1 00:02:29,901 --> 00:02:32,445 If you're a leader, you lead the way. 2 00:02:32,695 --> 00:02:38,326 Not just on the easy ones. You take the tough ones too. 3 00:02:38,493 --> 00:02:43,748 A good leader has to understand the people that are under him... 4 00:02:43,998 --> 00:02:46,668 Understand their needs... 5 00:02:46,918 --> 00:02:50,129 Their desires or how they think a little bit. 6 00:02:50,338 --> 00:02:53,508 Seemed like he always made the right decisions along the way. 7 00:02:53,675 --> 00:02:56,261 He was a real soldier. 8 00:02:56,511 --> 00:03:00,848 Some of the officers... 9 00:03:01,057 --> 00:03:04,394 I don't think I'd follow them into water. 10 00:03:04,644 --> 00:03:08,481 But he was one of the best. 11 00:03:08,690 --> 00:03:14,612 He went right in there and he didn't... He never thought of not being first... 12 00:03:14,862 --> 00:03:19,575 Or sending somebody in his place. 13 00:03:19,867 --> 00:03:22,704 I don't know how he survived. 14 00:04:33,232 --> 00:04:36,152 Lew? Wake up. 15 00:04:36,444 --> 00:04:39,238 They want us back at regiment. 16 00:04:40,823 --> 00:04:44,869 Come on nix, get up. Let's go. 17 00:04:46,454 --> 00:04:49,516 - Come on, something's up. Strayer's orders. - Okay, go ahead. I'll be right down. 18 00:04:49,540 --> 00:04:52,001 - Let's go. You got 10 minutes. - Go away. 19 00:04:52,251 --> 00:04:54,253 Come on. Let's go. 20 00:04:54,504 --> 00:04:57,507 - Leave me alone. - Okay. 21 00:04:59,425 --> 00:05:02,178 - Come on. - Damn it! 22 00:05:02,887 --> 00:05:06,974 That's my own piss, for Christ sake! 23 00:05:09,977 --> 00:05:11,854 Son of a bitch. 24 00:05:14,482 --> 00:05:16,984 We're the only unit in the group that's got the Germans... 25 00:05:17,151 --> 00:05:20,113 On the German side of the rhine. 26 00:05:21,030 --> 00:05:23,990 If we'd taken antwerp, and I'm not saying that that would have been easy... 27 00:05:24,075 --> 00:05:28,496 We'd be over the river, well-supplied, and have the krauts on their heels. 28 00:05:28,663 --> 00:05:32,625 If I can just get ike on the phone. Are you listening to me? 29 00:05:32,834 --> 00:05:35,545 Hanging on every word. 30 00:05:38,673 --> 00:05:40,553 - Moose, you too? - Yeah, whatever's going on... 31 00:05:40,675 --> 00:05:44,011 - Sink's not happy. - Nixon, heyliger. 32 00:05:44,512 --> 00:05:48,683 Meet colonel dobie, British 1st airborne. Captain Nixon is our 2nd battalion 82. 33 00:05:48,891 --> 00:05:50,611 - That's 1st it. Moose heyliger. - Pleasure. 34 00:05:50,852 --> 00:05:54,147 The brits lost 8000 men when market garden fell on its ass... 35 00:05:54,397 --> 00:05:58,693 Which is why colonel dobie has been tasked with coordinating a rescue operation... 36 00:05:58,943 --> 00:06:01,070 For the red devils who are trapped on arnhem fell. 37 00:06:01,279 --> 00:06:03,948 Dutch resistance are harboring 140 of my chaps here... 38 00:06:04,198 --> 00:06:06,868 Outside a Jerry-held town 15 miles north of the river. 39 00:06:07,118 --> 00:06:09,763 They'll make their way to the riverbank and assemble in the woods here tonight. 40 00:06:09,787 --> 00:06:11,080 Pick a team from easy company... 41 00:06:11,247 --> 00:06:13,142 Get them back across the rhine as fast as possible. 42 00:06:13,166 --> 00:06:14,333 140 men? 43 00:06:14,500 --> 00:06:16,669 Canadian engineers have supplied six boats. 44 00:06:16,919 --> 00:06:20,840 The rendezvous point is isolated and iandable. I swam it myself last night. 45 00:06:21,090 --> 00:06:26,053 At approximately 0030, they'll signal v for victory with a hand-held red torch. 46 00:06:26,304 --> 00:06:28,264 That'd be a handheld red flashlight. 47 00:06:28,431 --> 00:06:30,200 All right, we'll call this thing operation Pegasus. 48 00:06:30,224 --> 00:06:32,264 Bob, your 2nd battalion is on the spot. Get it done. 49 00:06:32,435 --> 00:06:35,146 Captain Nixon. Assist colonel dobie in every way possible. 50 00:06:35,313 --> 00:06:37,273 If you need anything at all, come to me. 51 00:06:37,565 --> 00:06:39,984 - I can hardly ask for more. - Captain winters. 52 00:06:40,193 --> 00:06:43,153 I haven't seen your endorsement of the market garden after action report... 53 00:06:43,362 --> 00:06:47,575 - Or the updated battalion to&e. Why? - I'll have them at op 1300, sir. 54 00:06:47,783 --> 00:06:50,912 I want an inventory on whatever material the British 43rd left behind. 55 00:06:51,078 --> 00:06:53,372 Rations, medical supplies, transport. 56 00:06:53,623 --> 00:06:54,832 Inventory. Yes, sir. 57 00:06:56,459 --> 00:06:59,819 I'm still waiting to write citations on that 5 October operation. I need your report. 58 00:06:59,962 --> 00:07:03,174 - The report. Yes, sir. Sir. - Light a fire under it, dick. 59 00:07:03,424 --> 00:07:06,260 God dammit. We asked for this yesterday and here it is today. 60 00:07:06,427 --> 00:07:08,179 A day late and a dollar short. 