1 00:02:30,068 --> 00:02:33,821 We had lost some very good men there. 2 00:02:33,988 --> 00:02:37,242 Toye and guarnere had lost their legs there. 3 00:02:37,408 --> 00:02:42,538 Gordon was badly hit. A number of other people were killed. 4 00:02:42,705 --> 00:02:46,209 It was a difficult situation there. 5 00:02:46,376 --> 00:02:51,422 I don't know the exact amount of men that got killed in that. 6 00:02:51,589 --> 00:02:57,387 But six, seven of them were real close friends of mine. 7 00:02:57,804 --> 00:03:01,891 Skip muck died, and Eugene roe came to me... 8 00:03:02,058 --> 00:03:05,520 About 10 minutes after he was killed. 9 00:03:05,687 --> 00:03:08,940 He wanted to see if I wanted to go look at him. 10 00:03:09,107 --> 00:03:13,403 I said, "no. I wouldn't be able to stand that." So I didn't go look at him. 11 00:03:13,569 --> 00:03:16,197 After bastogne, we went to haguenau. There was another push there. 12 00:03:16,364 --> 00:03:19,033 We wanted to get some idea what was across the river there... 13 00:03:19,200 --> 00:03:20,910 What kind of strength they had. 14 00:03:21,077 --> 00:03:23,788 You have a feeling you're gonna live through the war. 15 00:03:23,955 --> 00:03:28,459 You have a feeling it's starting to ease off. 16 00:03:28,626 --> 00:03:30,837 You can't account for it... 17 00:03:31,045 --> 00:03:34,674 It's a gut feeling, but everybody had that feeling. 18 00:03:34,841 --> 00:03:38,428 I believe I might be able to live through it. 19 00:03:38,594 --> 00:03:43,308 So walk carefully. Take care of yourself. 20 00:04:08,916 --> 00:04:10,918 The 101stairborne had been made famous... 21 00:04:11,085 --> 00:04:13,671 By what it did in the battle of the bulge. 22 00:04:13,838 --> 00:04:16,507 Newspapers called them "the battered bastards of bastogne." 23 00:04:16,674 --> 00:04:18,259 They'd been through hell on earth... 24 00:04:18,426 --> 00:04:21,637 And were now pulling into the comparative paradise of haguenau... 25 00:04:21,804 --> 00:04:25,558 The sounds of the war still coming from just across the river. 26 00:04:25,725 --> 00:04:27,352 I had missed bastogne. 27 00:04:27,518 --> 00:04:31,022 All I knew was what I had read and heard around the replacement depot. 28 00:04:31,189 --> 00:04:34,029 That we had broken the back of the enemy and the war would soon be over. 29 00:04:34,108 --> 00:04:36,194 Thanks for the lift. 30 00:04:37,320 --> 00:04:40,114 When I was finally able to rejoin easy company... 31 00:04:40,281 --> 00:04:44,410 They looked nothing like the heroes who had just helped win the war. 32 00:04:46,788 --> 00:04:48,998 - George Luz! - Yeah? 33 00:04:49,165 --> 00:04:52,377 It's me. Come on, I haven't been gone that long. 34 00:04:52,543 --> 00:04:55,380 Jesus. Yes, you have. 35 00:04:56,631 --> 00:04:58,424 Now, look what I've found. 36 00:04:58,633 --> 00:05:01,135 Hey, guys. Sgt. Martin, sgt. Ran... 37 00:05:01,302 --> 00:05:03,471 What do you want, private? 38 00:05:04,430 --> 00:05:08,434 Sorry, sir. My name's David Webster, I just got back from the hospital. 39 00:05:08,643 --> 00:05:10,561 Good for you. 40 00:05:13,147 --> 00:05:16,526 - Where's the rest of the guys? - This is everybody. 41 00:05:16,692 --> 00:05:19,779 Come on, sgt. Martin, this can't be everybody. 42 00:05:19,946 --> 00:05:23,866 What about hoobler, where's he? 43 00:05:27,036 --> 00:05:31,290 You know, it. Foley, 2nd platoon lost more guys than we did. 44 00:05:31,457 --> 00:05:33,376 They're really short-handed. 45 00:05:33,543 --> 00:05:36,587 Yeah, right. Report to 2nd, Webster. They'll find a place for you 46 00:05:36,754 --> 00:05:40,299 next truck up, Webster, you'll find 2nd. Move. 47 00:05:53,271 --> 00:05:54,814 Hey, guys. 48 00:05:54,981 --> 00:05:58,693 Some lieutenant told me to report to 2nd. 49 00:06:01,696 --> 00:06:05,116 - Your name's Jackson, right? - That's right. 50 00:06:05,616 --> 00:06:08,202 Who's leading the platoon? 51 00:06:08,703 --> 00:06:10,830 - Sgt. Malarkey. - No officers? 52 00:06:11,038 --> 00:06:13,499 - I guess you didn't hear. - No, what? 53 00:06:13,708 --> 00:06:17,336 They're making malarkey a lieutenant. He's on the fast track now. 54 00:06:17,503 --> 00:06:19,922 - Really? That's great. - Isn't it? 55 00:06:20,089 --> 00:06:22,633 Jackson, help me up, will you? 56 00:06:30,558 --> 00:06:34,437 - So you come from the hospital? - Yeah. 57 00:06:34,604 --> 00:06:39,609 Must have liked that hospital, because we left Holland four months ago. 58 00:06:39,775 --> 00:06:43,905 I wasn't there the whole time. There was rehabilitation, then the replacement depot. 59 00:06:44,071 --> 00:06:48,034 I'm sure you tried to bust out and help us in bastogne. 60 00:06:48,242 --> 00:06:52,330 - I don't know how I would've done that. - That's funny, because popeye found a way. 61 00:06:52,497 --> 00:06:56,083 So did alley, back in Holland. And guarnere... 62 00:06:56,250 --> 00:06:59,295 Where is guarnere? He still platoon sergeant? 63 00:06:59,462 --> 00:07:00,755 - No. - Let's go. 64 00:07:00,922 --> 00:07:03,257 - He got hit. - Yeah? 65 00:07:03,549 --> 00:07:06,802 Yeah, bill got hit. Blew his whole leg off. 66 00:07:06,969 --> 00:07:09,972 1st platoon, moving out! 67 00:07:13,100 --> 00:07:17,063 Spread out. Hold along this line till I figure out where we're going. 68 00:07:17,271 --> 00:07:19,774 Sarge? Sarge... 69 00:07:30,201 --> 00:07:33,663 What's the matter, Webster? Nervous in the service? 70 00:07:33,829 --> 00:07:36,123 No, no, I'm fine, sarge. 71 00:07:36,290 --> 00:07:39,502 Why don't you go talk to capt. Speirs. Make sure he wants you with us. 72 00:07:39,669 --> 00:07:42,880 Capt. Speirs? What happened to capt. Winters? 73 00:07:43,047 --> 00:07:45,883 He's running the whole battalion now. Go. 74 00:07:46,050 --> 00:07:50,221 Easy company had a new c. O. To go along with all the other new faces. 75 00:07:50,388 --> 00:07:54,225 The guys I knew were either gone or very different from what I remembered. 76 00:07:54,392 --> 00:07:57,144 I was a veteran of d-day and market garden, and had been... 77 00:07:57,311 --> 00:08:00,898 With the company since its formation, but now, because I had missed bastogne... 78 00:08:01,065 --> 00:08:05,236 I was treated as a replacement and felt like I was starting all over again. 