1 00:00:08,176 --> 00:00:15,142 I've seen death. I've seen my friends, my men, being killed. 2 00:00:15,350 --> 00:00:21,731 And this is... it doesn't take too many days of that... 3 00:00:21,940 --> 00:00:25,235 And you change dramatically. 4 00:00:25,443 --> 00:00:29,239 We was hungry. We had no food, didn't have much ammunition. It was cold. 5 00:00:29,447 --> 00:00:31,384 We didn't have any clothes. You couldn't build a fire. 6 00:00:31,408 --> 00:00:34,536 If you built a fire, some crazy thing would shoot at you. 7 00:00:34,744 --> 00:00:37,056 Everywhere you would look, you would see dead people, you know. 8 00:00:37,080 --> 00:00:41,585 A dead soldier there, here. Ours, theirs. 9 00:00:41,793 --> 00:00:46,923 Then civilians, besides... Dead animals. 10 00:00:47,174 --> 00:00:49,426 So death was all over. 11 00:00:49,718 --> 00:00:54,973 You don't have a chance, when your friends go down... 12 00:00:55,223 --> 00:00:59,811 To really take care of them as you might. 13 00:01:00,103 --> 00:01:06,234 And especially if you're under attack, moving or whatever, and... 14 00:01:07,444 --> 00:01:10,822 I withstood it well... 15 00:01:11,114 --> 00:01:16,620 But I had a lot of trouble in later life... 16 00:01:16,828 --> 00:01:22,626 Because those events would come back... 17 00:01:22,834 --> 00:01:26,254 And you never forget them. 18 00:04:10,001 --> 00:04:11,628 After holding the line at bastogne... 19 00:04:11,795 --> 00:04:13,838 Easy company was once again called on... 20 00:04:14,005 --> 00:04:16,257 To help push the Germans back through the bulge. 21 00:04:16,466 --> 00:04:19,761 We were here this morning, and then we came this way. 22 00:04:19,969 --> 00:04:23,306 All right, so right here's gotta be the logging road coming into here. 23 00:04:23,473 --> 00:04:26,017 - So you go right there. - Hey! Take it easy! 24 00:04:26,309 --> 00:04:30,522 - Stop crying or I'll nail it to your head. - It's made of wood. 25 00:04:30,688 --> 00:04:34,442 - Guarnere, move them out. Let's go. - Yes, sir. 2nd platoon, let's go. 26 00:04:34,651 --> 00:04:39,989 I was glad to be out of my foxhole and moving again, even if only to get warm. 27 00:04:40,281 --> 00:04:43,952 Spread out. Keep your interval. 28 00:04:50,166 --> 00:04:51,366 E company was sent to clear... 29 00:04:51,501 --> 00:04:54,337 The 80/3 Jacques, the woods near the town of foy... 30 00:04:54,629 --> 00:04:59,342 In preparation for what we all knew would be the eventual assault on foy itself. 31 00:04:59,509 --> 00:05:00,677 I see it, buck. 32 00:05:00,844 --> 00:05:03,513 Watch for mines. 33 00:05:05,348 --> 00:05:07,350 During that 1000-yard attack through the woods... 34 00:05:07,517 --> 00:05:09,853 We encountered sporadic German machine-gun fire... 35 00:05:10,019 --> 00:05:15,442 And had a couple of casualties, but for the most part met little resistance. 36 00:05:18,570 --> 00:05:22,699 Nelson! Look. Nelson! 37 00:05:24,159 --> 00:05:26,494 Hoobler's run-in with the German officer on horseback... 38 00:05:26,661 --> 00:05:29,998 Was the most dramatic moment of the day. 39 00:06:07,035 --> 00:06:09,078 Oh, shit. 40 00:06:21,257 --> 00:06:22,926 Thank you. 41 00:06:28,264 --> 00:06:31,476 Hoobler had been talking about getting a luger since normandy. 42 00:06:31,643 --> 00:06:34,020 As we dug in, he went from foxhole to foxhole... 43 00:06:34,187 --> 00:06:36,147 Telling everyone just how he'd finally got one. 44 00:06:36,314 --> 00:06:38,900 Down he goes right out of the saddle like a sack of potatoes. 45 00:06:39,108 --> 00:06:43,071 Outstanding accuracy on my part, if I do say so myself. 46 00:06:43,279 --> 00:06:45,740 - Which you do. - Which I do. 47 00:06:45,949 --> 00:06:49,285 Hell, shifty, I think maybe I could've even given you a run for your money, right? 48 00:06:49,536 --> 00:06:53,456 No, I'm not a good shot. Now, dad, he was an excellent shot. 49 00:06:53,665 --> 00:06:55,792 I declare. He'd shoot the wings off a fly. 50 00:06:56,084 --> 00:06:58,795 Hey, lipton. That German, what do you think he was doing? 51 00:06:58,962 --> 00:07:03,132 Probably a little recon. He must have figured nobody'd hear a horse. 52 00:07:03,341 --> 00:07:06,094 I think he was just trying to get the hell out of dodge. 53 00:07:06,302 --> 00:07:08,304 - What happened to the horse? - I don't know. 54 00:07:08,471 --> 00:07:11,808 Probably still running. Hope he's okay. 55 00:07:12,600 --> 00:07:15,436 - You dug in? - Yeah, yeah. 56 00:07:15,645 --> 00:07:18,481 Just thought I'd take a walk. Shoot the shit. 57 00:07:18,690 --> 00:07:21,359 You're a good shot. Glad you're on our side. 58 00:07:21,568 --> 00:07:23,361 Thanks, lip. 59 00:07:25,780 --> 00:07:29,659 - Thanks for the help. - You got it, shifty. 60 00:07:29,867 --> 00:07:34,497 - Hey, lip? You got a sec? - Yes, sir. 61 00:07:36,666 --> 00:07:39,002 Give him a hand. 62 00:07:40,169 --> 00:07:43,131 - Where's dike? - He's around. 63 00:07:43,339 --> 00:07:47,218 - Could you be more specific, sergeant? - Not really, sir. 64 00:07:47,510 --> 00:07:50,179 I haven't seen him all day. I didn't see him when we were coming... 65 00:07:50,346 --> 00:07:52,783 Through the woods, and I have to figure out how we ended up. 66 00:07:52,807 --> 00:07:55,351 - Two wounded. - Who? 67 00:07:55,643 --> 00:07:59,606 - Brown and Stevenson. - Goddamn it. Where's dike? 68 00:07:59,856 --> 00:08:01,691 Where the hell is he? Where does he ever go? 69 00:08:01,899 --> 00:08:03,860 I don't know, but I wish he'd stay the hell there. 70 00:08:04,027 --> 00:08:05,838 It'd be nice if he took it. Shames with him too. 71 00:08:05,862 --> 00:08:07,905 - Shut up, boys. - Shutting up, sarge. 72 00:08:09,490 --> 00:08:11,409 Hey! What the hell was that? 73 00:08:12,869 --> 00:08:16,914 - Patrol? - No, we would've heard. 74 00:08:17,206 --> 00:08:20,209 - One man, maybe a sniper. - That was no rifle. 75 00:08:20,501 --> 00:08:23,546 - What do you see, shift? - Nobody out there. 76 00:08:23,755 --> 00:08:25,632 Are you sure? 77 00:08:25,840 --> 00:08:28,551 - It's hoob. He's shot! - Sniper? 78 00:08:28,760 --> 00:08:33,222 - No, no, he, he shot himself. - Medic! 79 00:08:33,431 --> 00:08:35,224 - What happened? - Doc. 80 00:08:35,433 --> 00:08:36,893 It's my fucking leg. 81 00:08:37,060 --> 00:08:39,062 - You'll be all right. - He did what? What? 82 00:08:39,228 --> 00:08:40,855 - It just went off. - What happened? 83 00:08:41,064 --> 00:08:42,583 What are you doing with a loaded gun in your pants? 84 00:08:42,607 --> 00:08:44,901 Shit, fuck, I wasn't touching it or nothing. 85 00:08:45,068 --> 00:08:46,444 Damn it! Goddamn it! 86 00:08:46,653 --> 00:08:48,696 - I wasn't touching it, I swear. - Medic! 87 00:08:48,905 --> 00:08:52,575 - Where are you hit, hoob? - In my leg. 88 00:08:52,742 --> 00:08:54,077 Take it easy, buddy. 89 00:08:54,243 --> 00:08:57,288 Now, don't look, hoob. It's gonna be fine. Don't worry about it. 90 00:08:57,538 --> 00:09:00,917 - Hurts like a son of a bitch. - It's gonna be okay. 91 00:09:01,209 --> 00:09:04,087 - Doc! - Don't worry about it, hoob. 92 00:09:04,253 --> 00:09:08,216 - You'll be all right. You hear me? - Warm him up! 93 00:09:08,424 --> 00:09:09,926 Keep him warm. 94 00:09:10,176 --> 00:09:14,222 - How's it looking, doc? - Let me see it. 95 00:09:14,430 --> 00:09:18,434 Can we get him some blankets or something? 96 00:09:18,685 --> 00:09:21,813 - Keep talking to him. - Listen to me, it's okay. 97 00:09:22,063 --> 00:09:24,232 Think it was a German leg? 98 00:09:24,440 --> 00:09:27,777 - It's not that bad. - You're gonna be fine. 99 00:09:28,069 --> 00:09:30,905 Hold on. Put this across him. 100 00:09:31,114 --> 00:09:35,493 - Wrap him up. Wrap him up. - Here you go. Here you go. 101 00:09:35,785 --> 00:09:41,749 - Lip, you said I was a great shot? - You are. You're a great shot. 102 00:09:41,958 --> 00:09:45,128 You jump out of planes. You're tough, man. 103 00:09:45,336 --> 00:09:48,131 - It's not that bad. - Stay with us, hoob. 104 00:09:48,339 --> 00:09:51,342 - Take it easy. It's all right. - Doc, what are we gonna do? 105 00:09:51,634 --> 00:09:53,445 - How we doing, doc? - Hey, you're gonna be fine. 106 00:09:53,469 --> 00:09:55,280 I can't see a thing. We gotta get back to an aid station. 