61 00:07:08,387 --> 00:07:11,599 Enemy disposition and maps in the 82. We should have a look at that. 62 00:07:11,766 --> 00:07:13,286 And you say there's about 100 of them? 63 00:07:28,866 --> 00:07:30,910 This is it, boys. 64 00:07:31,160 --> 00:07:34,622 They have to get across the river, across the field, and over the dyke. 65 00:07:34,830 --> 00:07:38,000 That's a lot of territory to cover. Where do you want us to go? 66 00:07:38,251 --> 00:07:41,128 You, hashey? You get the penthouse. 67 00:07:41,295 --> 00:07:44,048 Thank you. We're up top. 68 00:07:44,298 --> 00:07:46,968 - How bad does it get? - You'll find out. 69 00:07:47,218 --> 00:07:51,055 - That's a lot of territory to cover. - Couple of regular gi Joes. 70 00:07:51,264 --> 00:07:54,016 You said it. Come on. 71 00:07:55,518 --> 00:08:00,273 New guys giving the replacements the what-for and why-is. 72 00:08:00,898 --> 00:08:04,277 - I swear one of them has never shaved. - Yeah. Kids. 73 00:08:04,527 --> 00:08:06,737 This is a hell of a dog, tab. 74 00:08:06,946 --> 00:08:09,824 - Thank you. There you go. - What'd you call it, tab? 75 00:08:10,366 --> 00:08:15,746 - Trigger. - That's good, I like that. Trigger. 76 00:08:15,997 --> 00:08:18,332 - Got anything on this? - No, it's all quiet. 77 00:08:18,541 --> 00:08:20,501 - We've got penetration! - Alley's hurt! 78 00:08:20,751 --> 00:08:24,922 All right, get him on the table. Yeah, it's alley. 79 00:08:25,172 --> 00:08:26,382 I got this. 80 00:08:26,674 --> 00:08:28,676 Alley, you're gonna be okay. 81 00:08:28,843 --> 00:08:31,971 - Boyle, get doc roe. - Where am I? What happened? 82 00:08:32,179 --> 00:08:35,182 - Where was it? - Crossroads. 83 00:08:35,391 --> 00:08:38,686 - If it wasn't for your loud mouth... - Hey, you know what, Joe? Back off! 84 00:08:38,936 --> 00:08:42,273 Lesniewski, send a runner for lieutenant Welsh. Lieutenant, assemble me a squad. 85 00:08:42,481 --> 00:08:46,360 Yes, sir. 1st squad, on your feet! Weapons and ammo only! 86 00:08:46,611 --> 00:08:48,321 Let's go, let's go! 87 00:08:48,529 --> 00:08:53,034 Get the boots off and elevate the leg. Liebgott, use the sulfur. 88 00:08:53,284 --> 00:08:56,370 All right, let's get this done quickly. We gotta move. Not too much. 89 00:08:56,579 --> 00:08:57,705 Hey, alley. All right. 90 00:09:42,041 --> 00:09:45,169 What the hell are they shooting at? What's down that road? 91 00:09:45,378 --> 00:09:47,046 Regimental headquarters. 92 00:09:47,254 --> 00:09:50,633 But that's three miles away. Why are they giving away their position? 93 00:09:50,883 --> 00:09:55,179 - Maybe they're not as smart as me and you? - I'll check it out anyway. 94 00:09:55,846 --> 00:09:59,767 - Hold here. Wait for my signal. - Yes, sir. 95 00:10:04,355 --> 00:10:07,692 Holding here. I'm waiting for a signal. 96 00:11:35,529 --> 00:11:37,782 This is our fallback position. Here. 97 00:11:37,990 --> 00:11:42,203 Mortars, deploy here. 1st squad, on me. 98 00:12:50,646 --> 00:12:53,691 Second on the right. 99 00:12:53,941 --> 00:12:56,610 First on the right. 100 00:12:58,779 --> 00:13:01,782 Third on the right. Nail the machine gun. 101 00:13:01,991 --> 00:13:04,952 Second on the left. First on the left. 102 00:13:05,160 --> 00:13:07,580 Wait for my signal. 103 00:13:07,788 --> 00:13:12,877 - Prepare to fire. - Two rounds, ain't she quick? 104 00:13:45,075 --> 00:13:47,328 - Fall back! - Fire. 105 00:13:57,630 --> 00:13:59,298 Fire! 106 00:14:09,642 --> 00:14:14,730 Higgins! Handful of krauts, based on the dyke, 12 o'clock! 107 00:14:16,148 --> 00:14:19,193 - How many krauts are left up there? - I don't know. 108 00:14:19,401 --> 00:14:21,904 But we got seven in one blow. 109 00:14:24,073 --> 00:14:27,326 Bring on boyle and perconte. Go! 110 00:14:28,410 --> 00:14:29,662 Come on, fall back! 111 00:14:29,912 --> 00:14:32,122 Suppressing fire! 112 00:14:32,331 --> 00:14:34,458 Suppressing fire! 113 00:14:34,708 --> 00:14:37,962 Hashey, Garcia, follow me! 114 00:14:41,173 --> 00:14:45,552 Harry, tell peacock to bring the balance of 1st platoon! On the double! 115 00:14:45,761 --> 00:14:48,305 And another machine gun squad. Over. 116 00:14:48,555 --> 00:14:53,435 Dukeman! Go get that machine gun on the right flank. Go! 117 00:14:53,686 --> 00:14:55,354 Christenson! 118 00:14:56,605 --> 00:14:59,066 Fuck! Dukeman's down. 119 00:15:15,916 --> 00:15:19,253 Sir, the balance of 1st platoon is here. 120 00:15:19,461 --> 00:15:22,798 Gordon and more brought another .30 Cal. 121 00:15:30,139 --> 00:15:33,684 They're behind a solid roadway embankment. We're in a ditch. 122 00:15:33,934 --> 00:15:36,353 They can outflank us along the dyke and catch us out here... 123 00:15:36,520 --> 00:15:39,481 As soon as they figure that out. 124 00:15:40,524 --> 00:15:45,029 - So how many krauts are we talking about? - There's a ferry crossing here... 125 00:15:45,237 --> 00:15:48,032 So it could be a whole battalion as far as I know. 126 00:15:49,366 --> 00:15:53,454 Okay. What are your orders? 