79 00:08:05,403 --> 00:08:08,864 - Look who it is. Nice digs, huh, lip? - Yeah. 80 00:08:09,031 --> 00:08:11,284 - Sgt. Lipton? - Look what I found. 81 00:08:11,450 --> 00:08:14,620 - Feeling all right? - There you go. He's got pneumonia. 82 00:08:14,829 --> 00:08:15,830 I'm sorry to hear that. 83 00:08:15,997 --> 00:08:17,248 What are you sorry about? 84 00:08:17,415 --> 00:08:21,168 He's alive, he's got a couch, a goddamn blanket. He's snug as a bug. 85 00:08:21,586 --> 00:08:25,631 Sgt. Malarkey said to check with the co if I should be in 2nd platoon. 86 00:08:25,840 --> 00:08:29,385 Have a seat, Webster. We'll get you situated. 87 00:08:30,636 --> 00:08:33,222 How long have you been sick? 88 00:08:33,389 --> 00:08:35,349 Long enough. 89 00:08:37,059 --> 00:08:41,647 - He wants us to cross the river. - Yeah, I bet that water's cold. 90 00:08:41,856 --> 00:08:44,984 Should be able to get you some boats. 91 00:08:45,526 --> 00:08:50,698 Had to be a full moon. So much for the cover of darkness. 92 00:08:50,865 --> 00:08:53,367 It's gonna leave the patrol exposed. 93 00:08:56,495 --> 00:09:00,041 - Is this the company op for easy? - Yes, sir. 94 00:09:00,207 --> 00:09:03,878 As you were. It. Jones looking for capt. Speirs. 95 00:09:04,378 --> 00:09:07,506 He's on his way, sir. Why don't you sit down? 96 00:09:07,673 --> 00:09:10,009 Can you get me coffee? Would you like a coffee, sir? 97 00:09:10,176 --> 00:09:12,386 - No, thank you. - All right. 98 00:09:16,932 --> 00:09:18,934 What platoon are you in? 99 00:09:19,101 --> 00:09:21,437 We're about to find that out. 100 00:09:21,604 --> 00:09:25,524 - You got any soap? I need a shave. - I'll send some down. 101 00:09:25,691 --> 00:09:29,320 - Know what you'll do for this? Right. - I'm gonna let speirs handle it. 102 00:09:29,654 --> 00:09:33,074 Capt. Speirs, sir. This is it. Jones. 103 00:09:33,240 --> 00:09:34,492 Listen. For Christ sake. 104 00:09:34,659 --> 00:09:37,763 Will you go back in the back and sack out? There's beds back there with fresh sheets. 105 00:09:37,787 --> 00:09:41,624 I will, sir. Just trying to make myself useful, sir. 106 00:09:42,541 --> 00:09:43,793 Listen up. 107 00:09:45,336 --> 00:09:47,838 Regiment wants patrol for prisoners. 108 00:09:48,005 --> 00:09:51,634 This one comes straight from col. Sink, so it's not my idea. 109 00:09:51,801 --> 00:09:55,441 Since the river is the main line of resistance, we're gonna have to cross it to get to them. 110 00:09:55,471 --> 00:09:56,806 What do we need to do? 111 00:09:56,972 --> 00:10:00,267 There's a three-story building on the enemy side, up the embankment. 112 00:10:00,434 --> 00:10:02,395 We know it's occupied. You can have 15 men. 113 00:10:02,561 --> 00:10:05,481 Think very hard about who you want to lead the patrol. 114 00:10:05,648 --> 00:10:10,277 You'll need a lead scout, a translator. I've got the entire battalion on covering fire. 115 00:10:10,444 --> 00:10:12,571 - When? - Tonight. 0100. 116 00:10:12,738 --> 00:10:14,865 - Yes, sir. - Speirs? 117 00:10:15,032 --> 00:10:17,177 I want this one to be as foolproof and as safe as possible. 118 00:10:17,201 --> 00:10:21,789 Don't take any chances on this one. We're too far along for that. 119 00:10:21,956 --> 00:10:24,834 Speirs? I wanna discuss who might go. 120 00:10:25,000 --> 00:10:28,003 - Who are you? - It. Jones, sir. 121 00:10:28,170 --> 00:10:30,756 Right, our west pointer. 122 00:10:30,965 --> 00:10:33,175 - Yes, sir. - When did you graduate? 123 00:10:33,342 --> 00:10:34,552 June 6, sir. 124 00:10:34,719 --> 00:10:37,680 June 6? Of last year? 125 00:10:37,847 --> 00:10:39,890 D-Day, yes, sir. 126 00:10:41,142 --> 00:10:43,853 All right, don't get hurt. 127 00:10:44,019 --> 00:10:47,106 Sir, I'd like to volunteer for the patrol. 128 00:10:48,399 --> 00:10:51,026 - Speirs, talk to you in an hour. - Yeah. 129 00:10:51,485 --> 00:10:52,945 It. Jones. 130 00:10:53,112 --> 00:10:57,616 We're short on officers. You think a non-com could lead this? 131 00:10:57,783 --> 00:11:01,162 I can think of a few possibilities. 132 00:11:01,537 --> 00:11:03,456 Martin? Malarkey? Grant? 133 00:11:03,622 --> 00:11:05,666 Honestly, sir, most of the ncos could use a rest. 134 00:11:05,833 --> 00:11:08,919 Captain. Request permission to go on the patrol. 135 00:11:10,129 --> 00:11:12,339 There's your answer. 136 00:11:12,757 --> 00:11:15,968 No. You don't have any experience. 137 00:11:16,135 --> 00:11:18,846 - Report to 2nd platoon. - Yes, sir. 138 00:11:19,013 --> 00:11:20,347 Tell... 139 00:11:21,390 --> 00:11:24,810 Tell heffron, Ramirez and mcclung they're going. 140 00:11:25,019 --> 00:11:26,437 Yes, sir. 141 00:11:26,604 --> 00:11:28,689 Sir, this is pvt. Webster. 142 00:11:28,856 --> 00:11:31,484 Sir, I'm pvt. Webster from 1st platoon. 143 00:11:31,650 --> 00:11:34,236 I just got back from the hospital. 144 00:11:34,403 --> 00:11:37,364 It. Foley told me to go to 2nd, but sgt. Malarkey... 145 00:11:37,531 --> 00:11:41,327 - Fine, 2nd. Take... - It. Jones. 146 00:11:41,535 --> 00:11:44,622 Lieutenant. Op 2. 147 00:11:50,336 --> 00:11:51,837 Come on. 148 00:11:58,552 --> 00:12:03,098 - Are other officers in the platoon? - No, sir, just sgt. Malarkey. 149 00:12:03,265 --> 00:12:08,395 They tell me he's getting a battlefield commission. Maybe he'll be assisting you. 150 00:12:08,562 --> 00:12:11,607 Who's that? Webster? 151 00:12:11,774 --> 00:12:13,984 That's right. How you doing, sgt. Kiehn? 152 00:12:14,151 --> 00:12:15,820 - Hi, Webster. - Hi, sarge. 153 00:12:15,986 --> 00:12:20,115 - Look what we scrounged. We got spuds. - Is op 2 this way? 154 00:12:20,908 --> 00:12:23,577 Shit! Move! Go! 155 00:12:25,996 --> 00:12:27,998 Shit, they spotted us! 156 00:12:28,165 --> 00:12:30,209 - Is that it? - I don't know. I think so. 157 00:12:30,417 --> 00:12:32,711 Go! Go! Go! 158 00:12:36,340 --> 00:12:39,385 Come on! Get over here, get over here! 159 00:12:42,096 --> 00:12:44,181 All clear! All clear! 160 00:12:44,348 --> 00:12:45,933 Okay, okay. 161 00:12:54,733 --> 00:12:56,151 Ready? 162 00:12:57,361 --> 00:13:02,157 - Wait. It was heffron, mcclung and... - Ramirez. Come on. 163 00:13:05,119 --> 00:13:08,831 - Hey, guys, this taken? - Go ahead. 164 00:13:12,418 --> 00:13:17,882 Sergeant, this is it. Jones, just assigned to 2nd platoon. 