107 00:09:55,304 --> 00:09:59,016 - Let's get ready to move him. - Take it easy. Take it easy. 108 00:09:59,183 --> 00:10:01,477 Stay there, hoob. 109 00:10:01,644 --> 00:10:04,147 Doc. Doc! 110 00:10:16,367 --> 00:10:18,494 Perc, I'll need a Jeep. 111 00:10:24,292 --> 00:10:27,462 He was wearing so many clothes we couldn't tell how bad he was bleeding. 112 00:10:27,628 --> 00:10:29,348 By the time we got him to the aid station... 113 00:10:29,505 --> 00:10:34,802 He was already dead. The bullet cut the main artery in his leg, sir. 114 00:10:35,011 --> 00:10:39,515 Hell, lip. It wouldn't have made a difference if you had known. 115 00:10:39,682 --> 00:10:43,144 Cut that main artery in the leg, that's it. 116 00:10:43,352 --> 00:10:50,026 Yes, sir. I'm gonna go back and make sure the boys are all dug in, sir. 117 00:10:50,276 --> 00:10:55,865 - Lip? Where's dike? - You want to see him, sir? 118 00:10:56,073 --> 00:11:00,369 No, I just would have expected to get this kind of news from him. 119 00:11:00,578 --> 00:11:05,374 Well, I was there, sir. Figured it might as well be me. 120 00:11:17,678 --> 00:11:22,225 Where's dike? I probably heard that question a thousand times... 121 00:11:22,391 --> 00:11:25,394 And I probably asked it a few times myself 122 00:11:25,603 --> 00:11:28,483 there were long stretches where we didn't know where lieutenant dike was. 123 00:11:28,564 --> 00:11:33,069 He 'd disappear, go off on these walks for hours at a time. 124 00:11:33,361 --> 00:11:37,031 It wouldn't have been so bad if he was just one of the guys in the company... 125 00:11:37,198 --> 00:11:41,118 But it. Dike was supposed to be leading the company. 126 00:11:41,536 --> 00:11:45,248 Captain winters was a co we could all respect. 127 00:11:45,414 --> 00:11:47,500 Moose hey/iger probably would have done a good job... 128 00:11:47,667 --> 00:11:49,502 But before we got a chance to find out... 129 00:11:49,669 --> 00:11:52,380 He was accidentally shot by a sentry. 130 00:11:52,547 --> 00:11:54,423 Then came Norman dike. 131 00:11:54,632 --> 00:11:58,553 I want tight security around the company op, it. Shames. That understood? 132 00:11:58,761 --> 00:12:01,931 Dike wasn't a bad leader because he made bad decisions... 133 00:12:02,098 --> 00:12:05,226 He was a bad leader because he made no decisions. 134 00:12:05,434 --> 00:12:09,146 Battalion ss is planning a move... 135 00:12:09,355 --> 00:12:13,359 So I will probably be called away regularly. 136 00:12:13,568 --> 00:12:15,111 Are there any questions? 137 00:12:15,361 --> 00:12:20,658 Yeah. What's the formation you're wanting us to go for? 138 00:12:21,450 --> 00:12:26,998 At present, as per usual, but I'll clarify that with you at a later time, it. Compton. 139 00:12:27,290 --> 00:12:29,166 Yes, sir. 140 00:12:31,794 --> 00:12:34,630 I gotta make a call. 141 00:12:41,971 --> 00:12:45,016 - Let's move it out. - Right. 142 00:12:48,519 --> 00:12:51,480 Dike was a favorite of somebody at division. 143 00:12:51,647 --> 00:12:55,192 He'd been sent down to e company to get some combat experience. 144 00:12:55,401 --> 00:12:58,821 Sometimes we got the feeling e company was an annoyance to him. 145 00:12:58,988 --> 00:13:00,748 Something unpleasant he had to get through... 146 00:13:00,781 --> 00:13:03,826 Before he could continue his march up the ladder. 147 00:13:04,035 --> 00:13:05,745 I'm telling you boys, we 're screwed. 148 00:13:05,912 --> 00:13:08,122 If you ask me, I'm glad it. Dike's never around. 149 00:13:08,331 --> 00:13:13,002 Hey, you know what? We're doing all right, even with foxhole Norman. 150 00:13:13,294 --> 00:13:16,814 Yeah, Don, we're doing all right. We're doing all right now. In case you ain't noticed... 151 00:13:17,006 --> 00:13:18,942 There's a little town down the hill over there, right? 152 00:13:18,966 --> 00:13:21,446 In that town are these guys. And these guys are called Germans. 153 00:13:21,510 --> 00:13:23,846 - These Germans got tanks. - I know. 154 00:13:24,013 --> 00:13:27,099 Yeah. And our side's gonna want to go into that town. 155 00:13:27,266 --> 00:13:31,020 Wanna take one guess at who they're gonna want to go knocking on the goddamn door? 156 00:13:31,228 --> 00:13:34,815 I know, all right? It's me you're talking to here. 157 00:13:35,024 --> 00:13:38,694 Jesus Christ. We gotta do all this with a co... 158 00:13:38,861 --> 00:13:40,821 Who's got his head so far up his fucking ass... 159 00:13:40,947 --> 00:13:44,325 That lump in his throat is his goddamn nose. 160 00:13:44,533 --> 00:13:47,370 - Hey, first sergeant. - Hey, boys. 161 00:13:47,662 --> 00:13:50,748 - Hey, lip. - Hey, muck, what's the word? 162 00:13:51,040 --> 00:13:57,338 Oh, you know. Sitting around freezing our ass off, singing dike's praises. 163 00:13:57,546 --> 00:14:01,217 Oh, yeah. Lieutenant dike. 164 00:14:02,385 --> 00:14:06,180 Well, I'll tell you... 165 00:14:06,389 --> 00:14:09,725 I wouldn't want to be a replacement officer coming in here. 166 00:14:10,017 --> 00:14:15,398 Get thrown in with a group of guys who've known each other for what, two years? 167 00:14:16,232 --> 00:14:19,527 You've been in combat together since normandy. 168 00:14:19,735 --> 00:14:25,741 He's supposed to just show up and lead them? How does a guy do that? 169 00:14:26,033 --> 00:14:30,997 How could anyone really hope to gain the respect of the toughest... 170 00:14:31,205 --> 00:14:37,420 Most professional, most dedicated sons of bitches in the entire eto? 171 00:14:37,628 --> 00:14:42,425 If you ask me, a guy'd have to march off to Berlin... 172 00:14:42,591 --> 00:14:47,096 And come back with Hitler's mustache or something. 173 00:14:49,890 --> 00:14:55,438 Anyway, listen. You guys don't worry about dike. All right? 174 00:14:57,273 --> 00:15:01,027 We all do our jobs, everything'll be fine. 175 00:15:05,239 --> 00:15:07,783 - See you, sarge. - Yeah, boy. 176 00:15:08,784 --> 00:15:10,578 I don't know if I believed any of that... 177 00:15:10,745 --> 00:15:13,622 But as company first sergeant, it was my job. 178 00:15:13,789 --> 00:15:18,419 Not to protect dike, but to protect the integrity of the company. 179 00:15:18,627 --> 00:15:21,672 You know what dike's problem is, don't you? 180 00:15:21,839 --> 00:15:24,800 He's just another one of those arrogant, rich jerks from Yale. 181 00:15:25,092 --> 00:15:28,763 Oh, god, not another one of those. 182 00:15:31,140 --> 00:15:35,811 Division's not gonna let me replace him just because I got a bad feeling about him. 183 00:15:35,978 --> 00:15:39,356 Even if they would, who'd I put in his place? 184 00:15:40,316 --> 00:15:41,358 Shames? 185 00:15:41,650 --> 00:15:43,569 Do not ever talk when I'm talking! You got that? 186 00:15:43,778 --> 00:15:46,618 Shames has seen too many war movies. Thinks he has to yell all the time. 187 00:15:46,822 --> 00:15:50,868 Both you little crapheads did not listen to a word I said during that briefing, did you? 188 00:15:53,287 --> 00:15:54,767 God bless him, no one tries harder... 189 00:15:54,914 --> 00:15:57,666 But he's not cut out to take men into combat. 190 00:15:57,833 --> 00:15:59,753 I'm sure as hell not gonna make him company co... 191 00:15:59,877 --> 00:16:02,838 When I don't even want him as a platoon leader. 192 00:16:03,130 --> 00:16:07,384 - What about Compton? - He's the only real choice. 193 00:16:08,511 --> 00:16:11,680 Buck's a real combat leader, but you know... 194 00:16:13,140 --> 00:16:17,394 I want easy company to have at least one experienced platoon leader. 195 00:16:17,603 --> 00:16:21,690 Not that it matters anyway, because I can't get rid of dike. 196 00:16:23,651 --> 00:16:27,738 We all know who you'd like to have running easy. 197 00:16:28,030 --> 00:16:31,200 Trouble is, it's not your job anymore, dick. 198 00:16:31,408 --> 00:16:34,703 You've gotta find somebody. 199 00:16:41,168 --> 00:16:43,488 We all agreed buck Compton would've been the best choice... 