127 00:15:56,665 --> 00:15:59,293 We got no choice. 128 00:16:02,713 --> 00:16:06,175 Here it is. Talbert, you'll take 10 men along the dyke. 129 00:16:06,425 --> 00:16:08,927 Peacock, you'll take 10 men along the left flank. 130 00:16:09,094 --> 00:16:11,305 I'll take 10 up the middle, so follow me. 131 00:16:11,513 --> 00:16:14,516 Questions? Go. 132 00:16:17,936 --> 00:16:20,147 Enter. 133 00:16:43,962 --> 00:16:48,175 - I don't know why I'm still doing this. - What, drinking? 134 00:16:48,509 --> 00:16:54,389 No, hiding it in your footlocker. I'm a captain, for Christ sake. 135 00:16:54,598 --> 00:16:56,683 Well, why don't you...? 136 00:16:56,934 --> 00:17:00,187 Why don't you just give it up? 137 00:17:00,437 --> 00:17:03,357 - Drinking? - No. 138 00:17:03,607 --> 00:17:08,112 Hiding it in my footlocker. You're a captain, for Pete's sake. 139 00:17:10,864 --> 00:17:14,118 Maybe you're right. Maybe this is the perfect place to stop drinking. 140 00:17:14,326 --> 00:17:18,330 Right here on the business end of the allied advance. 141 00:17:19,248 --> 00:17:21,250 Cheers. 142 00:17:39,476 --> 00:17:42,521 Dick, you know that's not literature, just keep it simple. 143 00:17:42,771 --> 00:17:47,359 Try writing it in the first person plural. Say "we" a lot. 144 00:17:47,568 --> 00:17:49,820 Thanks for the tip. 145 00:17:55,117 --> 00:17:56,493 Fix bayonets. 146 00:18:01,999 --> 00:18:04,418 Go on the red smoke. 147 00:18:37,284 --> 00:18:39,119 No! Wait for the signal! 148 00:18:43,332 --> 00:18:44,541 Jesus. 149 00:19:39,888 --> 00:19:43,016 Come on, pour it on! Shoot your targets! 150 00:19:44,142 --> 00:19:46,019 Let them have it! 151 00:19:50,274 --> 00:19:52,234 Come on, boys! 152 00:19:56,405 --> 00:19:57,614 Foun 153 00:19:58,907 --> 00:20:00,409 five. 154 00:20:03,704 --> 00:20:05,914 Holy shit! 155 00:20:08,292 --> 00:20:12,754 - It's a whole other company! - No shit! 156 00:20:22,014 --> 00:20:26,685 Easy beaver to easy minor! Reinforce easy at phase one yellow! 157 00:20:26,935 --> 00:20:30,814 Plus one, strike three. Fire concentration Charlie. 158 00:20:31,023 --> 00:20:34,192 Drop 200, left 100. 159 00:20:34,401 --> 00:20:39,406 Repeat, plus one, strike three! Fire concentration Charlie. 160 00:20:39,656 --> 00:20:42,200 Drop 200, left 100! 161 00:20:42,659 --> 00:20:46,246 Krauts in the open! Fire for effect! Over! 162 00:20:51,668 --> 00:20:54,838 - What's he saying? - He says they're Polish. 163 00:20:55,005 --> 00:20:57,507 There are no Poles in the ss! 164 00:20:57,758 --> 00:20:59,426 Move! 165 00:21:00,802 --> 00:21:02,679 Jesus Christ! 166 00:21:07,267 --> 00:21:09,561 Oh, shit! 167 00:21:17,194 --> 00:21:22,115 - Luz, send lightning a report. Boyle! - Lightning, lightning. Over. 168 00:21:22,366 --> 00:21:25,118 Get up there where you can spot the fall of those rounds. Go. 169 00:21:31,291 --> 00:21:33,001 Incoming rounds! 170 00:21:33,251 --> 00:21:36,046 Easy company, take cover! 171 00:21:37,214 --> 00:21:40,550 - Boyle's hit! - Jesus Christ, they got me! 172 00:21:40,759 --> 00:21:43,970 Take cover! It's German artillery! 173 00:21:45,639 --> 00:21:49,393 Get boyle, he's down! Come on, help me! 174 00:22:18,088 --> 00:22:21,133 Jesus, captain, they're ss. 175 00:22:32,727 --> 00:22:34,020 Joe? 176 00:22:34,688 --> 00:22:37,691 - Joe, knock it off. - Goddamn it, what? 177 00:22:39,943 --> 00:22:41,623 - You're bleeding. - It's nothing, captain. 178 00:22:41,653 --> 00:22:45,115 I want you to take these prisoners back to battalion op, get yourself cleaned up. 179 00:22:45,365 --> 00:22:47,826 Yes, sir. Come on, kraut boys. 180 00:22:49,786 --> 00:22:51,371 - Drop your ammo. - What? 181 00:22:51,538 --> 00:22:52,831 Drop your ammo. 182 00:22:53,039 --> 00:22:55,917 - You kidding me? What are you doing? - Give me your weapon. 183 00:22:59,379 --> 00:23:03,341 You have one round. Johnny, how many prisoners do we have? 184 00:23:03,550 --> 00:23:06,344 - Got 11 right now, sir. - Okay. 185 00:23:07,053 --> 00:23:13,477 You drop a prisoner, the rest'll jump you. I want all prisoners back at battalion op alive. 186 00:23:13,685 --> 00:23:15,061 Yes, sir. 187 00:23:22,736 --> 00:23:27,407 "They got me." You believe that? You believe I said that? 188 00:23:28,074 --> 00:23:30,952 - Can you make it back to op? - Yeah. 189 00:23:32,245 --> 00:23:35,624 - All right. - I will see you some place else. 190 00:23:36,791 --> 00:23:39,753 Take these to battalion. 191 00:23:40,378 --> 00:23:42,589 - And split them up. - Yes, sir. 192 00:23:46,676 --> 00:23:47,904 Tommy, will you help me with this? 193 00:23:47,928 --> 00:23:49,596 And up! 194 00:23:49,763 --> 00:23:51,306 All right. 195 00:23:53,266 --> 00:23:54,851 Here you are. 196 00:23:55,519 --> 00:23:58,730 - We had them on the run. - How's that? 197 00:23:58,939 --> 00:24:01,316 The Germans were flooding back towards the ferry crossing... 198 00:24:01,483 --> 00:24:04,778 When we hit them with artillery. It was like a Turkey shoot. 