165 00:13:18,048 --> 00:13:19,592 Platoon sgt. Malarkey. 166 00:13:19,758 --> 00:13:23,178 Congratulations on the battlefield commission. 167 00:13:23,762 --> 00:13:27,641 - The what? - They're making you an officer, no? 168 00:13:28,142 --> 00:13:31,645 Me? No. You must be thinking of 1st sgt. Lipton. 169 00:13:31,812 --> 00:13:35,900 My mistake. So you're without a platoon leader? 170 00:13:36,066 --> 00:13:38,861 Not anymore, lieutenant. 171 00:13:39,570 --> 00:13:41,030 Right. 172 00:13:44,950 --> 00:13:48,037 So you wanna introduce me to the men? 173 00:13:49,246 --> 00:13:54,293 Well, some are sleeping downstairs. The rest are right here. 174 00:13:58,672 --> 00:14:03,886 Sergeant, a patrol's being planned for tonight, 0100. Across the river. 175 00:14:04,053 --> 00:14:07,723 Regiment wants pows for interrogation. 176 00:14:08,223 --> 00:14:09,642 What's the situation? 177 00:14:09,808 --> 00:14:11,226 - Hey, web. - What? 178 00:14:11,393 --> 00:14:14,229 Come here. I wanna talk to you a second. 179 00:14:14,396 --> 00:14:15,606 Why? 180 00:14:15,773 --> 00:14:18,734 - You want some coffee? - No. 181 00:14:18,901 --> 00:14:21,236 - Fifteen. - Fifteen what? 182 00:14:21,403 --> 00:14:22,738 Looeys since d-day. 183 00:14:22,905 --> 00:14:25,407 - Any mortars? - 60s out back. 184 00:14:25,574 --> 00:14:27,952 - He out of high school? - West point. 185 00:14:28,118 --> 00:14:31,205 West point? Isn't that where ike went? 186 00:14:31,372 --> 00:14:35,793 - Yeah. He graduated with his son. - Shit. So... 187 00:14:37,586 --> 00:14:40,339 What do you know about this patrol thing? 188 00:14:40,506 --> 00:14:42,883 - Nothing. - Oh, come on. You gotta know something. 189 00:14:43,050 --> 00:14:45,719 - I don't. - Bullshit. 190 00:14:46,261 --> 00:14:49,848 You were there, right? At the op. This is a prisoner snatch, right? 191 00:14:50,015 --> 00:14:52,643 Hey, Chuck, listen to this. 192 00:14:53,227 --> 00:14:56,230 Come on, Webster. Spill it. 193 00:14:58,857 --> 00:15:02,361 Capt. Speirs is to pick 15 men. 194 00:15:02,528 --> 00:15:05,656 It. Jones wants to be one of them. 195 00:15:05,823 --> 00:15:09,076 Let the kid go. He could use the experience. 196 00:15:09,243 --> 00:15:12,329 Probably could find 14 replacements to help him out. 197 00:15:12,538 --> 00:15:16,125 I take it this was already an outpost when you arrived? 198 00:15:16,291 --> 00:15:19,420 There were some doggies from the 79th infantry, but they left in a hurry. 199 00:15:19,586 --> 00:15:24,258 - What's the report on enemy activity? - Expect some flares, a few mortars at night. 200 00:15:24,425 --> 00:15:25,968 Scattered 88s, snipers during the day. 201 00:15:26,135 --> 00:15:29,555 Yeah, we dodged some mortars on our way in. 202 00:15:31,557 --> 00:15:35,728 We also got some sort of railroad gun back there. 203 00:15:35,894 --> 00:15:40,983 Shells about the size of a deuce and a half. Sounds like a freight train. 204 00:15:41,150 --> 00:15:42,484 They haven't made any attempts... 205 00:15:42,651 --> 00:15:45,195 - To cross the river? - No. 206 00:15:45,487 --> 00:15:48,323 They have roofs over their heads, just like us. 207 00:15:48,490 --> 00:15:52,494 I don't think anybody wants to do anything stupid at this point. 208 00:15:52,661 --> 00:15:54,264 Why are you holding out on me? I know you know. 209 00:15:54,288 --> 00:15:55,622 Just give us the names, web. 210 00:15:55,789 --> 00:15:57,166 Who? 211 00:15:59,084 --> 00:16:04,965 There are three men here in this room that they think should be on the patrol. 212 00:16:06,300 --> 00:16:07,968 Who? 213 00:16:09,553 --> 00:16:12,890 If I tell you, you can't let on that you know. 214 00:16:13,057 --> 00:16:16,310 Your secret's safe, web. Who is it? 215 00:16:21,565 --> 00:16:24,651 - Yeah. Heffron. - Oh, shit! 216 00:16:24,818 --> 00:16:26,445 Mcclung. 217 00:16:29,573 --> 00:16:31,325 And you. 218 00:16:34,119 --> 00:16:36,038 He want any other guys from any other platoon? 219 00:16:36,205 --> 00:16:39,124 No. I don't know. Not that I know of. 220 00:16:39,333 --> 00:16:42,002 Look, that's all I know. I'm sorry. 221 00:16:42,419 --> 00:16:45,839 So it's mcclung, heffron and Ramirez? 222 00:16:46,882 --> 00:16:52,471 - I'll tell them, I just need you to... - Listen up! Got some bad news. 223 00:16:55,182 --> 00:16:59,019 There is a patrol set for tonight. And so far speirs wants mcclung... 224 00:16:59,186 --> 00:17:00,906 - We know. - Yeah, we've just fucking heard. 225 00:17:01,063 --> 00:17:03,232 Webster here told us. 226 00:17:05,192 --> 00:17:06,777 Easy white. 227 00:17:08,278 --> 00:17:09,696 Yep. 228 00:17:12,491 --> 00:17:15,369 Okay. All right. Out. 229 00:17:16,370 --> 00:17:20,374 The px rations just came in. Including winter shoepacs. 230 00:17:20,541 --> 00:17:22,793 - —Beautiful. - Yeah, finally, right? 231 00:17:22,960 --> 00:17:26,713 - Now we're in a nice, warm house. - Also, we got showers. 232 00:17:28,882 --> 00:17:31,260 All right! Let's move! Clear it out! 233 00:17:35,764 --> 00:17:37,307 Incoming! 234 00:17:37,474 --> 00:17:40,435 Come on, come on, come on, go! Get down, stay low. 235 00:17:52,406 --> 00:17:54,533 - You okay? - Yeah, I'm all right. 236 00:17:54,700 --> 00:17:56,326 Showers. Let's go. 237 00:18:06,336 --> 00:18:09,089 - Somebody's been hit! - Where? 238 00:18:10,257 --> 00:18:12,926 - What's happened? - Casualty! 239 00:18:13,218 --> 00:18:15,804 - Who is it? - Bill kiehn! 240 00:18:15,971 --> 00:18:20,434 I just left him. I was on my way back. 241 00:18:21,185 --> 00:18:24,438 In war, soldiers sometimes die in the fever pitch of a firefight... 242 00:18:24,605 --> 00:18:28,233 Or by artillery when they're huddled in a foxhole. 243 00:18:28,442 --> 00:18:30,485 Bill kiehn, a toccoa man, was killed because... 244 00:18:30,652 --> 00:18:34,364 He was carrying a sack of potatoes from one building into another. 245 00:18:34,531 --> 00:18:37,951 In the wrong place at the wrong time. 246 00:18:38,327 --> 00:18:41,997 He was dead before doc roe even heard the call for a medic. 247 00:18:42,164 --> 00:18:44,583 Get him out of here, will you? 248 00:18:44,875 --> 00:18:48,670 - Hey, let's go. Let's get out of here. - Yeah, okay. 249 00:18:54,218 --> 00:18:58,513 - Did you know him well? - No, not really. 250 00:19:16,573 --> 00:19:19,576 - Mcclung. - Thanks. 