200 00:16:43,546 --> 00:16:47,883 To run easy if winters had been able to get rid of dike. 201 00:16:49,426 --> 00:16:51,971 But to be honest, buck wasn't the same soldier he'd been... 202 00:16:52,138 --> 00:16:53,889 Before he got shot in Holland. 203 00:16:54,056 --> 00:16:55,683 He was more serious somehow. 204 00:16:55,850 --> 00:16:57,810 He had a goddamn luger in his pants. 205 00:16:57,977 --> 00:16:59,186 Jesus. 206 00:16:59,353 --> 00:17:01,021 Dear god. 207 00:17:01,188 --> 00:17:03,566 Don't you two do something stupid like that, all right? 208 00:17:03,774 --> 00:17:06,735 - We'll try not to, buck. - I mean it. 209 00:17:06,944 --> 00:17:09,697 And you, wild bill. 210 00:17:09,905 --> 00:17:15,411 I've invested too much goddamn time shaping you into something useful. 211 00:17:15,703 --> 00:17:18,263 You do something crazy, get yourself knocked out of this thing... 212 00:17:18,372 --> 00:17:20,040 I know, you'll kill me. 213 00:17:20,249 --> 00:17:23,419 Even if you're dead, I'll still kill you. 214 00:17:24,378 --> 00:17:28,257 I'll see you later. I'm gonna check on the other guys. 215 00:17:32,928 --> 00:17:36,599 - Crazy Joe mccloskey. - What? 216 00:17:36,765 --> 00:17:40,978 This guy used to hang out the front of Delancey's and just stare at people. 217 00:17:41,270 --> 00:17:46,942 I know who crazy Joe mccloskey is. What the hell's that got to do with anything? 218 00:17:47,193 --> 00:17:49,612 Buck kind of reminds me of him now. 219 00:17:50,571 --> 00:17:54,950 - What? Wait, wait, wait. - Ever since he got shot in Holland. 220 00:17:55,117 --> 00:17:56,952 Wait. What are you saying, he's nuts? 221 00:17:57,119 --> 00:17:59,246 Because crazy Joe mccloskey was fucking nuts, babe. 222 00:17:59,413 --> 00:18:00,956 That's why they called him crazy Joe. 223 00:18:01,123 --> 00:18:04,126 No, I'm not saying he's nuts. I'm just saying... 224 00:18:04,293 --> 00:18:06,462 What? What are you saying? 225 00:18:06,754 --> 00:18:08,297 - Forget it. - What? 226 00:18:08,589 --> 00:18:11,634 Forget it. Come on, you've seen him, bill. 227 00:18:11,800 --> 00:18:17,014 - He's all wound up like a spring. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's fine. 228 00:18:19,600 --> 00:18:23,812 It wasn't getting shot that got him, it was being in that hospital. 229 00:18:24,021 --> 00:18:29,318 - I've been there, okay? It ain't pretty. - Yeah. 230 00:18:29,526 --> 00:18:33,781 Besides, you saw, once he was up and moving around, he was his old self again. 231 00:18:34,949 --> 00:18:38,452 I'm telling you, buck Compton's fine. 232 00:18:40,621 --> 00:18:42,998 - I'm serious. - Sure thing, buck. Nothing stupid. 233 00:18:43,249 --> 00:18:46,252 - We got it, right? - We got it. 234 00:18:46,502 --> 00:18:48,837 All right. George? 235 00:18:51,507 --> 00:18:53,968 Nothing stupid, buck. 236 00:19:01,183 --> 00:19:03,686 Don't do anything stupid? Who the hell is he talking to? 237 00:19:03,852 --> 00:19:07,147 Bunch of morons who volunteered to jump out of a perfectly good airplane. 238 00:19:07,314 --> 00:19:08,983 Can you get any more stupid than that? 239 00:19:09,149 --> 00:19:11,360 - Probably not. - Right. 240 00:19:11,652 --> 00:19:15,281 - I swum across the niagara once. - Yeah. 241 00:19:17,199 --> 00:19:22,162 - I swear. On a bet. - What, in a barrel? 242 00:19:22,371 --> 00:19:26,375 No. I didn't go over the fails. I swam across the river. 243 00:19:26,583 --> 00:19:29,211 - I don't know. - Ten miles up from the falls. 244 00:19:29,420 --> 00:19:31,880 - That current is damn strong. - Yeah. 245 00:19:32,089 --> 00:19:35,592 Must have carried me at least two miles downstream before I got across... 246 00:19:35,759 --> 00:19:36,927 But I got across. 247 00:19:37,219 --> 00:19:41,098 Now, personally, I didn't think it was all that stupid... 248 00:19:41,390 --> 00:19:45,894 But my mom, my sister Ruth, they gave me all kinds of hell. 249 00:19:46,186 --> 00:19:49,231 - Yeah, I bet, muck. - So did Faye. 250 00:19:49,523 --> 00:19:53,027 - Sweet Faye Tanner. - Shut it, George. 251 00:19:53,235 --> 00:19:56,905 They had a point. You're an idiot. 252 00:20:16,759 --> 00:20:21,221 I heard about hoobler. Shame. 253 00:20:21,847 --> 00:20:25,100 Yes, sir. It is. 254 00:20:26,268 --> 00:20:28,854 - Is that the luger? - Yes, it is. 255 00:20:29,104 --> 00:20:33,275 - What are you gonna do with it? - I don't know yet. 256 00:20:34,860 --> 00:20:36,945 Where you from, lipton? Where'd you grow up? 257 00:20:39,406 --> 00:20:40,741 Huntington, West Virginia. 258 00:20:40,949 --> 00:20:43,577 - Huntington? - Yes, sir. 259 00:20:43,786 --> 00:20:46,455 I don't know it. 260 00:20:46,747 --> 00:20:49,958 What kind of work did you do there? 261 00:20:50,250 --> 00:20:53,962 My brother and I helped my mom run a boarding house. 262 00:20:54,171 --> 00:20:56,382 And your father? 263 00:20:58,801 --> 00:21:05,182 He was killed when I was 10, sir. Automobile accident. 264 00:21:06,892 --> 00:21:08,602 That's sad. 265 00:21:13,816 --> 00:21:16,402 What made you decide to join the paratroopers? 266 00:21:16,652 --> 00:21:20,322 I read an article about paratroopers in life magazine. 267 00:21:20,531 --> 00:21:23,659 Talked about the training, how hard it was. 268 00:21:23,909 --> 00:21:28,288 It said if you wanted to make it as a paratrooper, you had to be the best. 269 00:21:28,497 --> 00:21:31,208 And I wanted to fight with the best, sir. 270 00:21:31,500 --> 00:21:33,919 You miss it? 271 00:21:34,169 --> 00:21:36,964 - Miss what? - Huntington. 272 00:21:40,008 --> 00:21:44,972 Honestly, sir, I try not to think about it that much. 273 00:21:47,641 --> 00:21:49,518 Where are you from, s...? 274 00:22:09,204 --> 00:22:13,375 - Captain Nixon, sir? Captain Nixon? - What? 275 00:22:14,168 --> 00:22:17,880 Good morning, sir. Sorry to disturb you. This came from division. 276 00:22:21,049 --> 00:22:22,468 All right. 277 00:22:26,346 --> 00:22:29,266 - Morning. - Eviction notice? 278 00:22:29,558 --> 00:22:32,978 Not quite. But I think I got something that'll help you with your leadership problem. 279 00:22:33,228 --> 00:22:36,523 - Dike's being transferred? - No, I can't help you with that. 280 00:22:36,732 --> 00:22:39,693 But division has decided to pluck one officer from each regiment... 281 00:22:39,860 --> 00:22:42,112 That served in the heroic defense of bastogne... 282 00:22:42,279 --> 00:22:45,574 Send him back to the states on a 30-day furlough... 283 00:22:45,741 --> 00:22:49,495 Get him out banging the drum for the war bond drive, that kind of thing. 284 00:22:49,745 --> 00:22:52,539 Turns out I've been plucked. 285 00:22:55,083 --> 00:22:58,795 - That's fantastic, lew. Good for you. - Thank you. 286 00:22:59,087 --> 00:23:02,633 - How in the world does your leaving help me? - It doesn't, I'm not going. 287 00:23:02,799 --> 00:23:05,761 I've already seen the states. I grew up there. That's why I came to Europe. 288 00:23:06,053 --> 00:23:08,472 Just wish they'd told me there was a war on. 289 00:23:08,639 --> 00:23:10,974 Anyway, the point is, this thing's wasted on me. 290 00:23:11,141 --> 00:23:13,411 But I'm sure we could find an officer somewhere in this battalion... 291 00:23:13,435 --> 00:23:15,771 Who could use a long trip home. 292 00:23:17,022 --> 00:23:20,943 Congratulations, it. Peacock, I can't think of anybody who deserves this more. 293 00:23:24,112 --> 00:23:26,114 Really glad that you're going home. 294 00:23:27,366 --> 00:23:28,784 Best news I've heard in weeks. 295 00:23:29,076 --> 00:23:30,452 Hell of a guy. 296 00:23:30,661 --> 00:23:33,914 Thanks, guys. It really means a lot, you know? 297 00:23:34,122 --> 00:23:37,793 Get out of here. Three cheers for it. Peacock. 298 00:23:38,043 --> 00:23:42,256 Hip, hip, hooray. Hip, hip, hooray. Hip, hip, hooray. 299 00:23:55,143 --> 00:23:57,813 If they come by here, y'all remember to smile for the camera. 