199 00:24:05,028 --> 00:24:08,990 Then they hit us with their 88s, zeroed in on this crossroad. 200 00:24:09,241 --> 00:24:12,953 Now we were lucky, though. Only 22 wounded. 201 00:24:13,203 --> 00:24:14,371 Lucky. 202 00:24:14,621 --> 00:24:16,915 - Captain winters? - Right down there, sir. 203 00:24:17,165 --> 00:24:19,125 All right, carry on. 204 00:24:24,464 --> 00:24:27,133 All right, krauts. 205 00:25:04,170 --> 00:25:07,173 Twenty-two wounded, huh? You okay? 206 00:25:07,382 --> 00:25:09,968 - Yeah. One killed. - Who? 207 00:25:10,218 --> 00:25:12,429 Dukeman. 208 00:25:13,888 --> 00:25:15,599 Dukeman. 209 00:25:19,060 --> 00:25:22,772 You're looking at two full companies of ss. 210 00:25:22,981 --> 00:25:26,109 About 50 dead, probably another 100 wounded. 211 00:25:26,318 --> 00:25:31,865 Seven back in the regimental cage, plus a whole string of them up there. 212 00:25:32,240 --> 00:25:34,951 That's not bad for dukeman. 213 00:25:35,577 --> 00:25:39,039 You got a drink? Of water? 214 00:25:43,918 --> 00:25:45,962 Yeah, that's water. 215 00:26:00,101 --> 00:26:01,561 Okay? 216 00:26:14,532 --> 00:26:17,827 363rd volksgrenadier hit opheusden... 217 00:26:18,078 --> 00:26:21,998 About the same time your ss made a run for my op down the road. 218 00:26:22,248 --> 00:26:24,959 3rd battalion got the hell beat out of them. 219 00:26:25,251 --> 00:26:29,923 - Ollie horton was killed. - Major horton's dead? 220 00:26:30,131 --> 00:26:36,054 They hit 2nd battalion op in force. He was organizing the defense. 221 00:26:36,638 --> 00:26:39,766 Captain Nixon, excuse us just for a minute. 222 00:26:53,988 --> 00:26:57,158 How would you feel about handling a battalion? 223 00:26:58,952 --> 00:27:04,040 I'm moving you up to executive officer of 2nd battalion. Colonel strayer is... 224 00:27:04,290 --> 00:27:06,501 Well, he could use some help. 225 00:27:06,793 --> 00:27:09,379 Well, I know I can handle them in the field, sir. 226 00:27:09,629 --> 00:27:13,091 That's right, dick. You're a solid tactician and a good leader. 227 00:27:13,341 --> 00:27:16,052 Don't worry about administration. 228 00:27:24,394 --> 00:27:26,771 Who do you think will be taking over easy, sir? 229 00:27:26,938 --> 00:27:30,191 Moose heyliger can command easy company. 230 00:27:30,400 --> 00:27:33,403 - Lieutenant heyliger would be my choice, sir. - Good. 231 00:27:33,611 --> 00:27:35,339 You pack your gear and come on up to battalion op. 232 00:27:35,363 --> 00:27:37,115 Yes, sir. 233 00:27:41,244 --> 00:27:43,538 Like some coffee, sir? 234 00:27:44,122 --> 00:27:47,751 - Yeah. Thanks, doc. - All right. 235 00:27:48,501 --> 00:27:52,672 Hey, dick! You finish your novel yet? 236 00:27:53,173 --> 00:27:54,340 That's a lot of homework. 237 00:27:54,507 --> 00:27:57,218 And I thought executive officer was supposed to be a fun job. 238 00:27:57,469 --> 00:28:00,263 - Who are you? - Zielinski, sir. 239 00:28:00,513 --> 00:28:04,893 - Who is he? - Zielinski's my orderly. 240 00:28:06,352 --> 00:28:07,937 Well, rank does have its privileges. 241 00:28:08,188 --> 00:28:11,566 Orderly? I suppose you do stuff like get coffee? 242 00:28:11,733 --> 00:28:14,944 - Can do, sir. - Black, no sugar. 243 00:28:15,153 --> 00:28:18,615 And a bacon sandwich. You? Bacon sandwich! 244 00:28:18,865 --> 00:28:22,577 Give that to colonel sink. With my compliments. 245 00:28:23,453 --> 00:28:28,208 All that for two pages? Guess that means that's gonna take a while. 246 00:28:28,458 --> 00:28:31,002 Yeah, it is. You want a job? 247 00:28:31,252 --> 00:28:35,548 There it is. I think somebody wishes he were back in charge of easy company, moose. 248 00:28:35,965 --> 00:28:39,719 - Are you two just here to gloat? - No, just to rub it in a little bit. 249 00:28:39,886 --> 00:28:42,388 Moose is gonna lead his first mission as company commander. 250 00:28:42,639 --> 00:28:45,934 Operation Pegasus is set to go off. I thought I might give you the heads-up. 251 00:28:46,184 --> 00:28:48,895 Pegasus. Yeah. 252 00:28:49,479 --> 00:28:52,565 Yeah, great. Everybody know their job? 253 00:28:52,816 --> 00:28:55,211 We drilled with the boats all day. Lieutenant Welsh is coming along... 254 00:28:55,235 --> 00:28:57,237 And the Canadian engineers. 255 00:28:57,487 --> 00:28:58,863 Colonel dobie knows his stuff. 256 00:28:59,030 --> 00:29:00,830 Know how many times you wanna cross the river? 257 00:29:00,990 --> 00:29:04,077 If there really are 140 brits in hiding over there, three trips. 258 00:29:04,327 --> 00:29:06,788 Speed is the key. What time is jump-off? 259 00:29:07,038 --> 00:29:10,917 - We'll be at the far side of the rhine at 0100. - Speed is the key. 260 00:29:11,084 --> 00:29:13,795 - Keep moving and lead the way. - Dick. 261 00:29:14,003 --> 00:29:16,923 Easy's in good hands. 262 00:29:18,800 --> 00:29:23,555 - Yeah, right. Well, hang tough. - I could say the same to you. 263 00:29:25,056 --> 00:29:28,101 - Good luck, moose. - Captain. 