251 00:19:22,579 --> 00:19:24,289 Malarkey. 252 00:19:28,627 --> 00:19:35,092 Grant, Jackson, wynn, liebgott, powers and Webster. All right? 253 00:19:37,261 --> 00:19:39,930 2nd platoon, on me! 254 00:19:46,520 --> 00:19:49,189 All right, I'm leading this patrol. 255 00:19:50,315 --> 00:19:55,779 C.O. wants Grant, liebgott, wynn, Jackson... 256 00:19:55,946 --> 00:19:59,324 Shifty from 3rd platoon and Webster. 257 00:19:59,533 --> 00:20:01,618 - They want anyone from 1st? - No. 258 00:20:01,785 --> 00:20:04,538 Is there anyone they don't want from 2nd? 259 00:20:04,705 --> 00:20:07,457 That list sounds like everybody to me. 260 00:20:07,624 --> 00:20:09,376 It's always 2nd platoon. 261 00:20:09,543 --> 00:20:12,503 I swear to god, if we were down to three guys, they'd still want us for it. 262 00:20:12,587 --> 00:20:14,673 I can't believe they're gonna make malarkey lead it. 263 00:20:14,840 --> 00:20:18,010 Christ. He only lost his five best friends. What the fuck's he got to live for? 264 00:20:18,176 --> 00:20:22,180 Has it been a long time since your last shower, professor? 265 00:20:32,441 --> 00:20:35,986 - Come on. - Is it hot water or cold? 266 00:20:38,822 --> 00:20:41,950 - Come on. Hurry up, will you? - All right. 267 00:20:54,796 --> 00:20:59,092 - I guess I don't really need a shower. - I don't either. 268 00:20:59,593 --> 00:21:01,303 - Lieutenant? - Yeah? 269 00:21:01,470 --> 00:21:04,806 - You still wanna get your ods dirty? - Of course. 270 00:21:04,973 --> 00:21:07,351 I was just thinking. 271 00:21:07,976 --> 00:21:11,688 Sgt. Malarkey's really in no condition to be on this patrol. 272 00:21:11,855 --> 00:21:14,983 Maybe if you offered, you could go in his place. 273 00:21:15,150 --> 00:21:18,612 - Being that you are an officer. - No, they want someone with experience. 274 00:21:18,779 --> 00:21:21,615 The guys they picked have plenty of that. 275 00:21:28,622 --> 00:21:32,709 It. Jones wanted to experience combat before the war was over. 276 00:21:32,876 --> 00:21:34,516 Don malarkey had been on the frontlines... 277 00:21:34,628 --> 00:21:38,173 Every time easy company had seen action since d-day. 278 00:21:38,340 --> 00:21:41,134 If it was possible for them to switch places for the patrol... 279 00:21:41,301 --> 00:21:43,387 It would be a small moment of justice. 280 00:21:43,553 --> 00:21:47,474 As welcome as a hot shower and a fresh uniform. 281 00:21:47,641 --> 00:21:51,144 The decision, though, was not theirs to make. 282 00:21:53,146 --> 00:21:55,941 Goddamn it, Johnny, you're breaking my heart, I'm telling you. 283 00:21:56,149 --> 00:21:59,528 Come on, George. Just give me, I don't know, 10, 15 bars. 284 00:21:59,694 --> 00:22:00,987 Juicy fruit. Happy? 285 00:22:01,154 --> 00:22:03,740 Just got a report of movement. 1st sgt. Lipton... 286 00:22:03,907 --> 00:22:06,135 Wants you to lay a few bazooka rounds into a house across the river. 287 00:22:06,159 --> 00:22:08,096 You'd think we could get at least one hershey bar from the... 288 00:22:08,120 --> 00:22:10,330 Come on, Luz, you're 1st platoon at heart. 289 00:22:10,497 --> 00:22:12,833 - Jesus, Cobb, there's not enough. - Hershey bars! 290 00:22:12,999 --> 00:22:14,679 - Jesus Christ. - Wait your turn, liebgott. 291 00:22:14,793 --> 00:22:16,336 - Who they for? - Not you. 292 00:22:16,503 --> 00:22:20,173 - Oh, come on, George. One bar. - No, there's not enough to go around! 293 00:22:20,340 --> 00:22:23,218 - Is capt. Speirs here? - Down by the river, sir. 294 00:22:23,385 --> 00:22:26,263 Hey, bigmouth, give the kid a hershey bar. 295 00:22:26,430 --> 00:22:28,557 - You gotta be kidding me. - Look who it is. 296 00:22:28,723 --> 00:22:31,101 What's up, guys? I like what you did with the place, George. 297 00:22:31,268 --> 00:22:33,520 Yeah, yeah, yeah, I did good. How you feeling? 298 00:22:33,687 --> 00:22:35,540 As long as you keep your hands off my ass, I'll be fine. 299 00:22:35,564 --> 00:22:36,606 Have a hershey. 300 00:22:36,773 --> 00:22:38,413 - Thanks. - He gets a fucking hershey bar? 301 00:22:38,483 --> 00:22:40,068 He got shot in the ass. 302 00:22:40,235 --> 00:22:42,255 Did I tell you to stick your big ass out in the wind? 303 00:22:42,279 --> 00:22:44,215 No, but I expect a little sympathy from you, right? 304 00:22:44,239 --> 00:22:46,092 - I should rub it for you? - Get the fuck out of here. 305 00:22:46,116 --> 00:22:49,512 Can you believe this guy? Try to get him out of the fucking war, he comes straight back. 306 00:22:49,536 --> 00:22:52,539 Yeah, well, that's not what I heard. I heard the krauts are finished. 307 00:22:52,706 --> 00:22:56,793 Well, just to make sure, we gotta row across the fucking river tonight... 308 00:22:56,960 --> 00:22:59,754 Grab a few, and ask them in person. 309 00:22:59,921 --> 00:23:03,008 - Are you kidding me? - Wish I was. Welcome back, frank. 310 00:23:03,216 --> 00:23:07,095 Jesus. That reminds me, web. I need you to run these to op 2 for me. 311 00:23:07,262 --> 00:23:11,892 Grenade launchers for the night patrol. Any day now. There you go. 312 00:23:12,058 --> 00:23:14,370 - Hey, you know what? Send these too. - You been working out? 313 00:23:14,394 --> 00:23:18,190 Hey, hey, hey. Hear what happened on d company's patrol last night? 314 00:23:18,356 --> 00:23:21,234 Replacement lieutenant blew his foot off. Stepped on a schu-mine. 315 00:23:21,401 --> 00:23:24,988 Fresh in from west point. Had to come back empty-handed. 316 00:23:25,155 --> 00:23:27,491 No shit. Maybe he was a friend of yours, lieutenant. 317 00:23:27,657 --> 00:23:29,075 Hey, vest, what you got there? 318 00:23:29,242 --> 00:23:32,537 More hershey bars and lucky strikes for you rear Echelon fucks to hoard? 319 00:23:32,746 --> 00:23:34,831 Hey, hey, hey, Cobb, with the mouth, please. 320 00:23:34,998 --> 00:23:38,168 The kid's just trying to do his job, all right? Jesus chri... 321 00:23:38,335 --> 00:23:42,380 You know what, to hell with it. Count them up, vest. I gotta go blast this house. 322 00:23:42,547 --> 00:23:44,466 - You happy now? - Coming, perco? 323 00:23:44,633 --> 00:23:47,511 Make yourself useful. Watch this shit for me. Web, come with me. 324 00:23:47,677 --> 00:23:49,837 Sergeant, is capt. Speirs gonna be where you're headed? 