300 00:23:58,063 --> 00:24:00,941 Got to keep morale up for folks back home. 301 00:24:01,149 --> 00:24:04,861 - —Why? - Damned if I know. 302 00:24:05,112 --> 00:24:07,656 All right, nix. What do they got waiting for us in foy? 303 00:24:07,864 --> 00:24:11,785 At least one company from the 10th panzer grenadiers dig in along here. 304 00:24:11,994 --> 00:24:16,373 They've also got at least one 88, although we haven't been able to spot it yet. 305 00:24:16,665 --> 00:24:19,585 - How about armor? - As of last night, three tigers. 306 00:24:19,835 --> 00:24:22,629 - Would you excuse me a moment, sir? - Yeah. 307 00:24:22,838 --> 00:24:26,008 How do I feel about being rescued by patton? 308 00:24:26,300 --> 00:24:30,012 Well, I'd feel pretty peachy about it if it wasn't for one thing. 309 00:24:30,220 --> 00:24:34,516 We didn't need to be fucking rescued by patton. You got that? 310 00:24:36,143 --> 00:24:38,186 Excuse us for a moment. 311 00:24:38,395 --> 00:24:39,521 Sorry, sir. 312 00:24:39,688 --> 00:24:43,734 Sorry about what? Patton? I couldn't agree more. 313 00:24:44,026 --> 00:24:47,321 - What are you doing here? - I want to head back to the line, sir. 314 00:24:47,529 --> 00:24:51,408 You don't have to do that. Get back to the aid station. Heal up. 315 00:24:51,617 --> 00:24:55,162 I'd really like to head back with the fellas, sir. 316 00:24:57,331 --> 00:25:02,044 - All right, then go. - Thank you, sir. 317 00:25:06,214 --> 00:25:09,551 Joe toye had been at the aid station for three days... 318 00:25:09,718 --> 00:25:14,139 And everybody was glad to have him back. Especially bill guarnere. 319 00:25:14,348 --> 00:25:15,599 - Hey, Joe. - Hey, bill. 320 00:25:15,766 --> 00:25:17,601 - Good to see you, pal. - You too. 321 00:25:17,768 --> 00:25:20,728 - What the hell you doing back here? - Making sure you're on top of things. 322 00:25:20,854 --> 00:25:26,276 I'm on top of things. Tied me own boots once last week. All by meself. 323 00:25:26,443 --> 00:25:30,781 - Hey, fellas. Look who I found. - Hey! Joe toye, back for more. 324 00:25:30,947 --> 00:25:32,240 How are you, Joe? 325 00:25:32,407 --> 00:25:36,411 - Good. Escaped from the aid station. - Where'd you get hit? 326 00:25:36,578 --> 00:25:39,414 - What's that? - It's webb. Replacement. 327 00:25:39,665 --> 00:25:43,960 Really? Thought it was some guy I've known for years and I forgot his face. 328 00:25:44,252 --> 00:25:47,964 Joe got hit in the arm. New year's Eve gift from the luftwaffe. 329 00:25:48,256 --> 00:25:51,426 - Lot of you guys been injured? - It's called wounded, peanut. 330 00:25:51,677 --> 00:25:54,262 Injured is when you fall out of a tree. 331 00:25:54,471 --> 00:25:57,140 Don't worry. There's enough crap flying around here... 332 00:25:57,307 --> 00:25:58,867 You're bound to get dinged sometime. 333 00:25:58,934 --> 00:26:02,604 Almost every single one of these guys have been hit at least once. 334 00:26:02,813 --> 00:26:07,275 Except alley. He's a two-timer. He landed on broken glass in normandy... 335 00:26:07,484 --> 00:26:10,278 And got peppered by a potato masher in Holland. 336 00:26:10,487 --> 00:26:13,949 Bull got a piece of exploding tank in Holland. 337 00:26:14,199 --> 00:26:18,787 And George Luz here has never been hit. You're one lucky bastard. 338 00:26:19,079 --> 00:26:22,499 - Takes one to know one. - Consider us blessed. 339 00:26:22,749 --> 00:26:26,753 Liebgott, that skinny little guy, got pinked in the neck in Holland. 340 00:26:26,962 --> 00:26:29,631 Right next to him, the other skinny little guy, that's popeye. 341 00:26:29,798 --> 00:26:33,719 He got shot in his scrawny little butt in normandy. 342 00:26:33,969 --> 00:26:37,597 Buck got shot in his rather large butt in Holland. 343 00:26:37,806 --> 00:26:41,727 Yeah, kind of an easy company tradition, getting shot in the ass. 344 00:26:41,935 --> 00:26:47,315 Even 1st sgt. Lipton, he got a couple pieces of tank shell burst at carentan. 345 00:26:47,607 --> 00:26:52,237 One chunk in the face. Another chunk almost took out his nuts. 346 00:26:52,487 --> 00:26:59,327 - How are those nuts, sarge? - Doing fine, bill. Nice of you to ask. 347 00:27:01,329 --> 00:27:03,915 On the afternoon of January 3rd, most of e company... 348 00:27:04,082 --> 00:27:07,294 Headed back to our old position in the woods overlooking foy. 349 00:27:07,502 --> 00:27:09,254 A few men remained in the bois Jacques... 350 00:27:09,421 --> 00:27:12,466 Attached to d company to hold the main line of resistance. 351 00:27:13,049 --> 00:27:15,135 Good luck, ladies. 352 00:27:16,261 --> 00:27:18,054 Been nice knowing you. 353 00:27:19,055 --> 00:27:22,851 - Wouldn't drink too much if I were you. - Be careful if he offers you a cigarette. 354 00:27:23,018 --> 00:27:25,896 What are they talking about? If who offers us a cigarette? 355 00:27:26,146 --> 00:27:27,856 - Speirs. - Who? 356 00:27:28,064 --> 00:27:30,567 Lieutenant speirs. 357 00:27:32,402 --> 00:27:35,989 Lieutenant Ronald speirs was one of the platoon leaders in d company. 358 00:27:36,156 --> 00:27:37,699 He was already a legend. 359 00:27:38,575 --> 00:27:41,244 The stories about speirs are probably all bullshit anyway. 360 00:27:41,411 --> 00:27:43,830 What stories? 361 00:27:43,997 --> 00:27:45,332 What stories? 362 00:27:45,499 --> 00:27:49,169 Supposedly speirs shot one of his men for being drunk. 363 00:27:49,336 --> 00:27:52,589 You're kidding! That's unbelievable. 364 00:27:52,839 --> 00:27:57,344 Yeah. There's another one about him giving cigarettes to 20 German pows... 365 00:27:57,552 --> 00:28:01,181 - Before killing them. - He shot 20 pows? 366 00:28:01,389 --> 00:28:03,433 Well, actually, I heard it was more like 30. 367 00:28:03,683 --> 00:28:06,686 - Christenson. - Lieutenant speirs. 368 00:28:06,895 --> 00:28:10,315 - I got the name right, didn't I? Christenson. - Yes, sir. 369 00:28:11,733 --> 00:28:15,737 - What are you men doing out here? - We're watching the line, sir. 370 00:28:17,906 --> 00:28:19,157 Keep up the good work. 371 00:28:19,324 --> 00:28:21,302 While you're at it, you might want to reinforce your cover. 372 00:28:21,326 --> 00:28:23,721 Well, actually, sir, lieutenant dike said not even to bother. 373 00:28:23,745 --> 00:28:28,458 - That we're only gonna be here one day. - Lieutenant dike said that? 374 00:28:28,750 --> 00:28:31,753 Then forget what I said. 375 00:28:33,213 --> 00:28:34,756 Carry on. 376 00:28:38,134 --> 00:28:41,221 Anyone care for a smoke? 377 00:28:45,267 --> 00:28:47,394 You? 378 00:28:48,770 --> 00:28:51,606 Late in the afternoon on January 3rd... 379 00:28:51,773 --> 00:28:55,235 We returned to our old position in the woods overlooking foy. 380 00:28:55,402 --> 00:28:58,613 You gotta be fucking kidding me! 381 00:28:58,905 --> 00:29:01,783 Someone's gonna die. Someone's gonna fucking die. 382 00:29:01,950 --> 00:29:06,997 Look at this shit! Those 1st battalion fuckers took a dump in my foxhole. 383 00:29:07,163 --> 00:29:10,625 Think they shit in everyone's foxhole, Joe. 384 00:29:11,960 --> 00:29:15,797 I don't think they wanted to spend much time aboveground. 385 00:29:17,674 --> 00:29:19,114 While we were in the bois Jacques... 386 00:29:19,175 --> 00:29:21,135 The Germans had been shelling our old position. 387 00:29:21,303 --> 00:29:25,473 There were signs of tree bursts everywhere. That got our attention. 388 00:29:25,682 --> 00:29:30,186 Light and noise discipline. We're getting close. 389 00:29:38,987 --> 00:29:41,990 Looking across the field at foy, I could see enemy troops. 390 00:29:42,282 --> 00:29:47,329 I still couldn't see their artillery, but I knew it was down there. 391 00:29:49,456 --> 00:29:53,168 Look like the krauts have been pounding this area with pretty big stuff, 883. 392 00:29:53,460 --> 00:29:56,296 I'd say they got this whole stretch of the line targeted. 393 00:29:56,463 --> 00:29:58,943 Well, they're not shelling now. Maybe they've got a new target. 394 00:29:59,174 --> 00:30:01,343 - No, they're just waiting. - For what? 395 00:30:01,635 --> 00:30:03,678 For us to reoccupy the position. 396 00:30:03,845 --> 00:30:05,781 Maybe we should fall back to a different location. 