264 00:29:29,310 --> 00:29:35,316 - Nix, are we sure on the intelligence of this? - Well, I think it's pretty good. 265 00:29:35,525 --> 00:29:39,070 Is easy walking into another company of Germans no one can see? 266 00:29:39,320 --> 00:29:42,615 Why don't we ask moose when he gets back? 267 00:29:43,491 --> 00:29:45,326 Right, yeah. 268 00:29:45,577 --> 00:29:49,455 If they do run into any trouble, you'll let me know? 269 00:29:51,624 --> 00:29:55,962 You run into any bacon sandwich, do the same, all right? 270 00:30:28,786 --> 00:30:31,831 - Line secure, sir. - Fall back into position, private. 271 00:30:32,081 --> 00:30:36,586 - I got the .30 Cal. On the left flank. - Extend it out to the left 10 yards. 272 00:30:36,794 --> 00:30:39,923 So, colonel, where are they? 273 00:30:41,007 --> 00:30:42,258 - Leicester. - Square. 274 00:30:42,508 --> 00:30:44,719 Come on in. 275 00:30:45,303 --> 00:30:47,513 - Welcome back, sir. - Good to be back. 276 00:30:47,680 --> 00:30:50,350 Heyliger. 506 of the 101st airborne. 277 00:30:50,558 --> 00:30:53,019 Never thought I'd be so glad to see a bloody yank. 278 00:30:53,227 --> 00:30:58,316 - Your show, colonel. - I'll be back shortly. Go! 279 00:31:00,151 --> 00:31:03,696 - Boats are all secure, sir. - Bull! 280 00:31:04,739 --> 00:31:07,867 The brits are on their way. Pass the word. 281 00:31:11,037 --> 00:31:14,958 Sir, you missed a signature here. 282 00:31:23,424 --> 00:31:25,802 - Moose heyliger. - That's me, sir. 283 00:31:26,052 --> 00:31:28,763 - God bless you, my man. - We're ready to go, sir. 284 00:31:28,930 --> 00:31:32,475 - Where's the rest of you? - I'll get them. 285 00:31:36,604 --> 00:31:40,817 - And here we all are. - Well, let's go. 286 00:31:42,568 --> 00:31:46,864 - Wahai Mohammed! - Wahai Mohammed! 287 00:31:47,073 --> 00:31:52,412 Moose heyliger and the American 101st have done the red devils a great service. 288 00:31:52,662 --> 00:31:58,126 Making it possible for us to return and fight the enemy another day. 289 00:31:59,168 --> 00:32:04,632 - To easy company, victory and currahee! - Currahee! 290 00:32:13,975 --> 00:32:16,853 I was only easy's co for four months, moose. 291 00:32:17,020 --> 00:32:19,420 Before that it was meehan's company, and before that sobel's. 292 00:32:20,481 --> 00:32:23,067 Yeah, but you're the only combat commander they've ever known. 293 00:32:23,234 --> 00:32:24,527 And I'm from another company. 294 00:32:24,777 --> 00:32:28,322 You know where they came from, you know what they've been through. 295 00:32:28,489 --> 00:32:33,786 Just hang tough. Train your new platoon leaders. Trust your noncoms. 296 00:32:34,037 --> 00:32:36,289 - Halt! - It's moose! 297 00:32:36,831 --> 00:32:38,666 Hold your fire! 298 00:32:42,170 --> 00:32:44,213 Okay, buddy. 299 00:32:46,174 --> 00:32:48,509 Oh, my god. 300 00:32:48,760 --> 00:32:51,512 Send for lieutenant Welsh. 301 00:32:51,888 --> 00:32:54,448 Stay awake on me. Stay awake on me, moose. Here, look in my eyes. 302 00:32:54,515 --> 00:32:56,559 Send for lieutenant Welsh now! 303 00:32:56,934 --> 00:32:58,436 Okay, okay. 304 00:32:59,437 --> 00:33:03,816 I'm sorry, sir! I'm so sorry! I didn't know. Jesus Christ! 305 00:33:04,025 --> 00:33:06,152 - Where are you from, trooper? - Wyoming, sir. 306 00:33:06,402 --> 00:33:08,488 You're a long way from home, private. 307 00:33:08,696 --> 00:33:10,239 - Stretcher! - I got him, Harry. 308 00:33:10,406 --> 00:33:11,646 - You give him morphine? - Yeah. 309 00:33:11,741 --> 00:33:14,577 - How much? - Can't remember. Two, three syrettes maybe. 310 00:33:14,744 --> 00:33:16,496 - Two, three syrettes maybe? - Yeah. 311 00:33:16,662 --> 00:33:18,640 - Jesus Christ. Were you trying to kill him?! - I think it was two. 312 00:33:18,664 --> 00:33:20,893 You don't think it might be important to let me know how much medication... 313 00:33:20,917 --> 00:33:24,045 The man has had? Because I do not see one syrette on the man's jacket! 314 00:33:24,212 --> 00:33:26,255 - Sorry, doc. - Sure is a good thing he's a big man. 315 00:33:26,422 --> 00:33:28,822 - Maybe he'll stand a chance. - He was in a lot of pain, doc. 316 00:33:28,883 --> 00:33:30,736 - We didn't know what to do. - Yeah, well you ought to. 317 00:33:30,760 --> 00:33:33,846 You are officers, you are grownups, you ought to know! 318 00:33:34,055 --> 00:33:36,974 All right, let's go! Come on, move it! 319 00:33:53,491 --> 00:33:58,454 - Once more. - About face! Fonnard, march! 320 00:33:59,455 --> 00:34:01,874 Easy still has only 65 percent strength... 321 00:34:02,041 --> 00:34:06,087 And most of those are replacements, including their new co. 322 00:34:06,337 --> 00:34:07,922 How's it. Dike doing? 323 00:34:08,131 --> 00:34:11,217 Three weeks in Holland, the guys are already calling him "foxhole Norman." 324 00:34:11,425 --> 00:34:14,220 They're talking about a mid-march action at the earliest. 