325 00:23:49,930 --> 00:23:52,090 - Same vicinity, yeah. - All right. Then I'll join you. 326 00:23:52,140 --> 00:23:54,976 - Where we going? - To the house I gotta blast. 327 00:23:55,143 --> 00:23:59,940 - Will capt. Winters be with him? - Jesus. Look, I don't know. Maybe. 328 00:24:00,273 --> 00:24:02,543 - Then I'm coming too. - All right. Come on, guys. Please. 329 00:24:02,567 --> 00:24:04,367 I've been here all fucking day. Give me a bar. 330 00:24:04,444 --> 00:24:05,820 I'm supposed to watch these. 331 00:24:05,987 --> 00:24:09,282 Come on, you don't smoke cigarettes, damn it. I got a wounded ass. 332 00:24:09,866 --> 00:24:12,702 Did intelligence give you the information on the op? 333 00:24:12,953 --> 00:24:14,788 Third house on the left. 334 00:24:15,038 --> 00:24:17,799 As soon as our men are back in the boats, I want a quad 50 opening up. 335 00:24:17,958 --> 00:24:19,960 Captain winters? 336 00:24:20,168 --> 00:24:22,921 About the patrol. I feel that I should go on the patrol, sir. 337 00:24:23,171 --> 00:24:25,799 I know I could use the experience. 338 00:24:26,550 --> 00:24:28,802 Denied. Anything else? 339 00:24:29,803 --> 00:24:33,390 You're not gonna lead that patrol, lieutenant Jones. 340 00:24:36,893 --> 00:24:39,604 Permission to speak, sir. 341 00:24:42,357 --> 00:24:43,483 Go on, lieutenant. 342 00:24:43,650 --> 00:24:46,027 It looks like sergeant malarkey could use a break, sir. 343 00:24:46,319 --> 00:24:47,479 I've discussed it with him... 344 00:24:47,612 --> 00:24:51,032 And he said that he did not mind if I took his place on the patrol. 345 00:24:51,241 --> 00:24:53,118 That was nice of him. 346 00:24:55,620 --> 00:24:57,163 - Captain winters? - Yes. 347 00:24:57,414 --> 00:25:00,667 I'd really like to be on that patrol, sir. 348 00:25:00,917 --> 00:25:03,962 If it's true the krauts are finished... 349 00:25:04,212 --> 00:25:09,843 I haven't really done anything except deliver mail and type morning reports. 350 00:25:10,093 --> 00:25:14,180 - —Absolutely. - Thank you, captain. 351 00:25:16,141 --> 00:25:20,645 - He's got a point about sergeant malarkey. - Yeah, a point. 352 00:25:23,356 --> 00:25:27,777 Fine. You can go. There will be a briefing. Cp, 1700. 353 00:25:28,028 --> 00:25:29,613 Yes, sir. 354 00:25:31,990 --> 00:25:36,286 So who do you have in mind leading this thing, if not malarkey? 355 00:25:38,872 --> 00:25:42,751 Come on, he can't be leading. 356 00:25:44,377 --> 00:25:47,380 I'm not sure what they decided. 357 00:25:48,882 --> 00:25:53,178 No way. Not on his first day. 358 00:25:53,428 --> 00:25:56,723 Well, do you see any other officer here? 359 00:26:08,610 --> 00:26:12,155 - What? - They call you guys too? 360 00:26:12,405 --> 00:26:15,283 So who's in charge of this bullshit? 361 00:26:16,826 --> 00:26:18,244 No, he ain't. 362 00:26:18,411 --> 00:26:21,748 If he ain't, it's you, Chuck. Or shifty or mo. 363 00:26:21,998 --> 00:26:24,167 Well, that would be better. 364 00:26:24,417 --> 00:26:27,420 - Ten-hut! - Jesus. 365 00:26:27,671 --> 00:26:29,255 At ease. 366 00:26:32,425 --> 00:26:34,469 - Gentlemen. - Sir. 367 00:26:34,678 --> 00:26:39,307 As you can see, we've assembled 15 of you for this prisoner snatch tonight, 0100. 368 00:26:39,766 --> 00:26:44,479 Just a couple of points. We've secured four rubber boats to get you across the river. 369 00:26:44,729 --> 00:26:50,777 Lieutenant Jones here is the ranking officer. He'll be along as an observer. 370 00:26:51,027 --> 00:26:54,239 Sgt. Martin here will lead the patrol in sgt. Malarkey's place. 371 00:26:54,447 --> 00:26:57,075 The whole battalion will be covering your withdrawal. 372 00:26:57,242 --> 00:26:59,911 We've identified targets, planned fire. 373 00:27:00,078 --> 00:27:01,871 We hear these whistles, we open up. 374 00:27:02,038 --> 00:27:05,458 So don't blow them until you're back in the boats with your prisoners. 375 00:27:05,625 --> 00:27:07,460 And if the house turns out to be empty, sir? 376 00:27:07,627 --> 00:27:11,965 It won't, but in any case, we know it's an outpost and want it destroyed... 377 00:27:12,132 --> 00:27:14,509 So you'll have to lay some demo on a time delay. 378 00:27:14,676 --> 00:27:18,722 Move fast, but carefully. Put a perimeter around the house. 379 00:27:18,888 --> 00:27:21,117 Once that's in place, get your rifle grenades in the first-floor window... 380 00:27:21,141 --> 00:27:22,684 Get your assault team in quick. 381 00:27:22,976 --> 00:27:25,645 Good. Understood. Remember, it's about prisoners. 382 00:27:25,812 --> 00:27:28,273 Don't pop the first thing that moves. 383 00:27:28,523 --> 00:27:31,317 - Clear? - Yes, sir. 384 00:27:35,405 --> 00:27:37,323 Picked your assault team? 385 00:27:37,490 --> 00:27:43,705 Mcclung, sisk, Cobb, Garcia and Webster, as translator. 386 00:27:43,997 --> 00:27:48,168 The rest of you guys, a base of fire with sergeant Grant. 387 00:27:51,254 --> 00:27:56,676 - You speak German, right, Webster? - Yeah. A little bit. 388 00:27:56,926 --> 00:28:00,263 Good. That's my team, sir. 389 00:28:00,513 --> 00:28:04,142 - Questions? - No, sir. 390 00:28:04,392 --> 00:28:09,022 - Good. Good luck. - Thank you, sir. 391 00:28:09,230 --> 00:28:12,901 - Ten-hut! - As you were. Carry on! 392 00:28:17,155 --> 00:28:18,948 A little German? 393 00:28:20,074 --> 00:28:22,702 His German's as good as mine. 394 00:28:27,582 --> 00:28:31,669 - Here you go. You need this. - Thanks. 395 00:28:31,836 --> 00:28:36,341 Can you believe that guy? Webster. Tries to get out of everything. 396 00:28:36,549 --> 00:28:38,343 Whatever. 397 00:28:40,720 --> 00:28:44,474 - I want four men on each block. - I was thinking about... 398 00:28:44,641 --> 00:28:47,644 Four men to go in, four on the left flank... 399 00:28:47,811 --> 00:28:50,563 - Sir? Sir? - Yes? 400 00:28:50,772 --> 00:28:54,275 - Liebgott and I, we both speak German. - Yeah? 401 00:28:54,567 --> 00:28:58,613 You said 15. There are 16 of us, including two translators. 402 00:28:58,780 --> 00:29:02,700 Well, fine. Hey, liebgott. You wanna sit this one out? 403 00:29:02,867 --> 00:29:03,910 Yes, sir. 404 00:29:04,077 --> 00:29:08,206 - You wanna supervise 3 squads? - Thanks, buddy. 405 00:29:08,456 --> 00:29:11,584 - Thank you, sir. - Yeah. 406 00:29:13,169 --> 00:29:15,880 You men going on patrol... 