397 00:30:05,805 --> 00:30:08,516 No, it's ourjob to hold the line here. 398 00:30:08,683 --> 00:30:11,203 We got pretty good foxholes. We just need to fortify the covers. 399 00:30:11,353 --> 00:30:17,025 - If they've got us targeted, maybe... - We hold the line here. Sgt. Lipton's right. 400 00:30:17,233 --> 00:30:20,487 We're gonna strengthen our covers and hang in. 401 00:30:20,695 --> 00:30:25,700 We're not gonna fall back. Right, lieutenant? 402 00:30:27,744 --> 00:30:32,582 - Right, lieutenant? - Fine. You all take care of it. 403 00:30:32,874 --> 00:30:35,543 I gotta go talk to regiment. 404 00:30:37,879 --> 00:30:41,007 - We better get moving. - Yeah. 405 00:30:44,052 --> 00:30:46,096 - Here you go. - Thanks, lip. 406 00:30:46,388 --> 00:30:50,517 - You got it. I'll get you more branches. - I appreciate that. 407 00:31:13,206 --> 00:31:16,584 Incoming! Take cover! 408 00:31:19,254 --> 00:31:20,630 Take cover! 409 00:31:24,759 --> 00:31:26,386 They're 88s. 410 00:31:26,594 --> 00:31:28,638 Come on, find some cover! 411 00:31:28,888 --> 00:31:31,266 They've got us zeroed! 412 00:31:32,267 --> 00:31:36,396 Find some cover. Find a foxhole. Come on, take cover! 413 00:31:36,604 --> 00:31:40,650 - Get in the holes. - Take cover! 414 00:31:44,654 --> 00:31:46,448 Come on, find some cover! 415 00:31:49,951 --> 00:31:52,037 Take cover! 416 00:31:53,246 --> 00:31:54,664 Shit. 417 00:32:03,840 --> 00:32:08,303 Come on, find some cover. Find some cover! 418 00:32:16,061 --> 00:32:18,980 For some reason, at that moment in that half-finished foxhole... 419 00:32:19,189 --> 00:32:22,192 All I could think about was the fourth of July when I was a kid. 420 00:32:22,358 --> 00:32:26,946 I loved to make my own firecrackers, cherry bombs, ladyfingers. 421 00:32:27,155 --> 00:32:29,949 I loved to blow up dirt clods and pop bottles and the like. 422 00:32:30,116 --> 00:32:32,869 Looked forward to it all year long. 423 00:32:33,161 --> 00:32:35,442 What I saw that day was the most awesome and terrifying... 424 00:32:35,497 --> 00:32:39,292 Display of firepower I'd ever seen in my life. 425 00:32:39,501 --> 00:32:43,463 Of course, I wouldn't have been laughing if I'd known what happened to Joe toye. 426 00:33:43,690 --> 00:33:47,402 - Maybe we should see if anybody's hit. - That's what they want. 427 00:33:47,694 --> 00:33:50,905 Krauts will try to draw us out in the open. 428 00:34:00,748 --> 00:34:06,087 Stay in your foxholes. Stay in your foxholes! 429 00:34:06,296 --> 00:34:08,923 You okay? Can you walk? Find a foxhole. 430 00:34:09,215 --> 00:34:11,384 I gotta get up. 431 00:34:14,596 --> 00:34:16,764 I gotta get up. 432 00:34:18,892 --> 00:34:21,227 I gotta get up. 433 00:34:23,479 --> 00:34:25,940 I need my helmet. 434 00:34:26,816 --> 00:34:30,111 - I need help! - You hear that? 435 00:34:30,403 --> 00:34:32,822 - I need help! - Is that Joe? 436 00:34:34,782 --> 00:34:36,784 Yeah, I think that's Joe. 437 00:34:37,619 --> 00:34:40,121 Stay. 438 00:34:40,413 --> 00:34:45,335 - Stay down! Stay down! - Stay down! Stay in your foxholes! 439 00:34:45,627 --> 00:34:49,505 - Stay in your foxholes! - Help! 440 00:34:49,797 --> 00:34:54,719 - Help! Anyone there? - Jesus. 441 00:34:54,928 --> 00:34:59,974 I gotta get up. I gotta get up. 442 00:35:01,851 --> 00:35:07,857 Shit. Come on, Joe. Come on, buddy. Come on. Come on, pal. 443 00:35:08,024 --> 00:35:11,110 You said you'd get back to the states before me. 444 00:35:11,277 --> 00:35:13,988 You ain't going anywhere. You're okay. 445 00:35:14,280 --> 00:35:17,992 - I gotta get my helmet! - Forget it, Joe. 446 00:35:18,243 --> 00:35:21,996 - Anyone there? Help! - Hang on. 447 00:35:24,374 --> 00:35:26,668 - Who's that? - Heff! Babe! 448 00:35:26,876 --> 00:35:30,171 - Hang on. - Come on, get me out of here! 449 00:35:31,965 --> 00:35:33,716 I gotta get to the hole! 450 00:35:33,883 --> 00:35:38,137 - I got you. Come on, Joe, I got you. - I gotta get to the hole! 451 00:35:40,682 --> 00:35:42,475 Come on, Joe. 452 00:35:44,269 --> 00:35:45,812 Hang on. 453 00:35:46,187 --> 00:35:47,313 - You okay? - Yeah. 454 00:35:47,522 --> 00:35:49,524 Come on. Come on! 455 00:35:49,691 --> 00:35:52,568 Oh, jeez. Think I overdid it on the cover for my foxhole? 456 00:35:53,152 --> 00:35:57,031 - Incoming! - Incoming! 457 00:35:58,199 --> 00:36:00,827 Take cover! 458 00:36:08,001 --> 00:36:11,045 Come on! Come on! Hurry up! 459 00:36:11,337 --> 00:36:15,008 Guarno! You're gonna get bombed! Come on! Come on! 460 00:36:15,216 --> 00:36:17,885 Move it, bill! Move it. 461 00:36:19,053 --> 00:36:23,933 - Come on, Joe. - Hold on, I'll be there! I'll help! 462 00:36:36,946 --> 00:36:40,867 During the second barrage, I wasn't laughing anymore. 463 00:37:17,987 --> 00:37:19,072 Lip! 464 00:37:21,949 --> 00:37:24,243 Are you okay? 465 00:37:26,954 --> 00:37:29,457 Stay down! 466 00:37:29,665 --> 00:37:33,461 - You stay down! - 1st sgt. Lipton? 467 00:37:33,669 --> 00:37:37,965 You get things organized here. I'm gonna go for help. 468 00:37:41,177 --> 00:37:43,805 What the fuck? 469 00:37:47,892 --> 00:37:50,186 - Lip, where the fuck is he going? - I don't know. 470 00:37:50,395 --> 00:37:53,147 Get battalion on the line, tell them to notify bas. 471 00:37:53,314 --> 00:37:55,316 Battalion's up, lip. 472 00:38:19,924 --> 00:38:23,344 Stay ready! Those stupid sons-of—bitches might be trying to come through. 473 00:38:23,511 --> 00:38:25,513 - You okay, one lung? - Sergeant! 474 00:38:25,680 --> 00:38:27,014 How you doing, popeye? 475 00:38:27,181 --> 00:38:29,183 Hundred percent ready to kill Germans, lip! 476 00:38:40,945 --> 00:38:43,865 - Doc, what can I do? - Hold this. 477 00:38:46,033 --> 00:38:48,202 - You got a smoke? - Yeah. 478 00:38:49,203 --> 00:38:54,542 Jesus. What's a guy gotta do to get killed around here? 479 00:38:54,709 --> 00:38:58,045 - Bill, you go first. - Whatever you say, doc. 480 00:38:58,212 --> 00:39:00,590 Over here. Take this man. 481 00:39:00,882 --> 00:39:06,012 - Hey, they got old guarnere this time. - We got you, soldier. 482 00:39:08,723 --> 00:39:10,558 Just lie back. 483 00:39:14,395 --> 00:39:18,065 Hey, Joe, I told you I'd beat you back to the states. 484 00:39:19,400 --> 00:39:21,027 Hey, lip. 485 00:39:24,238 --> 00:39:26,032 How's buck? 486 00:39:27,241 --> 00:39:29,994 - Luz, how's buck? - He's fine. 487 00:39:30,244 --> 00:39:32,497 - You sure? - Yes, he's fine. 488 00:39:32,997 --> 00:39:36,250 I think you should probably go talk to him. 489 00:39:38,586 --> 00:39:40,421 All right. 490 00:39:50,097 --> 00:39:54,810 Some say buck changed after he was shot in Holland. Maybe. 491 00:39:55,102 --> 00:39:59,941 But I know something happened to him when he saw toye and guarnere on the ground. 492 00:40:09,116 --> 00:40:11,619 The report said Compton was being taken off the line... 493 00:40:11,786 --> 00:40:14,080 Because of a bad case of trench foot. 494 00:40:14,247 --> 00:40:18,125 Didn't say anything about him losing his friends. 495 00:40:24,298 --> 00:40:26,968 Buck was a great combat leader. 496 00:40:27,176 --> 00:40:30,429 He was wounded in normandy and again in Holland. 497 00:40:30,596 --> 00:40:34,767 He received the silver star for his part in taking out those German guns on d-day. 498 00:40:34,934 --> 00:40:38,104 He took everything the krauts could throw at him, time and again. 499 00:40:39,146 --> 00:40:41,107 Lieutenant Compton? 500 00:40:42,650 --> 00:40:47,613 "Ucla did not make the Rose bowl this winter, probably because you weren't there. 501 00:40:47,822 --> 00:40:52,994 I'm sure you're teaching your young soldiers the joy you have of the sport. 502 00:40:53,286 --> 00:40:59,000 How we all know what an exciting young man you are, how your heart and love..." 503 00:41:02,461 --> 00:41:07,383 I guess he just couldn't take seeing his friends toye and guarnere all torn up. 504 00:41:07,675 --> 00:41:11,512 No one ever thought any less of him for it. 505 00:41:21,188 --> 00:41:22,815 Hey, bufl 506 00:41:23,691 --> 00:41:27,862 with buck off the line, there was no longer any possible alternative to dike. 507 00:41:28,029 --> 00:41:30,031 At least none we could see. 508 00:41:33,701 --> 00:41:35,369 Hey, muck. 509 00:41:36,537 --> 00:41:39,749 - Muck. I'm looking for it. Dike. - Yes, sergeant. 