325 00:34:14,387 --> 00:34:17,974 So we train the guys for 3 months, we jump into Berlin, we end the war. 326 00:34:18,391 --> 00:34:22,562 The only thing holding together easy company is the ncos. Toccoa men. 327 00:34:22,812 --> 00:34:25,231 Sir, there's a sergeant guarnere here to see you. 328 00:34:25,439 --> 00:34:28,276 - Look what the train brought in. - Hey, the daredevil. 329 00:34:28,526 --> 00:34:30,611 - Hi, captain. - Welcome back, bill. 330 00:34:30,820 --> 00:34:33,447 Jesus, it's true. I never thought I'd see you behind a desk, sir. 331 00:34:33,614 --> 00:34:35,741 Someday, he'll sit behind it. 332 00:34:35,908 --> 00:34:38,387 Well, I just went awol from the hospital to get back here, sir. 333 00:34:38,411 --> 00:34:40,131 I hope that's not gonna cause you a problem. 334 00:34:40,246 --> 00:34:44,333 - Would you care if it did? - Not a bit, sir. 335 00:34:45,960 --> 00:34:50,506 Got a letter for you here from moose. Lieutenant heyliger, sir. 336 00:34:50,756 --> 00:34:53,050 He's recovering, but it's gonna be a long haul. 337 00:34:53,217 --> 00:34:54,552 Thanks, bill. 338 00:34:55,761 --> 00:34:59,932 So I hear there's gonna be a football game? Those chumps in the 5-0-deuce? 339 00:35:00,141 --> 00:35:06,272 - Oh, yeah, Christmas day. - Great! Skytrain boys. Can't wait. 340 00:35:14,822 --> 00:35:20,870 - Well, I'll just go find some trouble. - You do that. 341 00:35:23,539 --> 00:35:26,000 No more joy riding, right? 342 00:35:27,043 --> 00:35:33,591 Oh, anybody ever heard of a little joint called Lulu's? 343 00:35:34,800 --> 00:35:36,677 Got me. 344 00:35:37,303 --> 00:35:40,014 I'll just ask around. 345 00:35:47,313 --> 00:35:49,315 Well, I guess now is as good a time as any. 346 00:35:49,482 --> 00:35:53,027 What? What's that, a piece of paper? I don't wanna see another piece of paper. 347 00:35:53,236 --> 00:35:55,112 General Taylor's flown back to Washington. 348 00:35:55,279 --> 00:35:57,698 He's left general mcauliffe in charge of the division. 349 00:35:57,907 --> 00:36:00,284 Colonel sink is in rheims to see Marlene Dietrich. 350 00:36:00,451 --> 00:36:02,578 - Marlene Dietrich is in rheims? - At the uso. 351 00:36:02,745 --> 00:36:04,205 I'm out of here. I'm going to rheims. 352 00:36:04,455 --> 00:36:06,516 Strayer will be in London for at least another week... 353 00:36:06,540 --> 00:36:09,436 For lieutenant colonel dobie's wedding. I personally am heading back to aldbourne... 354 00:36:09,460 --> 00:36:11,504 To look up a certain young lady. 355 00:36:11,712 --> 00:36:15,007 - What are you telling me? - You, my friend, are headed to Paris. 356 00:36:15,174 --> 00:36:17,510 City of light. That's a 48-hour pass. 357 00:36:17,677 --> 00:36:21,180 It's been decided that you need a little dose of civilization. 358 00:36:21,389 --> 00:36:23,057 Bon voyage. 359 00:36:27,937 --> 00:36:29,855 Second that. 360 00:36:47,707 --> 00:36:51,544 - I got two friends in the airborne. - Give me a break. 361 00:36:51,752 --> 00:36:54,922 - We're all on the same side. - Marines? 362 00:36:55,089 --> 00:36:58,634 I'm telling you, marines are the toughest bunch going. 363 00:36:58,884 --> 00:37:00,594 - Marines? - Wait a second. 364 00:37:00,886 --> 00:37:04,056 No, the airborne is right up there. The airborne is as tough as they come. 365 00:37:04,265 --> 00:37:07,018 You should see the basic training. 366 00:37:07,268 --> 00:37:13,774 You know what I did in basic training? I had to eat rats in basic training. 367 00:37:14,025 --> 00:37:16,777 Well, that's the first time... 368 00:41:00,042 --> 00:41:03,212 Every time I look at you, / see eight or nine of you. 369 00:41:03,420 --> 00:41:06,715 - I'/I be all right... - "Look at me. I'm John Wayne. 370 00:41:06,924 --> 00:41:10,344 The costume department set me up with these great Navy whites..." 371 00:41:10,553 --> 00:41:12,346 Luz, shut up. 372 00:41:12,513 --> 00:41:14,139 I'm trying to watch this. 373 00:41:14,306 --> 00:41:18,018 - I've seen this movie 13 times, okay? - I haven't, so shut up. 374 00:41:18,227 --> 00:41:20,312 - Watch the movie, fine. - Hey, skip! 375 00:41:20,479 --> 00:41:22,439 Come on! 376 00:41:22,648 --> 00:41:24,858 Where you been? I been looking all over for you. 377 00:41:25,025 --> 00:41:26,652 Well, Don, I was at home in tonawanda... 378 00:41:26,860 --> 00:41:29,947 But then Hitler started this whole thing, so now I'm here. 379 00:41:30,155 --> 00:41:34,326 - How'd you make out in craps? - Not so bad. Here's the $60 I borrowed. 380 00:41:34,535 --> 00:41:37,663 - You're paying me back? - And as a thank you... 381 00:41:37,871 --> 00:41:39,957 - Surprising. - A tip! 382 00:41:40,165 --> 00:41:42,459 - Jesus! - Shut up! 383 00:41:42,668 --> 00:41:45,981 - I was up 6 grand, but I only have 3600 left. - What are you gonna do with all that dough? 384 00:41:46,005 --> 00:41:49,258 - Blow most of it in Paris as soon as possible. - Give me a tip. 385 00:41:49,466 --> 00:41:52,052 I don't think that climate in there agrees with you. 386 00:41:52,219 --> 00:41:55,347 As a matter of fact, I've been worried about your health altogether. 