407 00:29:16,089 --> 00:29:19,843 Nothing rattles, nothing shines, no helmets. 408 00:29:27,392 --> 00:29:29,227 Lieutenant? 409 00:29:36,526 --> 00:29:38,236 Thank you. 410 00:29:52,667 --> 00:29:54,669 You set for tonight? 411 00:29:55,545 --> 00:29:58,423 - I'm ready. - Those krauts are gonna catch some hell. 412 00:29:58,673 --> 00:30:00,466 So I hear. 413 00:30:02,260 --> 00:30:07,015 - I'm not personally going in. - Martin, right? 414 00:30:07,265 --> 00:30:12,645 Martin and mcclung. I'm supposed to stay in the rear and give them cover. 415 00:30:12,896 --> 00:30:14,898 It's the best place to be. 416 00:31:33,518 --> 00:31:35,395 Fifteen men crossing a river... 417 00:31:35,561 --> 00:31:39,315 To capture prisoners from a German observation post. 418 00:31:39,649 --> 00:31:43,987 Getting back safely could be successfully accomplished in as little as 10 minutes. 419 00:31:44,153 --> 00:31:47,323 The same mission could be met with disaster, and result in nothing more... 420 00:31:47,490 --> 00:31:51,536 Than 15 Americans killed or wounded in action. 421 00:31:51,744 --> 00:31:56,082 Those of us who had seen combat before put that out of our minds. 422 00:31:56,332 --> 00:32:01,671 Those who hadn't probably thought of little else as we waited for darkness. 423 00:32:34,495 --> 00:32:35,872 - Any problems? - No problems. 424 00:32:36,122 --> 00:32:39,876 It's secured to the tree. No sign of any ap mines. 425 00:32:40,126 --> 00:32:41,711 Let's go. 426 00:32:49,635 --> 00:32:51,512 Webster, come on. 427 00:33:05,151 --> 00:33:07,987 Keep it steady, keep it steady. 428 00:33:11,157 --> 00:33:14,327 Oh, shit. I can't swim! 429 00:33:14,577 --> 00:33:17,163 Garcia, grab sisk. 430 00:33:21,167 --> 00:33:25,713 Okay, keep going. Come on, stay focused. Come on, come on. 431 00:33:28,841 --> 00:33:32,595 Use the rope. Use the rope. Come on. 432 00:33:37,975 --> 00:33:39,477 Cutters. 433 00:33:45,608 --> 00:33:47,610 To the side. 434 00:33:48,361 --> 00:33:50,363 Let's go. Come on. 435 00:33:52,281 --> 00:33:54,075 Clear. 436 00:33:55,952 --> 00:33:58,454 Easy there. Clear. 437 00:34:14,387 --> 00:34:17,890 Powers, go! Go, mcclung. 438 00:34:23,563 --> 00:34:25,648 Mcclung, move up. 439 00:34:27,483 --> 00:34:30,403 In twos, up. 440 00:34:57,763 --> 00:35:00,808 Powers, wynn, secure the left flank. 441 00:35:01,058 --> 00:35:05,271 Lieutenant, take Grant and heffron, secure the right perimeter and the crossroads. 442 00:35:05,438 --> 00:35:09,567 Clear? Security out. Go. Move. 443 00:35:55,112 --> 00:35:57,323 Jackson, hold on! 444 00:35:58,199 --> 00:35:59,784 Let's go! 445 00:36:09,835 --> 00:36:12,672 Keep your hands up where I can see them! 446 00:36:14,340 --> 00:36:16,592 Keep those krauts quiet! 447 00:36:18,511 --> 00:36:20,054 Jackson. 448 00:36:21,013 --> 00:36:24,517 Vest, take care of him. Ramirez, watch vest. 449 00:36:24,725 --> 00:36:28,062 Let's go, Webster, let's go! Come on! 450 00:36:29,063 --> 00:36:31,565 - Check them for weapons. - Cover me! 451 00:36:31,816 --> 00:36:37,196 Keep those men quiet! Mcclung, cover him! 452 00:36:37,446 --> 00:36:39,365 Prime and Bury the charges! 453 00:36:39,532 --> 00:36:42,618 Shut up, you two! And pick him up. 454 00:36:42,868 --> 00:36:47,081 Mcclung, these two are gonna carry the wounded kraut. Webster, tell them! 455 00:36:48,416 --> 00:36:53,379 I said, shut up! Ramirez, pick up Jackson. We're moving out! 456 00:36:53,546 --> 00:36:57,049 Where are you going? You move! Everybody moves out on my command! 457 00:36:57,258 --> 00:36:59,260 Are you ready? Are you ready? 458 00:36:59,552 --> 00:37:03,222 Shut up, you! Come on! We all go together! 459 00:37:04,307 --> 00:37:08,144 Let's go! Move! Move out! Let's go! Move! Move! 460 00:37:09,729 --> 00:37:11,981 Webster, come on! 461 00:37:16,444 --> 00:37:20,364 Powers, fall back! We're moving out! 462 00:37:20,573 --> 00:37:23,784 Keep those prisoners' heads down. Keep moving! 463 00:37:23,951 --> 00:37:28,247 Wynn, fall back! We're moving out! Let's go! 464 00:37:30,374 --> 00:37:34,503 We're falling back! Covering fire! 465 00:37:38,132 --> 00:37:42,595 Heffron, I want you to fall back now! Let's go! 466 00:37:45,222 --> 00:37:48,309 Move! Get back to the boat! I'll cover! Go! 467 00:37:48,601 --> 00:37:51,020 Keep those men moving! 468 00:37:58,611 --> 00:38:01,947 Lieutenant, take the whistle! Let's go! 469 00:38:02,198 --> 00:38:06,827 - Go! Move it, Webster! Let's go! - Move! Let's go! 470 00:38:07,119 --> 00:38:09,163 Stay low, keep moving! 471 00:38:09,413 --> 00:38:14,960 Keep moving! Fall back to the boats now! Fall back! 472 00:38:16,045 --> 00:38:19,965 Jesus Christ, come on. Blow the goddamn whistle! 473 00:38:35,481 --> 00:38:38,234 Okay, get into the boats! Right now! 474 00:38:38,484 --> 00:38:41,862 Get in the boats, keep moving! Come on, move! 475 00:38:42,154 --> 00:38:45,032 I'm gonna shoot you, you fucking kraut! 476 00:38:45,241 --> 00:38:49,286 Shoot him, we'll have to come back for more. The boat, now! 477 00:38:49,453 --> 00:38:52,289 You get up, you kraut piece of shit! 478 00:38:55,292 --> 00:38:59,255 Into the boats! Quick, get in the boats! Come on! 479 00:38:59,505 --> 00:39:01,924 Let's go! Everyone in the boats! 480 00:39:02,174 --> 00:39:06,053 Let's get these boats in the water! Start pulling! 481 00:39:15,104 --> 00:39:17,940 You're okay, Jackson! 482 00:39:22,194 --> 00:39:24,405 Keep pulling! 483 00:39:29,493 --> 00:39:32,329 Keep going! Come on! 484 00:39:33,456 --> 00:39:35,708 Come on, perconte, let's go! 485 00:39:35,875 --> 00:39:39,044 - Where's the medic? - We're almost there. 486 00:39:39,295 --> 00:39:41,046 Get Jackson! 487 00:39:48,554 --> 00:39:51,724 Everybody off the boats! Let's go! 488 00:39:55,352 --> 00:39:57,354 Get cover! 489 00:39:58,397 --> 00:40:01,984 Wounded! We got wounded, come on! 490 00:40:02,234 --> 00:40:04,904 Get the krauts back there, shake them down! 491 00:40:05,154 --> 00:40:06,405 Move! Move! 492 00:40:06,614 --> 00:40:07,990 Mcclung! Mcclung! 