510 00:41:39,915 --> 00:41:42,668 We were stuck with dike. And he was off taking a walk. 511 00:41:42,835 --> 00:41:44,629 - Thanks. - Sure thing. 512 00:41:49,175 --> 00:41:52,219 Lightning six, kidnap. 513 00:41:52,428 --> 00:41:55,014 Yes, sir. We've cleared all the green area between... 514 00:41:55,181 --> 00:41:57,516 We 'd cleared the woods east of foy. 515 00:41:57,683 --> 00:42:02,521 So a few days later, e company and the rest of the 506 cleared the woods west of foy. 516 00:42:02,688 --> 00:42:04,940 There was little resistance. 517 00:42:05,232 --> 00:42:08,903 - We have kia. - Thirteen. 518 00:42:09,070 --> 00:42:12,907 You fellas know I got no reason to bullshit you, right? 519 00:42:13,157 --> 00:42:15,076 I'm not gonna bullshit. This is what I saw. 520 00:42:15,242 --> 00:42:18,579 It was so unbelievable you might not believe me. 521 00:42:18,746 --> 00:42:22,583 You-know-who comes running up to lipton. He's got no helmet, no gear, nothing. 522 00:42:22,750 --> 00:42:29,090 "1st sgt. Lipton, you organize things here, and I'm gonna go for help." 523 00:42:29,298 --> 00:42:31,592 "I need to Polish my oak leaf clusters." 524 00:42:31,759 --> 00:42:33,636 - —Hey, Luz. - Complete asshole. 525 00:42:33,803 --> 00:42:36,889 - That's really good. - Fehas. 526 00:42:37,056 --> 00:42:39,934 - Good night, all. - See you, Luz. See you, malark. 527 00:42:40,184 --> 00:42:41,560 What can I do for you, sarge? 528 00:42:41,727 --> 00:42:44,647 Two things. First, great impression of dike. 529 00:42:44,814 --> 00:42:48,109 - Think so? I thought it was a little off. - You got it pretty good. 530 00:42:48,275 --> 00:42:53,406 Second, don't do it anymore, especially the part about what he said to me. 531 00:42:53,572 --> 00:42:56,951 - It doesn't do anybody any good, okay? - Okay. I got you. 532 00:42:57,118 --> 00:42:58,494 All right. 533 00:43:01,288 --> 00:43:03,290 Wiseass. 534 00:43:09,130 --> 00:43:11,090 Incoming! 535 00:43:28,816 --> 00:43:32,737 Luz! Luz! Come on! Luz! Hurry! 536 00:43:32,987 --> 00:43:36,490 Move! Luz! 537 00:43:36,657 --> 00:43:42,329 Stay down! Stay down! Come on! Get in here! Luz, come on! 538 00:43:42,621 --> 00:43:45,291 Luz! Come on, Luz! Come on! 539 00:43:45,499 --> 00:43:47,960 Come on! Luz! 540 00:44:17,031 --> 00:44:20,701 - Muck and penkala! - What? 541 00:44:20,993 --> 00:44:23,871 Muck and penkala got hit! 542 00:44:37,676 --> 00:44:40,346 - Hashey! - Shit, it's my shoulder. 543 00:44:40,554 --> 00:44:44,058 Come on! Get up! Move! 544 00:44:47,686 --> 00:44:51,357 Stay down! Incoming! 545 00:45:13,045 --> 00:45:16,590 - I thought you didn't smoke. - I don't. 546 00:45:27,935 --> 00:45:31,939 The shell that hit the foxhole Luz and I were in was a dud. 547 00:45:32,106 --> 00:45:37,611 The one that hit muck and penka/a's foxhole wasn't. That's the way it was. 548 00:45:37,862 --> 00:45:40,781 Muck and penkala were good men. 549 00:45:43,158 --> 00:45:45,244 Their death hit malarkey the hardest. 550 00:45:45,452 --> 00:45:48,789 Malarkey's best friends in the company had been Compton, muck and penkala. 551 00:45:48,956 --> 00:45:52,626 In less than a week, he'd seen two of them die. 552 00:45:54,003 --> 00:45:56,839 - What's the word? - The men on the line are okay. 553 00:45:57,006 --> 00:45:58,799 Food has been resupplied. 554 00:45:59,091 --> 00:46:02,303 Okay. We'll hunker down. We might get relief soon. 555 00:46:02,511 --> 00:46:04,763 Okay? All right. 556 00:46:25,451 --> 00:46:29,496 Later that day, we were back in our old position overlooking foy. 557 00:46:29,663 --> 00:46:32,708 We were all worried about malarkey. 558 00:46:33,000 --> 00:46:35,002 Hey, malark? 559 00:46:39,131 --> 00:46:46,013 Didn't I hear you say you wanted to bring a luger home to your kid brother? 560 00:46:53,854 --> 00:46:58,567 Well, why don't you give him that? 561 00:47:02,488 --> 00:47:05,240 - It's hoob's, right? - Yeah. 562 00:47:05,532 --> 00:47:09,662 Yeah, I was gonna get rid of it, but I... 563 00:47:09,870 --> 00:47:11,872 I don't know. 564 00:47:13,207 --> 00:47:18,545 Captain winters was wondering if you wanted to go back to battalion... 565 00:47:18,837 --> 00:47:21,715 And work as his runner for a few days. 566 00:47:24,885 --> 00:47:28,889 Tell him thanks. I'm gonna stay here. 567 00:47:30,349 --> 00:47:34,937 Why don't you at least come back for an hour or so, say goodbye to buck? 568 00:47:35,104 --> 00:47:37,731 I'm sure it'll mean a lot to him. 569 00:47:42,861 --> 00:47:44,029 All right. 570 00:47:47,241 --> 00:47:49,410 You be careful with that. 571 00:47:50,744 --> 00:47:53,247 Getting even 50 yards back from the line for an hour... 572 00:47:53,414 --> 00:47:57,418 Could make a big difference in a soldier's state of mind. 573 00:48:00,754 --> 00:48:03,424 The morning after the shelling that killed muck and penkala... 574 00:48:03,590 --> 00:48:06,385 I saw a soldier try to dig a foxhole with his bare hands. 575 00:48:06,552 --> 00:48:07,928 Private. 576 00:48:08,095 --> 00:48:09,906 He didn't notice that he had torn off all his fingernails. 577 00:48:09,930 --> 00:48:12,099 Private. Hey. 578 00:48:12,266 --> 00:48:16,395 I got him out of there quickly. Not for his sake, but for ours. 579 00:48:16,603 --> 00:48:22,443 Fear is poison in combat. Something we all felt but you just didn't show it. You can't. 580 00:48:22,651 --> 00:48:26,321 It's destructive, and it's contagious. 581 00:48:28,115 --> 00:48:30,451 Told you I'd get you started. 582 00:48:36,790 --> 00:48:40,627 Buck was never the same after seeing toye and guarnere get hit that day. 583 00:48:40,794 --> 00:48:44,339 I guess he just needed some time away from it all. 584 00:48:56,560 --> 00:49:00,105 The barrages on January 3rd and the shelling on January 9th... 585 00:49:00,272 --> 00:49:03,650 Marked the low point in the war for many of the men in e company. 586 00:49:03,817 --> 00:49:06,195 Even then, very few actually broke. 587 00:49:06,361 --> 00:49:09,406 But I knew the terror of those shellings and the unrelenting pressure... 588 00:49:09,573 --> 00:49:12,733 We'd been under since we got to bastogne could take their toll in other ways. 589 00:49:12,826 --> 00:49:17,164 I was afraid the men would lose focus, suffer a drop in morale. 590 00:49:17,331 --> 00:49:20,834 And that was dangerous, especially in combat. 591 00:49:21,001 --> 00:49:24,171 More of which lay in store for us. 592 00:49:25,589 --> 00:49:27,966 We 'd cleared the woods east and west of foy. 593 00:49:28,133 --> 00:49:33,472 Now it was time for the inevitable assault on foy itself frankly, I was dreading it. 594 00:49:33,639 --> 00:49:36,058 I always knew the e company men who trained at toccoa... 595 00:49:36,225 --> 00:49:37,865 Wouldn't get through the war unscathed. 596 00:49:37,976 --> 00:49:42,564 But now I was beginning to wonder if any of us would make it through at all. 597 00:49:42,731 --> 00:49:47,027 E company would lead the attacks. The problem was, at least in my estimation... 598 00:49:47,194 --> 00:49:50,155 E company still did not have a leader. 599 00:50:01,333 --> 00:50:03,877 The night before the attack, I did something as 1st sergeant... 600 00:50:04,044 --> 00:50:06,922 I would never have imagined myself doing. 601 00:50:14,638 --> 00:50:16,348 Lip! 602 00:50:18,016 --> 00:50:22,062 - Didn't figure you for a smoking man. - Neither did I. 603 00:50:25,899 --> 00:50:29,403 D company, lieutenant speirs, patrol order. 604 00:50:32,406 --> 00:50:35,242 We've been watching foy all day, sir. Not much activity. 605 00:50:35,534 --> 00:50:38,579 - Want a coffee? - No, thank you, sir. 606 00:50:40,706 --> 00:50:44,418 - How's easy's status? - The men are good, sir. They're prepared. 607 00:50:44,585 --> 00:50:46,587 I'm gonna be leading 2nd platoon tomorrow. 608 00:50:46,753 --> 00:50:52,384 They're probably the weakest after losing toye and guarnere and muck and penkala. 