? 360 00:53:40,009 --> 00:53:42,928 - Glad to see you boys. - Not as glad as us. 361 00:53:43,346 --> 00:53:45,931 Bet you thought we'd given up on you there, huh, boss? 362 00:53:46,140 --> 00:53:48,309 - Shut up, Cobb. - What? 363 00:53:48,559 --> 00:53:51,937 I think we should go back now. 364 00:53:52,938 --> 00:53:55,066 Hey, Johnny, look. 365 00:54:01,655 --> 00:54:04,033 - Hey, Johnny. - There you are. You get a little lost? 366 00:54:04,241 --> 00:54:06,202 - Something like that. - It's good to see you. 367 00:54:06,369 --> 00:54:07,870 You too. 368 00:54:09,580 --> 00:54:12,416 I don't know whether to slap you, kiss you or salute you. 369 00:54:12,625 --> 00:54:15,711 - I told these scallywags you was okay. - What, they didn't listen? 370 00:54:15,920 --> 00:54:19,590 These salty bastards, they wanted to go on a suicide run to drag your ass back. 371 00:54:19,799 --> 00:54:23,677 - Is that right? - Yeah, I told them don't bother. 372 00:54:25,096 --> 00:54:28,182 Never did like this company none. 373 00:54:29,058 --> 00:54:31,977 - Anybody have a piece of gum? - Here. 374 00:54:33,562 --> 00:54:36,565 - So they found you. - Wait, what did you say? 375 00:54:36,774 --> 00:54:38,067 Johnny, don't irrigate me. 376 00:54:38,317 --> 00:54:41,404 "They found you." Now I don't know who's more stupid, you or the hick. 377 00:54:41,654 --> 00:54:44,407 All right, mount up! Hop up! Let's move out! 378 00:54:44,657 --> 00:54:46,534 Grab your gear! Let's go! 379 00:54:47,410 --> 00:54:49,745 2nd platoon, grab your gear! Let's go! 380 00:54:49,995 --> 00:54:53,916 - 1st platoon! - Second squad, fall in now! Cobb, move it! 381 00:54:54,166 --> 00:54:56,168 Dukeman, round them up! 382 00:54:56,419 --> 00:55:00,172 1st platoon, grab your gear, let's go. 383 00:55:20,693 --> 00:55:24,864 Van kooijk says that the Germans are concentrating their armor up near veghel. 384 00:55:25,030 --> 00:55:27,450 We may be heading into some more tanks. 385 00:55:27,700 --> 00:55:31,412 Well, as long as it's only old men and kids. 386 00:55:34,540 --> 00:55:37,042 I don't like retreating. 387 00:55:37,251 --> 00:55:39,962 First time for everything. 388 00:55:41,422 --> 00:55:45,176 How are the other divisions faring up north? 389 00:55:48,387 --> 00:55:51,599 I think we're gonna have to find another way into Germany.