493 00:40:08,240 --> 00:40:11,952 Get on to the company op, let them know what we got. 494 00:40:14,830 --> 00:40:16,081 Shut up! 495 00:40:16,999 --> 00:40:19,376 I can't do this! I can't do this! 496 00:40:19,543 --> 00:40:24,507 Webster, stay with him. Hey, shifty, watch vest! 497 00:40:24,757 --> 00:40:28,761 - I'm going to get a medic. Got this? - Yeah. 498 00:40:29,011 --> 00:40:31,138 Come on! 499 00:40:36,018 --> 00:40:37,269 Get his legs. 500 00:40:37,478 --> 00:40:43,275 Listen to me. You have to calm down or we can't help you. Settle down. 501 00:40:43,442 --> 00:40:44,485 He's gonna die! 502 00:40:44,652 --> 00:40:46,695 Jackson, look at me. Don't listen to him. 503 00:40:46,862 --> 00:40:50,574 Look at me, you'll be fine. Everything's gonna be okay. 504 00:40:53,953 --> 00:40:57,831 Keep still. Be calm, buddy. Everything's fine. 505 00:40:58,040 --> 00:40:59,542 Goddamn it! 506 00:40:59,708 --> 00:41:04,713 No! You'll jeopardize the battalion! The battalion needs them. 507 00:41:05,005 --> 00:41:07,633 Stay against the wall! 508 00:41:08,092 --> 00:41:10,344 Watch what you're doing! 509 00:41:10,553 --> 00:41:14,139 We won't get more prisoners because you killed one! 510 00:41:14,390 --> 00:41:16,725 - Private! Listen to me, private! - He's gonna fucking die! 511 00:41:16,892 --> 00:41:18,394 Hey, sit down! 512 00:41:18,644 --> 00:41:20,622 Jackson, stay calm. The medic is coming. They're on their way. 513 00:41:20,646 --> 00:41:26,026 - Where the fuck is the medic? - The doctor's on his way. 514 00:41:26,318 --> 00:41:27,653 You'll be okay. 515 00:41:27,861 --> 00:41:30,614 All right. Doc's here. You're okay. 516 00:41:30,864 --> 00:41:35,828 All right, Jackson, take it easy. Okay. Okay. Okay. 517 00:41:36,412 --> 00:41:39,748 Light. I need some light. Give me some light. 518 00:41:40,457 --> 00:41:45,838 All right, look at the flame. Look at the flame. Okay, that's good. 519 00:41:49,008 --> 00:41:50,986 All right, let's get him out of here. Let's get him out of here. 520 00:41:51,010 --> 00:41:55,931 - Help the doc move him. - I don't wanna die! 521 00:41:56,098 --> 00:41:59,184 - It's okay. - Let's get him out of here. 522 00:41:59,435 --> 00:42:03,147 - Hey, take it easy. - I don't wanna die, please help me. 523 00:42:03,397 --> 00:42:06,900 Hey, it's okay. It's all right. You're all right. 524 00:42:07,151 --> 00:42:11,030 - Jackson? - God! Oh, my god! 525 00:42:11,280 --> 00:42:15,451 Jackson, you are not gonna die. I need you to hang on. 526 00:42:15,701 --> 00:42:17,703 Jackson? 527 00:42:56,575 --> 00:42:59,036 Eugene Jackson was 20 years old. 528 00:42:59,286 --> 00:43:03,165 He'd lied about his age when he joined the army at 16. 529 00:43:03,415 --> 00:43:06,960 His family, I'm sure, got a telegram from the war department... 530 00:43:07,127 --> 00:43:11,882 Saying he died a hero on an important mission that would help win the war. 531 00:43:12,049 --> 00:43:17,054 In fact, Eugene lost his life on a stretcher in a dank basement in haguenau... 532 00:43:17,304 --> 00:43:21,517 Crying out in agony while his friends looked on helplessly. 533 00:43:21,684 --> 00:43:27,356 He was just one more casualty in a war that was supposed to be all but over. 534 00:43:29,066 --> 00:43:32,152 Did they put that in the report on the Ada? 535 00:43:32,319 --> 00:43:35,948 We're working on it. How long are you keeping the quad 50? 536 00:43:36,115 --> 00:43:39,660 When they want it back, I'll hand it over. 537 00:43:45,374 --> 00:43:51,755 Keep moving. Go on. Get up on the truck. Up, up. 538 00:43:52,798 --> 00:43:54,091 Status? 539 00:43:54,341 --> 00:43:58,679 Private Jackson took a grenade frag rushing the enemy op. 540 00:43:58,971 --> 00:44:03,976 - It was his own grenade. - He died of his wounds, sir. 541 00:44:04,226 --> 00:44:07,896 - Any others? - No, sir. 542 00:44:11,483 --> 00:44:14,903 Well executed. It's not your fault. 543 00:44:17,489 --> 00:44:19,658 Talk to your men. 544 00:44:20,826 --> 00:44:23,620 - Carry on. - Thanks, sir. 545 00:44:48,145 --> 00:44:50,773 We heard you got two prisoners. 546 00:44:52,941 --> 00:44:54,777 Good work. 547 00:44:55,611 --> 00:44:58,071 Jackson's dead. 548 00:44:58,781 --> 00:45:01,033 Yeah, we heard. 549 00:45:03,118 --> 00:45:06,413 Yeah, well, they want another patrol tonight. 550 00:45:29,353 --> 00:45:31,271 What are you doing, Cobb? 551 00:45:31,563 --> 00:45:34,566 You leave someone on the bank? 552 00:45:36,109 --> 00:45:38,946 Yeah. Yeah, we did. 553 00:45:39,196 --> 00:45:43,575 It's the third prisoner that was too far gone to bring back. 554 00:45:43,784 --> 00:45:46,703 Maybe we should put him out of his misery. 555 00:45:46,954 --> 00:45:51,458 - Fuck his misery. - I can't listen to it anymore. 556 00:46:02,845 --> 00:46:05,931 - Sir, you want a cigarette? - Yeah. 557 00:46:07,349 --> 00:46:11,103 - Who's got a light? - Here. Hang on, sir. 558 00:46:16,733 --> 00:46:18,777 Twenty-two. 559 00:46:21,321 --> 00:46:24,199 What are you looking at, Webster? 560 00:46:28,245 --> 00:46:33,166 Yeah. That's what I thought, college boy. 561 00:46:35,127 --> 00:46:36,962 Are you drunk, trooper? 562 00:46:37,212 --> 00:46:41,341 - Leave me alone. - Answer the question. 563 00:46:41,633 --> 00:46:45,304 Yes, sir. I am drunk, sir. 564 00:46:45,554 --> 00:46:51,560 Drunk, sick and tired of fucking patrols, taking orders... 565 00:46:51,810 --> 00:46:56,356 Hey, Cobb. Shut up. It's boring, okay? 566 00:46:56,648 --> 00:46:59,443 Taking his side, Johnny? 567 00:47:02,654 --> 00:47:05,824 Yeah, I am. 568 00:47:30,807 --> 00:47:32,601 So he knows we lost a man? 569 00:47:32,768 --> 00:47:36,772 Yeah, he knows. He also knows you picked up two prisoners who talked. 570 00:47:36,939 --> 00:47:42,861 - —About what? - Ob, supply trouble, Hitler's favorite color. 571 00:47:43,028 --> 00:47:45,113 I don't know. None of it gets us across the river. 572 00:47:45,280 --> 00:47:47,407 What's the point? 573 00:47:49,785 --> 00:47:51,787 Honestly? 574 00:47:51,995 --> 00:47:57,000 Sink's been on the phone all day, bragging it up. I think he's just showing off now. 575 00:47:57,209 --> 00:47:59,211 I don't know, dick. I don't know what to tell you. 576 00:47:59,378 --> 00:48:02,714 You gave him a successful patrol, now he wants two. 577 00:48:02,881 --> 00:48:04,341 Successful. 578 00:48:04,508 --> 00:48:10,347 Sir, the men are mustered. If you want me to brief them, I'm gonna. 579 00:48:11,056 --> 00:48:14,226 It's the same roster as last night. 580 00:48:14,643 --> 00:48:17,437 Well, mostly. 