609 00:50:52,593 --> 00:50:55,053 But all in all, I have every confidence in the men, sir. 610 00:51:01,602 --> 00:51:05,689 But on the other hand, I have no confidence in our co, sir. 611 00:51:06,607 --> 00:51:09,735 Lieutenant dike is an empty uniform, captain. 612 00:51:09,943 --> 00:51:14,448 He's just... He's not there, sir. 613 00:51:15,782 --> 00:51:17,534 Well, he's gonna be there tomorrow. 614 00:51:17,701 --> 00:51:20,495 Yes, sir. I understand he'll be there physically. 615 00:51:20,787 --> 00:51:25,292 But tomorrow's gonna be the real deal. He's gonna have to lead those men. 616 00:51:25,584 --> 00:51:29,129 He's gonna have to make decisions, sir, and... 617 00:51:29,338 --> 00:51:33,800 I gotta tell you, sir, I think he's gonna get a lot of easy company men killed. 618 00:51:37,638 --> 00:51:41,516 - Thank you, sergeant. That'll be all. - Yes, sir. 619 00:51:44,811 --> 00:51:49,775 I said what I had to say. There was nothing winters could do. 620 00:51:52,861 --> 00:51:56,531 Couldn't very well remove a company co, especially a well-connected one... 621 00:51:56,740 --> 00:52:00,285 Because of the misgivings of a company first sergeant. 622 00:52:00,452 --> 00:52:03,330 You got about an eighth of a mile of open field to cross... 623 00:52:03,497 --> 00:52:04,766 Before you get down here into foy. 624 00:52:04,790 --> 00:52:06,809 There's very little cover, so you gotta move quickly. 625 00:52:06,833 --> 00:52:09,273 I set up two sections of live machine guns on either end here. 626 00:52:09,336 --> 00:52:10,480 They'll give you covering fire. 627 00:52:10,504 --> 00:52:14,508 3rd battalion will come from the east led by I company. That's to cause distraction. 628 00:52:14,675 --> 00:52:16,969 D company will be in reserve, but you shouldn't need them. 629 00:52:17,135 --> 00:52:19,888 The point is, you gotta move in there fast. 630 00:52:20,180 --> 00:52:24,351 Get in there before they can bring their mortars and artillery down on you. 631 00:52:24,518 --> 00:52:26,353 - Clear? - Clear. 632 00:52:26,645 --> 00:52:30,983 I'm relying on you. Get it done. 633 00:52:44,371 --> 00:52:48,041 - Covering fire! - Let's go. Keep it moving. 634 00:52:50,168 --> 00:52:52,671 Suppressing fire! 635 00:52:55,048 --> 00:52:56,883 - Go, go, go! - Keep moving! 636 00:53:03,557 --> 00:53:05,559 Let's go! Let's go! 637 00:53:07,894 --> 00:53:09,396 Suppressing fire! 638 00:53:12,399 --> 00:53:14,526 Keep them tight, shames! 639 00:53:15,902 --> 00:53:18,196 - Keep moving! - Keep moving! 640 00:53:20,115 --> 00:53:21,742 Krauts in the open! 641 00:53:24,411 --> 00:53:26,705 Keep moving! Keep moving! 642 00:53:26,913 --> 00:53:28,623 Three inside! 643 00:53:31,251 --> 00:53:33,253 Wait a minute. Where's foley? 644 00:53:34,421 --> 00:53:36,923 - Randleman! - Coming through! Run! 645 00:53:37,132 --> 00:53:38,925 Liebgott! 646 00:53:39,843 --> 00:53:41,887 Where the hell is 1st platoon? 647 00:53:45,265 --> 00:53:48,226 - Hold up! - Keep moving! 648 00:53:48,435 --> 00:53:50,562 Easy company! Hold up! 649 00:53:50,729 --> 00:53:54,900 - 2nd platoon! Hold up! Hold up! - Will you move? 650 00:53:55,108 --> 00:53:57,944 - Get me foley on the radio. - Get out of there! Move! 651 00:53:58,153 --> 00:54:03,575 - Sir, I think we should take cover. - Find some cover! Find some cover! 652 00:54:03,784 --> 00:54:04,993 What? 653 00:54:07,162 --> 00:54:09,247 - Easy red, easy... - Six, over. 654 00:54:09,456 --> 00:54:11,666 Six, easy red. Go ahead. 655 00:54:12,417 --> 00:54:14,961 Easy red, stand by for the six. 656 00:54:15,128 --> 00:54:21,134 Foley, you get back here where I can see you, goddamn it! 657 00:54:21,385 --> 00:54:25,305 1st platoon, hold up! Hold up! Take cover! Martin! 658 00:54:25,514 --> 00:54:27,599 - Come with me! - With you, sir. 659 00:54:35,774 --> 00:54:37,150 Take cover! 660 00:54:37,776 --> 00:54:40,779 - Goddamn it. - Go fonnard! 661 00:54:42,197 --> 00:54:45,617 - Herron, on me. - Move back. 662 00:54:45,784 --> 00:54:47,160 Stay on my ass. 663 00:54:47,452 --> 00:54:51,331 - Hold fast, 2nd platoon! - Follow lipton! Take cover! 664 00:54:51,623 --> 00:54:54,501 What are we doing? Why are we stopped? 665 00:54:57,462 --> 00:54:59,673 Roger, kidnap. Stand by for six. 666 00:54:59,965 --> 00:55:03,677 - Lieutenant, what's the plan? - I don't know! 667 00:55:04,344 --> 00:55:06,346 Get dike on that radio now! 668 00:55:06,513 --> 00:55:09,307 - What's the plan? - Captain winters, sir. 669 00:55:09,474 --> 00:55:13,520 - Give us a plan! - Okay. Foley, take your men... 670 00:55:13,937 --> 00:55:19,484 Take your men on a flanking mission around the village and attack from the rear. 671 00:55:20,152 --> 00:55:21,987 We cannot stay here! 672 00:55:22,195 --> 00:55:24,823 Want 1st platoon to go around and attack the village by itself? 673 00:55:24,990 --> 00:55:28,994 - We'll provide suppressing fire. - We'll be alone out there. 674 00:55:29,161 --> 00:55:32,831 We will provide suppressing fire! 675 00:55:39,212 --> 00:55:41,756 Get going fonnard! 676 00:55:42,048 --> 00:55:46,553 You need to talk to captain winters, sir. 677 00:55:48,555 --> 00:55:50,765 Sir! Okay, here it is. 678 00:55:51,057 --> 00:55:54,603 We go on a flanking run around the back of the village and we attack from the rear. 679 00:55:54,895 --> 00:55:58,064 Ramirez, two guys. Take them. Go. Find cover behind this table. 680 00:56:00,859 --> 00:56:03,028 - Shit! - Jesus Christ. 681 00:56:03,987 --> 00:56:06,781 Webb, move up! Find cover! 682 00:56:16,416 --> 00:56:18,001 Suppressing fire now! 683 00:56:20,253 --> 00:56:22,881 Perconte! I got you! 684 00:56:23,089 --> 00:56:25,592 Give me some cover. 685 00:56:27,093 --> 00:56:30,805 - How you doing, perconte? - They shot me in my ass! 686 00:56:32,516 --> 00:56:36,061 - Stay down. - We lost five men. Can you locate? 687 00:56:36,269 --> 00:56:41,775 - The building with the caved-in roof! - The building with the caved-in roof! 688 00:56:47,572 --> 00:56:52,953 Sir, we are sitting ducks here. We have to keep moving! 689 00:56:53,161 --> 00:56:57,958 - You've got to keep moving! - Dick! Captain winters! 690 00:56:58,166 --> 00:57:03,755 You do not go out there! You're the battalion commander. Get back here! 691 00:57:04,464 --> 00:57:09,803 - I understand your attachment to easy... - Speirs! Get yourself over here! 692 00:57:10,053 --> 00:57:13,265 Go relieve dike and take that attack on in. 693 00:57:16,810 --> 00:57:20,272 - Go, soldier! - Fall back. You're exposed! 694 00:57:21,106 --> 00:57:25,652 - Fall back! Fall back! - Come on, webb! Let's go, kid! 695 00:57:27,612 --> 00:57:29,239 Hang on, perco. 696 00:57:33,285 --> 00:57:37,455 - What are we doing? - Let's go! 697 00:57:38,206 --> 00:57:41,376 - I'm taking over. 1st sgt. Lipton! - Here! 698 00:57:41,585 --> 00:57:44,879 - What do we got? - Most of the company is spread out here. 699 00:57:45,088 --> 00:57:47,408 1st platoon tried an end-around, but they're stretched out. 700 00:57:47,591 --> 00:57:50,653 They're pinned by a sniper. I believe he's in that building with the caved-on roof. 701 00:57:50,677 --> 00:57:53,397 I want mortars and grenade launchers on that building till it's gone. 702 00:57:53,471 --> 00:57:55,324 When it's gone, I want 1st to go straight in. Forget going around. 703 00:57:55,348 --> 00:57:58,393 - Everybody else, follow me. - Thank god! 704 00:57:59,686 --> 00:58:02,355 - Move it! - 3rd platoon, let's go! Go! 705 00:58:03,690 --> 00:58:06,526 You heard the word. 2nd platoon on the co! 706 00:58:06,818 --> 00:58:09,654 - Sergeant alley! - Got it, sarge! 707 00:58:13,241 --> 00:58:16,536 Okay, 1st platoon! Move out! Move out! 708 00:58:16,828 --> 00:58:20,707 - On your feet, 2nd platoon! - Move out! 709 00:58:20,999 --> 00:58:25,337 Get on your goddamn feet! Move it! Come on! 710 00:58:28,214 --> 00:58:32,385 Come on, let's get the bastards! Right flank! 711 00:58:36,264 --> 00:58:39,267 - Come on, move out! - Fire! 712 00:58:40,935 --> 00:58:42,020 Take cover! 713 00:58:45,357 --> 00:58:48,860 - Go, go, go! - Come on! Come on! 714 00:58:50,779 --> 00:58:52,405 Radio, get over here. 715 00:58:52,697 --> 00:58:55,742 Take cover! 