387 00:41:55,556 --> 00:41:57,891 - Hey, buck. - You don't look well. 388 00:41:58,183 --> 00:42:03,522 How are you feeling? Your wounds heal? All four of them? 389 00:42:05,357 --> 00:42:07,901 You seen this before? 390 00:42:14,700 --> 00:42:16,869 Is it any good? 391 00:42:20,414 --> 00:42:22,916 It's a real corker. 392 00:42:33,969 --> 00:42:36,639 Lip, favorite part. 393 00:42:36,847 --> 00:42:38,891 "Got a penny?" 394 00:42:39,141 --> 00:42:41,894 "Got a penny?" 395 00:42:45,022 --> 00:42:47,399 "Got a penny?" 396 00:42:47,733 --> 00:42:50,027 - Got a penny? - Sure. 397 00:42:50,277 --> 00:42:51,904 What? 398 00:42:55,449 --> 00:42:56,742 Quiet! 399 00:42:56,950 --> 00:42:59,370 -Come on. —quiet! 400 00:43:01,288 --> 00:43:03,624 I said, quiet! 401 00:43:03,832 --> 00:43:07,378 Elements of the 1st and the 6th ss panzer division have broken through... 402 00:43:07,544 --> 00:43:08,754 In the ardennes forest. 403 00:43:08,921 --> 00:43:11,924 They've overrun the 28th infantry and elements of the 4th. 404 00:43:12,132 --> 00:43:16,553 All officers, report to respective hqs. All passes are canceled. 405 00:43:16,762 --> 00:43:20,891 Enlisted men, report to barracks and your platoon leaders. 406 00:43:28,148 --> 00:43:31,777 - Damn, what a day. - Unbelievable. 407 00:43:33,112 --> 00:43:35,114 Got a light? 408 00:43:36,782 --> 00:43:39,451 All right, there you go. 409 00:44:02,182 --> 00:44:05,436 Sir! Lieutenant peacock, sir? Have you seen colonel strayer? 410 00:44:05,644 --> 00:44:07,644 - Where's the company commander? - Lieutenant dike? 411 00:44:07,730 --> 00:44:09,314 I've been looking for him all day. 412 00:44:09,481 --> 00:44:13,235 How is it that the 4th army's problem gets dumped on the airborne? 413 00:44:13,444 --> 00:44:15,654 Lieutenant peacock. Lieutenant Compton. Captain winters. 414 00:44:15,821 --> 00:44:17,823 Oh, lieutenant dike, I've been looking for you. 415 00:44:18,031 --> 00:44:20,635 Sir, we have a problem. Colonel strayer has not yet returned from some wedding... 416 00:44:20,659 --> 00:44:22,804 That he's attending in London. Can you believe that? 417 00:44:22,828 --> 00:44:26,498 We're going to the front and our co isn't even in the same damn country. 418 00:44:26,707 --> 00:44:29,310 You have a bigger problem, lieutenant dike. You have men returning to action... 419 00:44:29,334 --> 00:44:31,795 Without proper cold weather clothing and not enough ammo. 420 00:44:31,962 --> 00:44:33,797 - Sir? - I suggest you take a canvass... 421 00:44:33,964 --> 00:44:37,634 Of the entire base. Get what materials you have before we roll out. 422 00:44:37,801 --> 00:44:39,595 Or have you done that already? 423 00:44:39,845 --> 00:44:42,848 - No, sir. - K rations. As many as you can scrounge. 424 00:44:43,056 --> 00:44:44,743 We don't know if we'll be resupplied or not. 425 00:44:44,767 --> 00:44:45,976 - Yes, sir. - What about ammo? 426 00:44:46,143 --> 00:44:48,204 There is no more ammo. Distribute it amongst the men... 427 00:44:48,228 --> 00:44:50,388 As best you can so at least everybody has something. 428 00:44:50,481 --> 00:44:53,025 Yes, sir. Lieutenant Compton, lieutenant peacock... 429 00:44:53,192 --> 00:44:55,027 Inform lieutenant shames of the situation. 430 00:44:55,194 --> 00:44:57,297 Get all your platoons as best equipped as you can, and then report... 431 00:44:57,321 --> 00:44:59,865 - Back here to me. Understood? - Yes, sir. 432 00:45:00,032 --> 00:45:01,617 Captain. 433 00:45:24,973 --> 00:45:29,144 The blackout's not in effect. Luftwaffe must be asleep. 434 00:45:29,394 --> 00:45:31,980 What a difference a day makes, huh, lieutenant? 435 00:45:34,316 --> 00:45:39,988 - Christ, I miss those c-47s. - Got a tailgate jump here. 436 00:45:43,283 --> 00:45:45,845 I just wanna know where they're sending us. What the hell are we supposed to do... 437 00:45:45,869 --> 00:45:49,164 - With no ammo? - Hey, kid, what's your name again? 438 00:45:49,414 --> 00:45:54,253 - Suerth. Suerth Jr. - You got any ammo, junior? 439 00:45:54,419 --> 00:45:56,797 - Just what I'm carrying. - What about socks, junior? 440 00:45:56,964 --> 00:45:59,842 - You got extra socks? - A pair. 441 00:46:00,008 --> 00:46:01,969 You need four, minimum. 442 00:46:02,219 --> 00:46:04,137 Feet, hands, neck, balls... 443 00:46:04,304 --> 00:46:06,265 Extra socks warms them all! 444 00:46:06,431 --> 00:46:10,227 Okay, we all remember that one, but did we remember the socks? 445 00:46:10,435 --> 00:46:11,937 Give my goddamn boots for a cigarette. 446 00:46:12,104 --> 00:46:13,289 We're all out of ammo and socks. 447 00:46:13,313 --> 00:46:16,275 - Anybody got a cigarette? - I bet junior's got plenty of both. 448 00:46:16,441 --> 00:46:18,443 - I don't. - How about a hat? You got a hat? 449 00:46:18,610 --> 00:46:22,072 - Hey, you got extra ammo? - What about a coat? Got a coat? 450 00:46:22,239 --> 00:46:24,241 Shut up with the coat. No one's got one. 451 00:46:24,408 --> 00:46:26,511 - How about some smokes then? - Yeah, I got some smokes. 