581 00:48:20,232 --> 00:48:22,651 - Evening, gents. - Evening, colonel. 582 00:48:22,859 --> 00:48:24,736 At ease. 583 00:48:29,241 --> 00:48:32,661 You all did a damn fine job on a tough mission last night. 584 00:48:32,828 --> 00:48:37,249 I wish you good luck tonight, because I'll be expecting more of the same. 585 00:48:37,416 --> 00:48:40,419 - Have you briefed the men? - Just on our way. 586 00:48:40,669 --> 00:48:45,257 Make damn sure you remind them how proud I am of what they did. 587 00:48:45,465 --> 00:48:47,467 Yes, sir. 588 00:48:52,139 --> 00:48:54,975 So I'll brief them now, sir? 589 00:48:56,935 --> 00:49:01,690 No. No, I'll do it. 590 00:49:10,282 --> 00:49:12,409 Sarge, they're on their way in. 591 00:49:17,789 --> 00:49:20,625 - Martin. - Sir. 592 00:49:20,876 --> 00:49:25,630 - At ease. This everybody, Grant? - Sir. 593 00:49:29,468 --> 00:49:32,929 You men did an excellent job last night. 594 00:49:33,430 --> 00:49:35,974 I'm proud. 595 00:49:36,725 --> 00:49:38,977 I'm proud. I just saw colonel sink. He's proud too. 596 00:49:39,144 --> 00:49:43,148 In fact, he's so proud he wants you to do another patrol across the river tonight. 597 00:49:47,819 --> 00:49:51,490 Any moment now, the outpost we hit last night will go up in flames. 598 00:49:51,698 --> 00:49:52,949 - Martin? - Yes, sir. 599 00:49:53,116 --> 00:49:55,452 Means we'd have to venture farther into town this time. 600 00:49:55,619 --> 00:49:57,537 Captain speirs, you have the map, please. 601 00:49:57,746 --> 00:50:00,248 Yeah. Sergeant Grant? 602 00:50:03,668 --> 00:50:06,713 We have enemy movement here and here. 603 00:50:06,963 --> 00:50:10,092 Which means this is our new house target here. 604 00:50:10,258 --> 00:50:11,718 We recovered all the boats. 605 00:50:11,885 --> 00:50:14,325 So we'll be setting off from the same place we did last night. 606 00:50:14,429 --> 00:50:17,349 We're not changing the plan any, sir? 607 00:50:19,518 --> 00:50:22,354 No. The plan is the same. 608 00:50:24,439 --> 00:50:28,401 It will be 0200 hours instead of 0100. 609 00:50:28,652 --> 00:50:31,780 - Is that clear? - Yes, sir. 610 00:50:32,030 --> 00:50:38,537 Okay. Good. Because I want you all to get a full night's sleep tonight. 611 00:50:40,789 --> 00:50:45,627 Which means in the morning, you will report to me that you made it across the river... 612 00:50:45,877 --> 00:50:48,213 Into German lines... 613 00:50:49,381 --> 00:50:53,009 But were unable to secure any live prisoners. 614 00:50:59,391 --> 00:51:03,436 - Understand? - Yes, sir. 615 00:51:08,775 --> 00:51:14,072 Look sharp for tomorrow. We're moving off the line. 616 00:51:16,032 --> 00:51:18,368 Did I fucking hear that right? 617 00:51:20,412 --> 00:51:23,456 Moving off the line! 618 00:51:33,300 --> 00:51:35,552 It's a whole new way to fight a war. 619 00:51:35,719 --> 00:51:40,390 Don't bother writing this up. I'll take care of it. I might actually enjoy it. 620 00:51:40,557 --> 00:51:43,268 I think you might be onto something... 621 00:51:45,478 --> 00:51:47,230 Lieutenant Jones. 622 00:51:47,480 --> 00:51:49,733 - Sir. - Join us at the company op. 623 00:52:01,703 --> 00:52:03,788 - First sergeant lipton? - Sir. 624 00:52:03,955 --> 00:52:06,917 Your honorable discharge as an enlisted man... 625 00:52:07,083 --> 00:52:08,501 Just keep them coming, Luz. 626 00:52:08,668 --> 00:52:10,771 And your battlefield commission as a second lieutenant. 627 00:52:10,795 --> 00:52:12,964 - What do we have here, boys? - Hey, pal. 628 00:52:13,131 --> 00:52:15,050 - Congratulations, cannood. - Thank you, sir. 629 00:52:15,300 --> 00:52:18,511 - Lip, congratulations. - Thanks. 630 00:52:19,554 --> 00:52:21,765 Thank you. Welcome back, sir. 631 00:52:21,973 --> 00:52:26,478 - Hey, that's Harry to you. Congratulations. - Harry, I didn't expect you this soon. 632 00:52:26,686 --> 00:52:29,246 I figured you'd be nursing that scratch for another month or two. 633 00:52:29,356 --> 00:52:31,858 Did you miss me, Lewis? 634 00:52:32,776 --> 00:52:37,530 It. Jones. Regiment has seen fit to promote you to first lieutenant. 635 00:52:37,781 --> 00:52:40,200 They want you on staff up there. 636 00:52:40,408 --> 00:52:42,494 Don't go far with that. 637 00:52:45,914 --> 00:52:50,835 - Congratulations and good luck. - Thank you, sir. 638 00:52:52,045 --> 00:52:54,381 Dismissed. 639 00:52:55,340 --> 00:52:58,551 I guess you lost another platoon leader, huh, web? 640 00:53:04,057 --> 00:53:06,268 So a second patrol never happened. 641 00:53:06,434 --> 00:53:11,314 Word was captain Nixon wrote up a bogus report, and regiment never got wise. 642 00:53:11,523 --> 00:53:14,359 As we pulled out of haguenau, many of us in easy company... 643 00:53:14,526 --> 00:53:20,532 Felt that a corner had been turned and we all might make it home alive. 644 00:53:20,740 --> 00:53:23,201 We'll know more as soon as we get closer to the line. 645 00:53:23,451 --> 00:53:30,041 Oh, before I forget. Col. Sink's a bit unhappy with the appearance of your uniform. 646 00:53:30,250 --> 00:53:33,586 He says it's not befitting to your rank. 647 00:53:39,926 --> 00:53:41,928 Oak leaves. 648 00:53:43,471 --> 00:53:45,890 Congratulations, major. 649 00:53:48,226 --> 00:53:50,061 Gentlemen, we're ready. 650 00:53:58,987 --> 00:54:00,905 I'll drive. 651 00:54:01,823 --> 00:54:04,242 - Sergeant malarkey. - Good luck, sir. 652 00:54:07,996 --> 00:54:10,540 - Sergeant Martin. - Yeah, lieutenant? 653 00:54:10,707 --> 00:54:13,668 - Good work. - Thanks, sir. Good to have you along. 654 00:54:39,444 --> 00:54:40,945 Here. 655 00:54:56,127 --> 00:54:57,879 I wondered if people back home... 656 00:54:58,046 --> 00:55:01,132 Would ever know what it cost the soldiers to win this war. 657 00:55:01,299 --> 00:55:04,761 In america, things were already beginning to look like peacetime. 658 00:55:04,928 --> 00:55:09,265 The standard of living was on the rise, racetracks and nightclubs were booming. 659 00:55:09,432 --> 00:55:13,895 You couldn't get a hotel room in Miami beach, it was so crowded. 660 00:55:15,647 --> 00:55:18,775 How could anyone ever know of the price paid by soldiers... 661 00:55:18,942 --> 00:55:20,944 In terror, agony and bloodshed... 662 00:55:21,152 --> 00:55:27,158 If they'd never been to places like normandy, bastogne or haguenau?