716 00:58:56,409 --> 00:58:57,577 Sir. 717 00:58:57,911 --> 00:58:58,912 Lipton. 718 00:59:00,288 --> 00:59:02,874 Streetfight, item. Easy six. Over. 719 00:59:03,041 --> 00:59:06,753 - What do you see, lipton? - Armor and infantry. A lot of infantry. 720 00:59:07,045 --> 00:59:09,023 I company's supposed to be on the other side of the town. 721 00:59:09,047 --> 00:59:10,447 - Do you see any sign of them? - No. 722 00:59:10,548 --> 00:59:12,050 - Radio, anything? - No. 723 00:59:12,217 --> 00:59:15,537 Sir, I think they're gonna pull back. If we don't connect with I, they'll slip away. 724 00:59:15,595 --> 00:59:18,932 - That's right. Wait here. - Item! Item! Easy six. 725 00:59:19,182 --> 00:59:20,934 What the hell? 726 00:59:32,487 --> 00:59:35,949 At first the Germans didn't shoot at him. 727 00:59:36,282 --> 00:59:39,452 I think they couldn't quite believe what they were seeing. 728 00:59:39,703 --> 00:59:42,122 But that wasn't the really astounding thing. 729 00:59:42,288 --> 00:59:45,750 The astounding thing was that after he hooked up with 1 company... 730 00:59:45,917 --> 00:59:48,461 He came back. 731 01:00:20,034 --> 01:00:24,831 We took over 100 German prisoners. After that, it was mostly cleanup. 732 01:00:25,039 --> 01:00:29,544 Let's go, move it. Move it. Take them down to the barn. 733 01:00:33,339 --> 01:00:35,008 Sit down! 734 01:00:38,386 --> 01:00:42,515 - Sniper! - Take cover! Take cover! 735 01:00:46,144 --> 01:00:48,521 Come on! Come on! 736 01:00:48,772 --> 01:00:50,648 Where is he? 737 01:00:51,775 --> 01:00:54,819 Shit. I can't see him. 738 01:00:57,572 --> 01:01:00,033 Second floor, building on the right. 739 01:01:00,325 --> 01:01:03,787 Don't miss, shifty. Now! 740 01:01:24,891 --> 01:01:28,895 Over here. I need help. Can you guys come here and help me? 741 01:01:29,062 --> 01:01:33,233 Mellet, herron, sowosko and Ken webb were killed by a sniper. 742 01:01:33,399 --> 01:01:36,402 There would have been more if it hadn't been for shifty powers. 743 01:01:36,569 --> 01:01:40,740 Work your party, walk your wounded to the aid station. 744 01:01:40,949 --> 01:01:44,244 Let's not just lollygag. Keep this moving. 745 01:01:44,452 --> 01:01:48,581 - Get these boys to the aid station. - Okay, sergeant. 746 01:02:00,134 --> 01:02:03,638 - You hit bad, perconte? - Beautiful wound, lip. 747 01:02:03,930 --> 01:02:06,057 - Shot me right through my ass. - You hang tough. 748 01:02:06,266 --> 01:02:07,600 - Hey, sarge? - Yeah. 749 01:02:07,892 --> 01:02:10,562 - Is it true about dike? - Yeah. 750 01:02:10,770 --> 01:02:15,483 - Thank god for small mercies, huh? - Yeah. 751 01:02:27,662 --> 01:02:30,665 We 'd been looking down at the town of foy for the better part of a month... 752 01:02:30,832 --> 01:02:33,501 Knowing that's where we had to go. 753 01:02:33,793 --> 01:02:36,963 It was a great relief to have done it. 754 01:02:38,089 --> 01:02:40,633 I guess a lot of the men thought once we'd taken foy... 755 01:02:40,800 --> 01:02:44,679 They'd get us off the line, ship us back to mourmelon for a breather. 756 01:02:44,971 --> 01:02:46,639 But that wasn't to be. 757 01:02:46,890 --> 01:02:51,394 Two days later, we took noville and after that, rachamps. 758 01:03:12,415 --> 01:03:15,460 We spent our night in rachamps in a convent. 759 01:03:15,627 --> 01:03:19,672 It was the first time we'd spent a night indoors in a month. 760 01:03:31,517 --> 01:03:36,856 The sisters there brought in their choir to sing for us. It was heaven. 761 01:03:43,529 --> 01:03:45,698 The mood of the men was relaxed. 762 01:03:45,865 --> 01:03:50,078 We were finally being relieved and would soon be in mourmelon. 763 01:03:50,244 --> 01:03:53,665 Of course, in the morning, we found out mourmelon would have to wait. 764 01:03:53,831 --> 01:03:56,209 Hitler had launched a counteroffensive in alsace. 765 01:03:56,376 --> 01:03:59,253 We were bound for the town of haguenau to help hold the line. 766 01:03:59,462 --> 01:04:05,593 But at least for that night, we didn't know it yet. That night, we were okay. 767 01:04:23,569 --> 01:04:25,881 I spent part of that night trying to come up with a roster... 768 01:04:25,905 --> 01:04:27,949 For the company, to see who we had left. 769 01:04:28,116 --> 01:04:32,996 We 'd come into Belgium with 121 men and officers plus 24 replacements. 770 01:04:33,246 --> 01:04:39,002 That's 145 total. We were going out with 63. 771 01:04:39,627 --> 01:04:44,257 Guarnere was badly wounded, and hoobler died accidentally. 772 01:04:47,301 --> 01:04:50,054 Joe toye had lost his leg. 773 01:04:55,935 --> 01:05:00,064 Among the dead were herron, mellet, sowosko, Kenneth webb... 774 01:05:00,273 --> 01:05:04,819 Harold webb, Alex penkala and skip muck. 775 01:05:07,613 --> 01:05:11,659 Our month in Belgium cost us one good officer, buck Compton... 776 01:05:11,826 --> 01:05:15,455 And one bad one, Norman dike. 777 01:05:18,958 --> 01:05:24,672 But we gained a good one in the end, so I guess we came out ahead. 778 01:05:34,348 --> 01:05:38,102 - What is it? - Nothing. 779 01:05:39,771 --> 01:05:44,067 I better get back to battalion before they disappear. 780 01:05:51,074 --> 01:05:54,035 - You wanna ask me, don't you? - Ask you what, sir? 781 01:05:54,202 --> 01:05:57,830 You wanna know if they're true or not, the stories about me. 782 01:05:58,122 --> 01:05:59,999 You ever notice with stories like that... 783 01:06:00,166 --> 01:06:02,794 Everyone says they heard it from someone who was there. 784 01:06:02,960 --> 01:06:08,132 When you ask that person, they say they heard it from someone who was there. 785 01:06:08,299 --> 01:06:09,842 It's nothing new. 786 01:06:10,009 --> 01:06:13,846 I bet if you went back 2000 years, you'd hear a couple of centurions standing around... 787 01:06:14,013 --> 01:06:19,310 Yakking about how tertius lopped off the heads of carthaginian prisoners. 788 01:06:19,477 --> 01:06:25,900 Maybe they kept talking about it because they never heard tertius deny it. 789 01:06:26,109 --> 01:06:30,321 Maybe that's because tertius knew there was value to men thinking... 790 01:06:30,488 --> 01:06:34,826 He was the meanest, toughest son of a bitch in the whole Roman legion. 791 01:06:39,038 --> 01:06:42,208 These men aren't really concerned about the stories. 792 01:06:42,375 --> 01:06:45,336 They're just glad to have you as our co. 793 01:06:45,503 --> 01:06:48,381 They're happy to have a good leader again. 794 01:06:48,631 --> 01:06:51,050 From what I've heard, they've always had one. 795 01:06:51,217 --> 01:06:55,012 I've been told there's always been one man they could count on. 796 01:06:55,221 --> 01:06:56,514 Led them into bois Jacques... 797 01:06:56,681 --> 01:07:00,059 Held them together when they had the crap shelled out of them in the woods. 798 01:07:00,226 --> 01:07:05,022 Every day kept their spirits up, kept the men focused, gave them direction. 799 01:07:05,189 --> 01:07:08,901 All the things a good combat leader does. 800 01:07:13,406 --> 01:07:16,409 You don't have any idea who I'm talking about, do you? 801 01:07:16,576 --> 01:07:20,580 - No, sir. - Hell, it was you, first sergeant. 802 01:07:20,746 --> 01:07:25,960 Ever since winters made battalion, you've been the leader of easy company. 803 01:07:30,298 --> 01:07:36,762 Oh, and you're not gonna be first sergeant much longer, first sergeant. 804 01:07:38,931 --> 01:07:43,269 Winters put in for a battlefield commission. Sink approved on your behalf. 805 01:07:43,436 --> 01:07:47,106 You should get the official nod in a few days. 806 01:07:49,108 --> 01:07:52,612 Congratulations, lieutenant. 807 01:08:14,467 --> 01:08:16,844 Hey, look, it's 1st battalion. 808 01:08:17,094 --> 01:08:19,513 - Hey! Hey! - What do you want? 809 01:08:19,722 --> 01:08:22,225 Thanks for crapping in our foxholes, you shitheads. 810 01:08:22,725 --> 01:08:25,311 - Hey, it's our pleasure. - Yeah. 811 01:08:25,478 --> 01:08:28,314 Enjoy the walk, boys. 812 01:08:40,159 --> 01:08:44,747 There they go, easy company, riding out again.