452 00:46:26,535 --> 00:46:29,496 - Now you're talking! - Hey, hey, hey. Toss it up! 453 00:46:29,705 --> 00:46:31,415 Pass them down! Pass them down! 454 00:46:31,582 --> 00:46:32,624 Somebody give me a light. 455 00:46:33,500 --> 00:46:35,460 Keep moving! Come on! 456 00:46:35,711 --> 00:46:38,171 - Go to the left! - All right. Keep coming! 457 00:46:39,590 --> 00:46:44,636 Keep it moving! All the way down! Keep moving! 458 00:46:57,816 --> 00:46:59,151 Keep moving, guys. 459 00:46:59,318 --> 00:47:02,988 All right, guys, 15 minutes. Smoke them if you got them. 460 00:47:03,155 --> 00:47:04,489 Keep warm, you guys. 461 00:47:04,656 --> 00:47:05,949 Where the hell are we? 462 00:47:06,116 --> 00:47:09,661 Sure we ain't in hell, it's too damn cold. 463 00:47:13,832 --> 00:47:17,377 Hey, stand back, guys, I been holding this for the last hour! 464 00:47:18,128 --> 00:47:20,714 Anybody got any matches? 465 00:47:27,179 --> 00:47:30,641 Gather round, guys, gather round. 466 00:47:37,522 --> 00:47:40,108 Wait right here. Don't go anywhere. 467 00:47:40,359 --> 00:47:42,736 Welcome to Belgium. 468 00:47:43,028 --> 00:47:46,782 This area is known as bastogne, strategic crossroads town. 469 00:47:47,032 --> 00:47:52,621 Seven roads leading in, seven roads leading out, which makes it ideal for kraut armor. 470 00:47:52,829 --> 00:47:56,708 Now ike wants to make sure that the krauts can't use those roads. 471 00:47:56,959 --> 00:48:00,879 So we're gonna put a perimeter around bastogne, dig in tight as a tick. 472 00:48:01,129 --> 00:48:03,382 2nd battalion will be deployed over here to the east. 473 00:48:03,548 --> 00:48:06,051 Thank god. Barely made it. 474 00:48:06,301 --> 00:48:08,929 - Better get yourself some ods, Bob. - Okay. 475 00:48:09,137 --> 00:48:12,599 1st battalion's to the north on your left flank. 3rd battalion's in reserve. 476 00:48:12,808 --> 00:48:15,352 - Andy, let's roll! - Sir, we're a little short on ammunition. 477 00:48:15,560 --> 00:48:17,854 - How short? - There was a limited supply in camp, sir. 478 00:48:18,063 --> 00:48:22,734 Captain, you beg, borrow or steal ammo, but you defend this area. 479 00:48:22,901 --> 00:48:24,903 - Yes, sir. - Yes, sir. 480 00:48:34,746 --> 00:48:36,832 Jesus Christ! 481 00:48:41,086 --> 00:48:47,926 - Hey, bill, Don, come here. Look at this. - What? Hold on. Jesus, I'm done. 482 00:48:51,596 --> 00:48:53,515 What the...? 483 00:48:59,521 --> 00:49:04,359 - What the hell is going on? - Hey, you're going the wrong way. 484 00:49:04,776 --> 00:49:06,445 Hey, pal. Hey, pal... 485 00:49:06,653 --> 00:49:09,698 Hey, pal. Hey, pal. What happened? Where the hell are you going? 486 00:49:09,948 --> 00:49:13,785 They came out of nowhere. They slaughtered us. You gotta get out of here. 487 00:49:14,036 --> 00:49:17,122 - We just got here. - Give me your ammo. Come on. 488 00:49:17,289 --> 00:49:22,127 - Take it. You'll need it. - Go on, get out of here. 489 00:49:26,048 --> 00:49:28,341 Holy Christ. 490 00:49:30,135 --> 00:49:32,304 - Who's got ammo? - Got ammo? 491 00:49:32,512 --> 00:49:35,223 Hold on, give me your ammo. What do you got, kid? 492 00:49:35,390 --> 00:49:37,476 You got any grenades? Hand them over. 493 00:49:37,684 --> 00:49:41,021 - You got grenades? - Thanks, buddy. 494 00:49:41,229 --> 00:49:44,524 Got any grenades? Who's got grenades? 495 00:49:45,442 --> 00:49:47,069 Private, what do you got? 496 00:49:48,236 --> 00:49:50,489 Make a hole! 497 00:49:51,073 --> 00:49:56,203 Make a hole! Make a hole! I got ammo! Grab what you can! 498 00:49:56,411 --> 00:49:59,956 Lieutenant, you're a godsend. What's the situation? 499 00:50:00,165 --> 00:50:05,170 Well, I heard you guys were coming in. There was an ammo dump. So here. 500 00:50:05,337 --> 00:50:08,006 - Is it just you guys in the 101st? - Looks like. 501 00:50:08,215 --> 00:50:10,258 - What hit you fellows? - Everything. 502 00:50:10,467 --> 00:50:13,178 The krauts had tigers, panthers... 503 00:50:13,386 --> 00:50:17,974 Sps, stukas. Arty and infantryjust kept on coming. 504 00:50:18,475 --> 00:50:21,394 - What's your name, lieutenant? - George rice, 10th armor. 505 00:50:21,603 --> 00:50:24,022 - Good work, son. - You got any more mortar rounds, sir? 506 00:50:24,189 --> 00:50:26,858 - We're real short. - I'll try to make another ammo run if I can... 507 00:50:27,025 --> 00:50:31,488 - But don't count on anything. - Thank you, sir. I'll take this, captain. 508 00:50:32,572 --> 00:50:36,326 A panzer division's about to cut the road south. 509 00:50:36,785 --> 00:50:38,870 Looks like you guys are gonna be surrounded. 510 00:50:39,037 --> 00:50:42,791 We're paratroopers, lieutenant, we're supposed to be surrounded. 511 00:50:43,166 --> 00:50:45,460 - Good luck. - Thanks.